
"I'm just gonna smash anything that attacks us on the continent. You take care of the difficult stuff until we get there."

— Kanzai to the other Zodiacs in "Options"

Kanzai (カンザイ, Kanzai) is a Treasure Hunter[1] and member of the Zodiacs under the codename "Tiger" ((とら), Tora).[2] He is part of the Defense Team, created in preparation for the voyage to the Dark Continent.[1]


139 - Kanzai back view

Back view of Kanzai

Kanzai is a lean man of average height with a tiger-like appearance. His hair is spiky with orange and black tiger-like stripes, which is pulled into a pony tail (which also resembles a tiger's tail). His teeth are razor-sharp and has sports black stripes on his face. Kanzai wears a yellow baseball uniform, with his name printed on the back. He is also relatively shorter than most of the other male Zodiacs.


Kanzai is very short-tempered and is always seen arguing with those around him. He is often impulsive but can also be quite humorous.[2] He is ignorant about information even a child would know. For example, he doesn't know who King Nasubi is, while 99% of the elementary school children know about him or what is a Dark Continent,[3] to the point he does not remember the kanji for "election".[2] Although he is aware of this, it drives him wroth to be mocked at, such as when Pariston mocks him for his limited vocabulary and math skill. At times, he displays a childlike behavior: for instance, he reacts with anger and fear at Mizaistom's announcement that a spy is likely hiding in the Zodiacs. He has low opinions on people like Hisoka, whom he calls with disdain a "murderer"; he even wonders why someone like him could have any interest in the president's election.


13th Hunter Chairman Election arc[]

The Zodiacs

The Zodiacs arrive

After the death of Chairman Netero, Kanzai, along with the other Zodiacs, are called to vote for a new Hunter Association Chairman.[4] As all of the Zodiacs (minus the Rat) all gather in a private room, while waiting for the Rat Pariston Hill to hold a meeting on which how to approach the previous Chairman's final will. As the Zodiacs wait the Dragon Botobai Gigante proclaims his displeasure of why the Chairman didn't call upon the Zodiacs for the Chimera Ant crisis, as Kanzai agrees with Botobai and shows annoyance at Morel Mackernasey and Knov for going instead. The Dog Cheadle Yorkshire points out that Botobai wanted to fight the Chimera Ants himself and Kanzai is making up excuses for out of jealousy of the two Hunters. Pariston finally arrives and instantly takes control of the situation annoying Kanzai.[2]

Zodiac Twelve angry

The Zodiacs' reaction to Pariston's proposal

Without wasting any time, Pariston declares his candidacy for Chairman and suggests they skip the election, which aggravates the other Zodiacs causing them to become hostile towards Pariston. Though after some altercations, involving Pariston, Mizaistom Nana the Ox, and Ging Freecss the Boar; Pariston suggests they decide on a systematic way of announcing the candidacy process. As Pariston proposes the offer, Mizaistom and Kanzai both think that they're going into Pariston's pace. So Cheadle suggests the process should be decided by a lottery and the winner shall have his/her rules be used for the election. As the Zodiacs all write their own set of rules to be used in the Lottery, Kanzai flounders after being unable to even spell "election" correctly. Later Beans is chosen to draw the lottery and picks Ging's.[2]

List and Dwun taking part in the election

As Beans reads off Ging's rules he along with the other Zodiacs contemplate how Ging's set of rules are as tricky as Pariston's, but are completely different and after hearing the 4th rule Kanzai along with Cluck the Chicken refute the rule, claiming it's asinine. Ging, however, argues the rule makes the election more fun. This makes Kanzai and Cluck think that he only thinks for his own entertainment and become agitated that there's a 5th rule and what it's for, but after Pariston's reasoning Ging nulls out rule 5 much to the Zodiacs dismay. On August 8th midnight, Kanzai along with Pyon the Rabbit and Ginta the Ram oversee the voting process for the first round of the 13th Hunter Chairman Election. During the voting process, Hisoka appears seemingly wanting to vote and rates Kanzai with 85 points. Kanzai amazed that Hisoka wants to be a part of the election, but is annoyed by his response that he really doesn't care and is simply looking for Ging, who isn't there. Saddened by the news Hisoka sits by the voting table, much to Kanzai's annoyance. When the results come in for the First Election, Kanzai places in 21st place.[5]

Other Zodiacs stopping Kanzai

Kanzai stopped by the other Zodiacs after Pariston mocks him about his limited vocabulary and math skill

After the second round of the election in which Kanzai shares 16th place along with Knov, a meeting is held with all of the Zodiacs. During the meeting, Kanzai tries to argue with Pariston, but the Rat disparages the Tiger's lack of intelligence, instigating Kanzai to attack Pariston. He is however blocked off by Mizaistom, Ginta, Saiyu the Monkey, and Gel the Snake.[6] In the third round, Kanzai shares 16th place again with Knov. After another meeting is held it's learned that there was an increase in absentee voters. Kanzai bothered by this later argues with Pariston about the Hunters that missed voting twice will have their Hunter Licenses revoked. To this matter however, Pariston argues against it and suggests that the Zodiacs should hold a lecture on the importance of voting in the election.[7]

Zodiacs - 146

The Zodiacs surprised by the outcome

During the lecture held by the Zodiacs in the Hunter Association auditorium, Kanzai is seen sitting next to Ging and is shocked, witnessing Ging sent flying in the air by a remote punch from Leorio Paradinight. The audience impressed by this all vote and while it's not known what place Kanzai took, he was ultimately eliminated from the fourth round for not making the top 16.[8] After the eighth round Pariston holds an emergency motion about the 10th Bylaw and agitated by this Kanzai confronts Pariston over it and argues that the Zodiacs all agree that the Bylaws are absolute. However the Horse Saccho and Cheadle both think what Kanzai has done was foolish; Pariston then explains his reason for bringing it up was not as a Zodiac member, but as the Vice Chairman and now was the perfect time to bring up the topic now that Cheadle and Mizaistom are gone. Kanzai cringes to this and backs off.[9] When Pariston announces that he's stepping down as chairman after becoming chairman, he leaves Kanzai along with the other Zodiacs flabbergasted.[10]

Dark Continent Expedition arc[]

The Zodiacs discover a video from Netero which discusses the appearance of Beyond Netero and his claim of being Isaac Netero's son. In the video, the late Chairman Netero explains that the Zodiacs have to hunt Beyond Netero down.[11] Later, the Zodiacs move on to discuss their plans of actions. Kanzai complains about the bad timing of the appearance. While Saiyu opens the idea of the Zodiacs opposing Beyond's hunt, Kanzai states that the competition should be fair. The discussion is interrupted when they receive a call from Beyond Netero himself. The Zodiacs meet up with him in person, and Beyond instructs them to contact the V5 and proposes a "give and take" with them.[12] During Cheadle's interview to Beyond Netero, Kanzai gets confused about the conversation, and Saccho explains to him that the Hunter Association will have a free ticket to the Dark Continent in exchange for Beyond. Kanzai asks again about the planned departure, and Gel is forced to explain things to him again.[3] Later, Kanzai witnesses Beyond signing the contract with the terms the Hunter Association has set.[13]

Chap 346 - Kanzai Defense

Kanzai being assigned to the Defense Team

Cheadle summons a meeting to introduce the new Boar and Rat, and she starts explaining about the V6, the Five Threats, the difficulty of the mission, which is A, whereas the Chimera Ants were ranked B, and asks if anyone has any questions. Kurapika raises his hand, saying he has many. The first is how many infiltrators on Netero's side the Zodiacs have managed to identify, much to everyone's shock. Kanzai asks him how he would know that, and Kurapika is surprised, as he thought it obvious. But Mizaistom quickly asks Kurapika to talk outside the meeting room where he explains to the younger Zodiac about the situation and asks him to keep his theory to himself for the time being. Afterward, the Zodiacs sum up their preparations for the journey. Kanzai declaring that he will take care of those who attack them in the Dark Continent, so he leaves the hard stuff to the others until landing. Kanzai is assigned to the Defense Team.[1]

Chap 348 - Kanzai and Mizai

Kanzai glares at Mizaistom

When Mizaistom calls a new meeting, Kanzai is baffled by the news and prepares to throw a tantrum, asking many times how he can be sure. Mizaistom confesses that he himself would have helped Beyond had he met him before watching the chairman’s video and that not even watching it afterward would have changed his decision, all to demonstrate it is not treachery, but simply a matter of what came first. He then repeats his question and proceeds to explain his power. He concludes by saying he has made it his mission to find out who is there under different pretenses, stating it is a matter of resolve. Kanzai calms down and agrees to reveal his power. However, unbeknownst to him, Kurapika is using his dowsing to determine who is lying, and he is revealed to be innocent.[14]

Succession Contest arc[]

Chap 359 - Beyond in his cell

Kanzai with Saccho and Saiyu watching over Beyond

When the Black Whale finally sets sail, Kanzai, Saccho, and Saiyu stand guard over Beyond's cell. Kanzai comments that having three Zodiacs watching Netero is a waste of personnel, prompting a sneering remark from Saiyu and responding in kind.[15]

Abilities & Powers[]

Being a member of the Zodiacs, Kanzai has a high level of authority in the Hunter Association. The fact he served as Netero's sparring partner and that he deemed himself stronger than Morel and Knov should imply he is a powerful fighter and Nen user.[2] During the first round of the Chairman Election, Hisoka rates Kanzai's overall strength as an 85, a score superior to most pro Hunters.[5] On the other hand, it is evident that he lacks both intelligence and knowledge, leading some of the other Zodiacs to question how he ever managed to become a Hunter.

Manga Appearances[]

Chimera Ant arc
186. The Queen Absent
187. The Beast Fodder Absent
188. NGL Absent
189. Infiltration Absent
190. The Hunt Absent
191. Pros Absent
192. Human Dog Absent
193. Scissors Absent
194. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 1 Absent
195. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 2 Absent
196. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 3 Absent
197. vs. Hagya's Squad: Part 4 Absent
198. Sudden Attack Absent
199. Light and Shadow Absent
200. Stipulation Absent
201. Reunion Absent
202. Duel Absent
203. Gyro Absent
204. Gyro's Story Absent
205. Time Remaining Absent
206. A Real Fight Absent
207. Weakness: Part 1 Absent
208. Weakness: Part 2 Absent
209. ? Absent
210. Weakness: Part 3 Absent
211. Loan Shark Absent
212. Water Breaking Absent
213. Birth Absent
214. Results Absent
215. Last Words Absent
216. Republic of East Gorteau Absent
217. Meat Orchard Absent
218. Confession Absent
219. Awakening Absent
220. Reunion: Part 1 Absent
221. Reunion: Part 2 Absent
222. Reunion: Part 3 Absent
223. 10: Part 1 Absent
224. 10: Part 2 Absent
225. 10: Part 3 Absent
226. 10: Part 4 Absent
227. 10: Part 5 Absent
228. 10: Part 6 Absent
229. 10: Part 7 Absent
230. 9: Part 1 Absent
231. 9: Part 2 Absent
232. 9: Part 3 Absent
233. 9: Part 4 Absent
234. 9: Part 5 Absent
235. 8: Part 1 Absent
236. 8: Part 2 Absent
237. 8: Part 3 Absent
238. 8: Part 4 Absent
239. 8: Part 5 Absent
240. 8: Part 6 Absent
241. 8: Part 7 Absent
242. 7: Part 1 Absent
243. 7: Part 2 Absent
244. 6: Part 1 Absent
245. 6: Part 2 Absent
246. 6: Part 3 Absent
247. 6: Part 4 Absent
248. 6: Part 5 Absent
249. 6: Part 6 Absent
250. 6: Part 7 Absent
251. 6: Part 8 Absent
252. 6: Part 9 Absent
253. 6: Part 10 Absent
254. 6: Part 11 Absent
255. 5: Part 1 to 2: Part 1 Absent
256. 2: Part 2 Absent
257. 1: Part 1 Absent
258. 1: Part 2 Absent
259. 1: Part 3 Absent
260. 1: Part 4 Absent
261. Charge: Part 1 Absent
262. Charge: Part 2 Absent
263. Charge: Part 3 Absent
264. Charge: Part 4 Absent
265. Charge: Part 5 Absent
266. "In the Unlikely Event Of..." Absent
267. Activation Absent
268. The King Absent
269. Adversity Is a Good Thing Absent
270. Indebted To Absent
271. Separation Absent
272. Error Absent
273. We Meet Again Absent
274. Solution Absent
275. Promise Absent
276. Missileman Absent
277. Insult Absent
278. Destruction Absent
279. Escape Absent
280. Direct Hit Absent
281. Godspeed Absent
282. Sealed Area Absent
283. Determination Absent
284. Fifteen Minutes Absent
285. Doubles Absent
286. Core Absent
287. Present State Absent
288. Accolade Absent
289. Terms Absent
290. Name Absent
291. Soliloquy Absent
292. Hidden Agenda Absent
293. Metamorphosis Absent
294. Breakdown Absent
295. Determination Absent
296. Admission Absent
297. The Last Absent
298. Rose Absent
299. Regeneration Absent
300. Insurance Absent
301. Memory Absent
302. Target Absent
303. Pain Absent
304. Magic Absent
305. Sorry Absent
306. Relief Absent
307. Loss Absent
308. Flash Absent
309. Game Absent
310. Action Absent
311. Deadline Absent
312. Resolve Absent
313. One Word Absent
314. Persuasion Absent
315. Home Absent
316. Real Name Absent
317. Answer Absent
318. Final Will Debut
13th Hunter Chairman Election arc
319. Lottery Appears
320. Voting Appears
321. Monster Appears
322. Siblings Absent
323. Job Offer Appears
324. Butler Absent
325. Joining the Fray Appears
326. Open Hostilities Pictured
327. Riddle Absent
328. Arrangements Absent
329. Spy Absent
330. Confession Absent
331. Day of Reckoning Absent
332. Applause Absent
333. Rumble Absent
334. Total Defeat Appears
335. Decision Appears
336. Release Absent
337. Repentance Absent
338. Atop a Tree Absent
339. Stillness Absent
Dark Continent Expedition arc
340. Special Mission Appears
341. Threats Appears
342. Challenge Appears
343. Invitation Absent
344. Author Absent
345. Signature Appears
346. Options Appears
347. Inauguration Absent
348. Resolve Appears
Succession Contest arc
349. Worm Toxin Appears
350. Prince Absent
351. Battle to the Death Absent
352. Troublesome Absent
353. Cold-Blooded Absent
354. Heat Absent
355. Detonation Absent
356. Unfortunate: Part 1 Absent
357. Unfortunate: Part 2 Absent
358. Eve Absent
359. Departure Appears
360. Parasite Absent
361. Withdraw Absent
362. Resolve Absent
363. Nen Beast Absent
364. Speculation Absent
365. Choice Absent
366. To Each His Own Absent
367. Synchronization Absent
368. Foul Play Absent
369. Limits Absent
370. Observation Absent
371. Mission Absent
372. Disappearance Absent
373. Inheritance Absent
374. Ability Absent
375. Persuasion Absent
376. Determination Absent
377. Scheme Absent
378. Balance Absent
379. Collaboration Absent
380. Alarm Absent
381. Predation Absent
382. Awakening Absent
383. Escape Absent
384. War Absent
385. Warning Absent
386. Hypothesis Absent
387. Recreation Absent
388. Reflection Absent
389. Curse Absent
390. Clash: Part 1 Absent
391. Clash: Part 2 Absent
392. Information Absent
393. Plea Absent
394. Hypothesis Absent
395. Founding: Part 1 Absent
396. Founding: Part 2 Absent
397. Founding: Part 3 Absent
398. Search Absent
399. Expulsion Absent
400. Secrecy Absent


  • (To Pariston) "Hold on! What makes you think you're in charge?!"[2]


  • Kanzai's baseball uniform is a reference to the popular Japanese baseball team Hanshin Tigers. His name may also be derived from the Kansai region, where the Hanshin Tigers are based at. Kansais are also stereotypically portrayed as bad-tempered and fools, reflected in the Tiger's personality traits.
  • A recurring gag sees Kanzai opposing Pariston and one of the other Zodiacs (generally Mizaistom, but also Pyon) complain that he is only making things worse.

Translations around the World[]

Language Name
The Arab world Flag Arabic كانزاي
Russia Flag Russian Канзай
Thailand Flag Thai เค็นไซ (Khĕn sị)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 33, Chapter 346
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 30, Chapter 319
  3. 3.0 3.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 33, Chapter 342
  4. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 30, Chapter 318
  5. 5.0 5.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 30, Chapter 320
  6. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 321
  7. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 323
  8. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 31, Chapter 325
  9. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 32, Chapter 334
  10. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 32, Chapter 335
  11. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 32, Chapter 340
  12. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 33, Chapter 341
  13. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 33, Chapter 345
  14. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 33, Chapter 348
  15. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 34, Chapter 359

