Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Lieutenant Andrews was a Human security officer in Starfleet, who served on the USS Voyager.

In 2384, he served aboard the USS Dauntless as a security officer. Their name was listed with other crew members on an information panel in the ship's transporter room. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 1")

In an alternate timeline, in 2371, Chakotay entered the bridge and Andrews was called to take him into custody (as they believed him to be in the Maquis). He then followed Chakotay and the captain into the captain's ready room, where Chakotay was able to take Captain Janeway hostage, and took her out into the coridor. Andrews said "Let her go", but they disappeared as they walked past a bulkhead. Captain Janeway yelled "Andrews!", but being in a different time period, he couldn't hear or see her. Andrews then called the bridge for assistance, and told them to scan the area, but not to go past the bulkhead the Captain disappeared behind. (VOY: "Shattered")

Background info[]

Andrews was played by Terrell Clayton.

According to the script notes from the 5 October 2000 final draft for "Shattered", Andrews was originally scripted as Rollins, who was described as a security officer. Rollins was changed to Andrews by the 28 November 2000 revision of the final draft. The Star Trek: Voyager Companion, p. 453 states his rank and "affiliation" as unknown.

A clear view of the information panel bearing his name was provided by Dominique Rossier of Wardenlight Studio. [1]

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