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The Phantom Troupe ((げん)(えい)(りょ)(だん)()()()()()(), Gen'ei Ryodan), sometimes just called the Troupe ((りょ)(だん)()()()()()()()(), Ryodan), is an infamous band of diabolical thieves[note 1] with Class-A bounties.[1] The group is also known as the "Spider" (蜘蛛(クモ), Kumo) and its members the "Spiders",[2] most of whom hail from Meteor City.[3]


EP 51 ED Card

The Phantom Troupe around the time of Uvogin's death

During their mission in Yorknew City, the group consisted of thirteen members,[4] but it currently has only ten.[5] Each member has a numbered tattoo of a twelve-legged spider on their body.[6] Those wishing to join the group can do so by killing a current member, thereby replacing them. The group’s leader fills other vacancies,[7] and members can offer nominations.[8][9]

Although they occasionally do philanthropic work, the Troupe mainly steals and kills.[10][7][11] After the leader revels in the group’s spoils, he sells everything.[12] Among their crimes is the genocide of the Kurta Clan and the stealing of their Scarlet Eyes.[13] They are also a major asset in the defense of Meteor City, as shown when they defeated Zazan and her group of Chimera Ants.[14] However, they were responsible for ruining the ideal partnership with the Mafia and are considered outliers even by the city’s standards.[15][16]

Despite their close ties to one another, they will allow those who have killed their members to join.[7] While Chrollo organized a massacre against the Mafia as revenge for one of their deceased members, Machi speculated that he might ask the killer to join the group.[17]


Chap 396 - The Troupe

The "Something Troupe" discussing their future

Around fifteen years before the beginning of the series, prior to the creation of the Phantom Troupe under its common name, it was a group of children from Meteor City, a junkyard city that is inhabited by outcasts; doing live voiceovers for movies found in landfills. The group was formed after Chrollo, along with Pakunoda, Sheila, and Sarasa, first staged Power Cleaners. This encouraged Uvogin, Feitan, Phinks, Nobunaga, Shalnark, and Franklin to join. Machi was also with them, but for some time, she did not want to agree to the roles offered to her. The name "Troupe" was chosen because of the composition of the people, but there was still no idea of its second part.[18]

Chap 397 - Chrollo and Uvogin seeing Sarasa

The Troupe finding Sarasa's body

One day, Sarasa uncharacteristically did not show up at their weekly show. The troupe learned that she had not been seen since yesterday. Most of the children watching the Troupe's shows decided to help in the search. Chrollo paired up with Uvogin, and after a long time of searching, they came up with the idea of checking out the Uga Forest. They gathered the other members and went into the forest together. There, they found the scene of the crime, the instruments of torture, a note left behind, and a sack hanging from a tree. Chrollo was the only one who could read the contents of the note, but he chose not to share it with others. When Uvogin took the sack from the tree, Chrollo decided to check the contents. It turned out that Sarasa's destroyed body was inside. Sometime later, Troupe attends Sarasa's funeral, after which Chrollo talks to Uvogin about their group's future. He asks him to wait three years, during which he will be able to get the necessary funds to carry out his plan, which consists of creating a website that lures criminals to Meteor City so that they may find Sarasa's killers amongst them. Then, they will exact vengeance on the culprits. During the conversation, they are joined by the other members of the Troupe, except for Sheila, who decides to leave the group. Each of the other members chooses Chrollo as the leader of the group, which will be formed in three years.[19]

Chap 397 - Troupe Foundation

Chrollo forming the Phantom Troupe

Around three years later, Chrollo founded the Phantom Troupe, along with Franklin, Uvogin, Machi, Pakunoda, Feitan, Nobunaga, and Shalnark.[20][19] Phinks was not present at the exact same time that Chrollo founded the Spiders, but he was present when the group chose Chrollo as the leader. At some point, after the arrival of four new members, two of them being Bonolenov and Kortopi, the Spiders decided to get numerical tattoos.[6]


Phantom Troupe
Former Members
⑥/⑨ ⑨/⑥
Phantom Troupe 4 YC Portrait
Phantom Troupe 8 YC Portrait
Former Non-Canon Members


The Phantom Troupe occasionally hires outside assistance during their missions. Examples include:

Hierarchy and Rules[]

Mirroring the metaphorical representation of the group as a twelve-legged spider, the Phantom Troupe is ideally composed of thirteen members in total, one "head" and twelve "legs".[20] All the "legs" are equal in ranking and decision-making power, and tasks are assigned based on each member's individual skills or preferences.[26] The "head" is the leader, whose orders are to be of the utmost priority; however, their life is not, since even the leader can be replaced. The members are expected to always adhere to the governing principle that the prosperity of the group as a whole trumps the survival of any one of its individuals, including the leader himself.[20] In Chrollo's case, however, several members had become so reliant on him that they prioritized his life over the group’s survival.[27]

The Troupe does not assemble frequently but gathers at the leader’s request, which can be discretionary or mandatory. Skipping a mandatory meeting could result in a member being punished.[28] Only the leader has the authority to add new members, although they can recommend candidates they deem suitable.[8] Defeating a current member is a viable way to replace them, which may not be subject to the leader’s approval.[7]

Other than following their leader’s orders and not fighting amongst themselves,[8] members are not expected to follow any specific procedures. Although some members believe buying and bidding to be against the ways of the group,[10] others have no qualms about resorting to legal, non-violent channels and transactions,[28] with at least two of them becoming Hunters for the associated benefits.[29][30] One member, Shizuku, is somewhere in between these ends, having tried to obtain a diamond by fairly winning an arm-wrestling contest, though she used stolen money to produce the participation fee.[10] It has been noted that two members are always by the leader’s side when the Troupe gathers together, but it is unknown whether this is an official rule.[7]

Positions and Roles[]

Phantom Troupe members are assigned to or volunteer for certain activities in the group based on their aptitude.[26]

  • Boss (団長, "Leader"): The leader of the Phantom Troupe. Currently held by Chrollo.
  • Acting Leader (団長代理, "Leader Substitute"): The interim leader of the Troupe when the leader is absent. This position was granted to whoever killed Zazan first.[31] Formerly held by Feitan.[32]
  • Interrogation (尋問者, "Interrogator"): Members in charge of torturing enemies for information. Currently held by Feitan.[33]
  • Commando Team (特攻[26] or 実行部隊,[16] "Vanguard/Attack Squad" or "Execution Squad"): Volunteers for this unit are frontline fighters. One of their main responsibilities involves protecting the recon and cleanup groups. Formerly held by Nobunaga and Uvogin;[26] currently held by Nobunaga, Phinks, and Feitan.[16]
  • Recon (情報, "Intelligence") and Cleanup (処理部隊, "Disposing Squad"): Members in charge of information gathering and removing the evidence of the group's criminal activity, formerly held by Shalnark and Pakunoda; and is currently held by Shizuku.[26]

The roles held by Machi, Franklin, Bonolenov, Kortopi, Kalluto, and Illumi are unknown.

Coin Tossing[]

HxH2011 EP50 Coin Toss

Obverse of the Spider coin


Reverse of the Spider coin

Serious fights are prohibited among Phantom Troupe members. Since no member outranks another, if a clash of opinions cannot be solved through discussion, coin tossing is used to settle the quarrel.[8] However, disputes solved by the coin are only between two individuals.[34] The coin used is custom-made, with the heads side sporting the group's signature twelve-legged spider and the tails side depicting a spider's web.


The Phantom Troupe members sport a tattoo of a twelve-legged spider somewhere on their body. Inside the spider is a number ranging from 0 to 12, which differs for each member.[26] The only members whose tattoos have been seen are Uvogin,[35] Shizuku,[36] Hisoka,[28] and the non-canon Omokage.[37] Chrollo's tattoo was also seen in the 1999 anime adaptation.[38] It is unknown how these numbers are assigned. Although the twelve-legged spider is instantly recognizable as the symbol of the Troupe, the fact that it’s numbered is not as widely known.[6]


Kurta Clan Massacre[]

Phantom Troupe message

The message left by the Phantom Troupe

Five years prior the 287th Hunter Exam, the Phantom Troupe approached the Kurta Clan for their valuable Scarlet Eyes and massacred all 128 villagers. It's reported that family members were made to face one another and stabbed multiple times, with their heads severed while they were still alive. Pure clan members had their eyes gouged out, while those who married into the clan had their eyes squashed and sustained more brutal wounds than the others. The adult males had the most wounds, but it's assumed that these were sustained during a struggle before they were captured. Those who were not related by blood to the clan were said to be mutilated in order to set an example. After this, the heads of those with Scarlet Eyes were all severed successively. Since the scarlet color is caused by anger and makes the eyes more valuable, it's reported that the Troupe members mutilated the children in front of their parents in order to intensify the scarlet color. Lastly, a message was left behind that read: "We'll accept anything you leave here, but don't ever take anything away from us."[39]

Zoldyck Encounter[]


Chrollo Lucilfer vs. Silva Zoldyck

Three years prior to Southernpiece Auction in Yorknew City, Silva Zoldyck killed member #8 of the Phantom Troupe and fought Chrollo. The outcome of their fight is unknown,[30] but during their second encounter, Silva noted that Chrollo had improved considerably since then.[40] Their first fight was presumably when Silva became aware of the nature of Chrollo's Nen ability.[41] At some point later, Shizuku Murasaki, another Meteor City resident, replaced the deceased member #8.[4]


Hunter Exam arc[]

Kurapika reveals to the Captain that his ultimate goal is to capture every member of the Phantom Troupe so that he can avenge the Kurta Clan. The Captain warns him that the Troupe’s members are Class-A bounties and that even veteran Hunters avoid going after them.[1]

During the first phase of the 287th Hunter Exam, Kurapika tells Leorio that the Troupe stole the Scarlet Eyes from every member of the Kurta Clan. He then reiterates that he plans to capture every member and retrieve the eyes of his clan.[13] During the exam’s third phase, Majtani reveals a spider tattoo on his right shoulder, shocking Leorio, who explains the significance of the symbol to Gon and Killua. After punching him into the floor, an enraged Kurapika tells Majtani that a genuine Troupe tattoo has the member’s number inscribed inside and that they don’t bother counting up the people they have killed.[6]

During Kurapika's fight against Hisoka in the final tournament, Hisoka whispers something to him,[42] and it’s later revealed that Hisoka knows something interesting about the Spiders, promising to tell Kurapika in Yorknew City on September 1st.[2]

Heavens Arena arc[]

Machi orders

Machi informing Hisoka

Machi is hired by Hisoka to patch him up after his match against Kastro at Heavens Arena. She watches the match and waits for Hisoka in the tunnel nearby. She congratulates him on his victory, but then calls him an idiot for willingly taking that much damage. She uses her Nen ability to reattach his severed arms, charging him Jenny Symbol 201170 million in total. While he hides the sutures with Texture Surprise, she silently commends him for his speed. She then tells Hisoka that the Phantom Troupe gathering in Yorknew City scheduled for the end of August has become compulsory. She also warns him that Chrollo may punish him personally if he skips another job. She leaves before Hisoka can finish asking her if she is free for dinner. After Machi leaves, it’s revealed that Hisoka’s Spider tattoo on his back is fake as he says that it’s time for him to hunt down the Spiders.[28]

Yorknew City arc[]

The Phantom troup arrive at York Shin City 2011

The Spiders arriving at Yorknew

On August 31st, after Machi, Franklin, Feitan, and Nobunaga make their way through the Gordeau Desert toward Yorknew City, they meet up with the other Phantom Troupe members at an undisclosed location on the outskirts of the city. Their leader Chrollo orders them to steal all the items at the Underground Auction and to kill anyone who gets in their way.[4]

Defend x And x Attack

Shizuku arm wrestling Gon

During a conditional auction, Shizuku meets Gon and challenges him to win a diamond ring in an arm-wrestling match. She proves to be a challenge for Gon, but loses because she used her weak hand. Franklin and Feitan prevent her from trying again, since the auction is about to begin.[10]

Feitan and Franklin Auction

Feitan and Franklin welcoming the auction guests before the massacre

Uvogin, Machi, Shalnark, Nobunaga, Shizuku, Feitan, and Franklin head to the auction while the rest stay behind at the hideout. The members arrive at the auction, and after Franklin, Feitan, and Shizuku kill all the guests and dispose of the evidence,[43] they all discover that the auction items have already been taken from the vault. The members are forced to leave empty-handed, and Uvogin contacts Chrollo by phone to give him an update on the situation.[33]

2011 EP43 OP Card Uvogin

Uvogin suggesting about a traitor

As the Troupe members make their escape in a hot-air balloon, Uvogin speculates that there might be a Judas among them, but Chrollo convinces him that there isn't and adds that the Mafia's security would have been tighter if they knew about their plan. He guesses that they only received a vague tip and that the higher-ups trusted the source enough to act on it. Uvogin then tells Chrollo about the Ten Dons and the Shadow Beasts, adding that before they killed the auctioneer, he told them that a Shadow Beast named Owl showed up and somehow left empty-handed after emptying the entire vault. Chrollo guesses that he has a Nen ability similar to Shizuku's and that the Mafia knows that Nen is involved after 500 guests suddenly vanished. Uvogin asks for permission to fight them, and Chrollo tells him to cause enough of a disturbance to draw out the Shadow Beasts.[33]

HxH2011 EP43 Uvogin vs Mafia

Uvogin slaughtering Mafia members

After their balloon is shot down in the Gordeau Desert and dozens of Mafia members order them to come down from the high ledge, Uvogin assures his comrades that he will take care of them, sliding down the cliffside and confronting them. A Mafia member points a gun in Uvogin's face and asks if they kidnapped the guests, which Uvogin confirms. Uvogin simply smiles when the man asks about their leader, and when he fires at point blank range, Uvogin catches the bullet with his teeth and breaks the man's neck with a single swipe. He then begins to massacre the other Mafia members, surviving both a shot from a sniper rifle and an anti-tank missile.Kurapika and the other Nostrade bodyguards watch the carnage from afar when four Shadow Beasts arrive to deal with the Troupe. Worm, Leech, Rabid Dog, and Porcupine all confront Uvogin.[44]

Uvogin punches worm

Uvogin punching Worm

Worm is the first to be incapacitated by Uvogin's Big Bang Impact. After Uvogin is distracted by Porcupine and immobilized by Rabid Dog, Leech begins to insert his leeches into the wound on Uvogin's shoulder. However, Uvogin kills him by biting off a portion of his head and then spits out a fragment of his skull like a bullet to kill Rabid Dog. With Porcupine still attached to his arm and unable to use physical attacks against him, Uvogin lets out a loud scream right toward him that results in his death.[35] As Shalnark explains how to remove the leeches from his system, Kurapika takes advantage of Uvogin's paralysis and captures him with Chain Jail, quickly driving away from the canyon with the other bodyguards. Machi immediately uses a needle and a Nen thread to track Uvogin. She and four other members then chase after Kurapika by car, but just before they can catch up with him, the remaining Shadow Beasts arrive and stop them.[45]

Dalzollene stabbed from behind by Phinks

Phinks stabbing Dalzollene from behind

Uvogin is taken to an undisclosed location and interrogated by Dalzollene and the other Nostrade bodyguards. Machi and her comrades easily kill the remaining Shadow Beasts except Owl. They then find out where Uvogin is being held captive and free him after Phinks kills Dalzollene. Kurapika eventually meets up with Hisoka, who tells him everything he knows about the Troupe and asks if he wants to team up, offering to reveal seven of their abilities if he agrees.[7] Machi tells Uvogin about the items and the deaths of the Shadow Beasts, but he insists on finding and killing the chain user instead of returning to the Troupe's hideout with them. She and the other members have no choice but to let Uvogin do what he wants. After the two talk some more, Kurapika tells Hisoka that he will give him an answer at the same time tomorrow. With help from Shalnark,[12] Uvogin eventually tracks Kurapika to the hotel where Neon and the rest of her bodyguards are staying. He allows Kurapika to choose where he wants to die, and Kurapika suggests somewhere remote since he is confident that Uvogin's death will be loud. Elsewhere in the city, Gon, Killua, and Leorio learn that bounties have been put on the heads of the Troupe members by the Mafia, seizing the opportunity to look for them.[30][46]


Uvogin's last stand

In the Gordeau Desert, Kurapika eventually captures Uvogin with his Chain Jail,[47] and questions him about the location and abilities of the other Troupe members. However, Uvogin refuses to answer any of his questions, only asking Kurapika to kill him. Finally, Kurapika pierces Uvogin's chest with his Judgment Chain, telling him that he must answer all questions truthfully. Kurapika once again asks Uvogin for the location of the other Troupe members, but Uvogin only smiles and again refuses to answer, causing Kurapika's Judgment Chain to pierce Uvogin's heart and kill him instantly. Uvogin is then buried in an unmarked grave at the site of their battle. Back at the Troupe’s hideout, after Feitan tortures Owl to recover the auction items, Chrollo tells the Troupe members that they will change their plans if Uvogin doesn’t return by dawn.[48]

49 - Machi and Nobunaga argue

Machi and Nobunaga arguing

On September 3rd, Machi and Nobunaga wait in the middle of a square in an attempt to lure out the chain user, but they attract Gon and Killua's attention instead and are tailed by them.[17] With the help of Phinks and Pakunoda, who have been secretly following them,[49] they easily capture the two boys and bring them back to their hideout.[50] Nobunaga ends up liking Gon because he reminds him of Uvogin, telling the others that he wants to nominate him to be a Troupe member when Chrollo returns. Meanwhile, Shalnark prints a list of Nostrade Family employees from the Hunter Website and hands the photos to the other Spiders, telling them to memorize their faces. He adds that according to Uvogin, the chain user isn’t among them, so he suggests that they work in pairs to find someone who knows him.[8] While the other Spiders leave the hideout to look for the chain user, Nobunaga watches over Gon and Killua, but the two end up escaping by kicking through the building's walls.[51][52]

Chrollo orchestrating Requiem for Uvogin

Chrollo orchestrating a requiem for Uvogin

On September 3rd, using a picture of her that was just uploaded on the Hunter Website, Chrollo finds and approaches Neon Nostrade, who has slipped away from her bodyguards to attend the rescheduled Underground Auction without her father’s knowledge.[52] After helping her to get into the Cemetery Building, he asks her to tell his fortune, which she gladly does.[53] Upon reading it, he cries once he sees the allusion to Uvogin's death. After the two talk and make their way to the auction, he knocks Neon unconscious with a swift blow to the back of her neck in order to get the Mafia members to call an ambulance. He then kills multiple assassins with ease and orders the other Spiders (excluding Nobunaga) to come to the Cemetery Building and cause chaos.[54] As the Spiders slaughter the police and 2,000 Mafia members outside, Chrollo finishes killing Assassin A and dedicates the requiem to Uvogin.[55]

Silva Zeno Chrollo

Chrollo ready to fight two Zoldycks

As the Troupes massacre continues outside, Chrollo is cornered in the building’s basement by Silva and Zeno Zoldyck.[41] Noticing how skilled Zeno is, Chrollo fights with the intention of stealing his abilities. However, Zeno sees through him and has him pinned against the wall while Silva throws two huge aura spheres at them, triggering an enormous explosion.[40] Silva's transmitter suddenly rings, and Illumi informs him that the Ten Dons have been eliminated and that Chrollo was the one who hired him. Since Silva and Zeno were hired by the Ten Dons, they tell Chrollo that he is no longer their target now that the Dons are dead, leaving Chrollo alone and exhausted as he tells himself that he wouldn’t have been able to steal Zeno’s ability. Chrollo then contacts the other members and tells them to forget about the ambulance and that they will go ahead as planned.[21]

53 - Troupe

The Spiders celebrating after their successful plan at the auction

The Troupe then makes use of Kortopi's ability to fool the Mafia with fake corpses of five members,[56] taking over the rescheduled Underground Auction held on the building’s 10th floor and selling the copies of the items made by Kortopi’s ability. Backstage, Hisoka distracts Bean while Machi uses her Nen thread to hang and kill him.[21] After that, the Troupe members return to their hideout and celebrate their successful plan.[56] The following day, Chrollo tells the Troupe that they will leave Yorknew that night once they retrieve the rest of the loot, but Nobunaga insists on finding the chain user.[3] In order to persuade Nobunaga, he uses Neon’s stolen ability to tell the fortunes of Nobunaga and the other members, and they learn that five more of them will die in the next two weeks if they keep chasing after the chain user. They then intend to leave Yorknew to avoid the fortunes,[26] but Hisoka alters his own with his Texture Surprise so that the Troupe will stay in Yorknew and he will have the chance to fight Chrollo.[57]

Chrollo Machi Shizuku

The Spiders facing the Chain Bastard

Later, Chrollo is able to deduce that Kurapika is one of Neon's bodyguards and a surviving member of the Kurta Clan. Thanks to a pair of copied Scarlet Eyes that they sold to the Nostrade Family the night before, they determine that he and the other bodyguards are staying at the Hotel Beitacle. Chrollo then tells Kortopi, Machi, Nobunaga, Pakunoda, and Shizuku to go with him to the hotel while the others stay behind at the hideout.[58][59] On the way, noticing that they are being followed by two people, he tells Kortopi, Nobunaga and Pakunoda to go ahead while he, Machi, and Shizuku stay behind. They then capture Gon and Killua again.[60] Meanwhile, Pakunoda and the other two are able to learn Kurapika's name and face after capturing and killing Squala.[61]

HxH2011 EP57 Gon and Killua attack Machi and Pakunoda

Gon and Killua trying to escape from Pakunoda and Machi

Chrollo, Machi, and Shizuku take the two boys to the hotel[61] and meet up with Pakunoda's group in the lobby. He tells Pakunoda to check their memories again, but before she can reveal what she has learned about Kurapika, a power outage suddenly happens, allowing Gon and Killua to make an escape attempt. However, Machi and Nobunaga easily recapture them despite the total darkness. Shizuku is then the first one to notice that Chrollo is missing.[62]

Pakunoda keywords only

Pakunoda analyzing the situation

After the others also realize that Chrollo is missing, Pakunoda reads a note left by Kurapika that threatens Chrollo's life if she reveals Gon and Killua's memories to the others. Nobunaga tells her to stay quiet while they wait for the chain user's call, stressing that they need to keep the two boys as hostages. In a flashback, Pakunoda remembers the formation of the Troupe in Meteor City where Chrollo stressed the importance of the Spider as a whole, telling them to never forget that someone else will take over if he dies. Back in the present, Pakunoda considers betraying the Spider to save Chrollo and wonders what Chrollo would do, with Nobunaga calling Phinks and telling him to hurry after revealing that Chrollo was captured. Sitting chained in the seat next to Kurapika as Leorio drives, Chrollo says that he didn't think the chain user would be a woman, but Kurapika quickly removes his wig and warns him that his words could be his last. Chrollo then reminds Kurapika that he can't kill him since he left his friends behind. He then points out that the encounter wasn't even mentioned in his fortune, which means that it's entirely insignificant, causing Kurapika to fly into a rage.[20]

57 - Shizuku

Shizuku telling the others that the Troupe’s rules are absolute

Phinks, Feitan, and Shalnark soon arrive at the hotel. The Troupe members receive a call from Kurapika, who tells them not to follow him, not to hurt the hostages, and to give the phone to Pakunoda. He then tells Pakunoda to go to Lingon Airport alone to negotiate the terms of a hostage exchange and that the other members have to return to their hideout. Phinks, Feitan, and Shalnark try to follow Pakunoda, but Nobunaga stops them for fear that Chrollo will be killed, leading to a heated quarrel between the two groups, with Feitan stressing that Chrollo would agree with their decision to follow her and that Nobunaga’s way of thinking is an insult to the Spiders. The quarrel is eventually settled after Shizuku knocks Nobunaga unconscious and reminds the others of the Troupe’s rules. After learning that Kurapika has a way to see through their lies, the Troupe members agree to return to the hideout.[63]

HxH2011 EP57 Chrollo captured and Kurapika stating his demands

Chrollo captured by Kurapika

Meanwhile, after Chrollo again provokes Kurapika, the latter punches him in the face multiple times before Leorio and Melody calm him down. As Chrollo stresses that he’s worthless as a hostage, Melody listens to his heartbeat and says that he enjoys the fact that death is always near him. Kurapika asks if he was the Troupe’s leader five years earlier when they massacred the Kurta Clan, but Chrollo stays silent as Kurapika readies his Judgment Chain. Chrollo then asks if he used the chain to kill Uvogin, also asking about his final words. He again refuses to answer Kurapika, who feels powerless about having to keep Chrollo alive. As Kurapika backs down and calls back Pakunoda, Chrollo realizes that Kurapika will prioritize his friends over his mission, hoping that Pakunoda will bring the other members with her to the meeting.[64]

Chap 116 - Kalluto providing a distraction for Hisoka and Illumi

Kalluto distracting Bonolenov and Franklin

At the Troupe’s hideout, after Hisoka enlists of the help of Illumi,[63] Franklin, Bonolenov, and Hisoka wait for the others to return, suddenly hearing a sound in the distance. After Hisoka suggests that they check it out and turns the corner to leave the room, Franklin and Bonolenov spot a child standing on the ledge of a nearby window. After the child leaps down and escapes, Franklin wonders if it's one of them and Bonolenov asks if they should follow. However, Franklin worries that it could be a trap and suggests that they wait until everyone returns. Hisoka, his eyes now entirely black, regroups with the other two Spiders.[64]

Confronting Paku

Phinks and Feitan confronting Pakunoda, Machi, and Kortopi

When Kurapika meets Pakunoda aboard an airship, he uses his Judgment Chain on both her and Chrollo, setting two conditions for each of them. He then tells her to return to the airport with the hostages by midnight and to not tell the others where she is going. After Pakunoda agrees and returns to the hideout, she tells the others about the exchange and that she is leaving with just the two boys. Phinks becomes so angry that he wants to get rid of them and then go after the chain user,[65] but Machi and Kortopi side with Pakunoda. They prepare to confront Phinks and Feitan, who think that she and the others are being manipulated by the chain user, but Gon interrupts their quarrel and emphasizes that Pakunoda just wants to save their leader. Phinks finally agrees to let Pakunoda leave after Franklin tells him that if they all keep fighting, it will be the end of the Troupe.[27]

Chrollo and Pakunoda

Chrollo and Pakunoda departing

Just before the exchange, Hisoka unexpectedly appears and threatens to kill Gon and Killua if he cannot board Pakunoda’s airship. Kurapika has no choice but to let him go to the exchange site with them. After the exchange is successful, Kurapika looks down on Chrollo and hopes that he realizes what it’s like to have all his support systems taken away. Standing opposite him, Hisoka happily challenges Chrollo to a fight.[27] He then reveals that he has never been a true member of the Troupe, removing the fake Spider tattoo from his back, and points out that it won’t be considered in-fighting now. Chrollo laughs and tells Hisoka that he isn’t worth fighting since Kurapika stabbed him with his Judgment Chain and rendered him unable to use Nen. Losing interest, Hisoka quickly leaves and tells Pakunoda that he isn’t interested in broken toys, assuring her that Chrollo isn’t in danger from him anymore.[66]

Pakunoda's death

Pakunoda's death

At the hideout, Phinks demands answers from Pakunoda and wonders to himself why she's holding her gun. Pakunoda tells them that Chrollo can't return, and Phinks angrily asks if she's joking, ordering her to explain and threatening her with violence if they don't like her answer. Pakunoda readies her ability and tells herself that she can fire six shots simultaneously for the founding members. She then asks Feitan, Phinks, Machi, Nobunaga, Shalnark, and Franklin if they will trust her and accept it. As Pakunoda prepares to shoot out her memories, Phinks thinks that the chain user is manipulating her, but Nobunaga assures him that it's really Pakunoda. Once Pakunoda fires the six shots along with her memories into the heads of the founding members, Kurapika's Judgment Chain activates around her heart. She prays that she will be the last as she falls dead to the ground. With the founding members left stunned, all of Pakunoda's memories suddenly flood into their minds. Shizuku checks on Pakunoda and confirms that she's dead, asking the others how it happened. Phinks says that he will explain everything and begins to tell the others why Pakunoda made her decision. Still standing alone at the exchange site, Chrollo looks toward the east.[66]

Greed Island arc[]

Phinks and Feitan at the auction

Phinks and Feitan encountering Gon and Killua at the auction

On September 6th, Phinks and Feitan attend the Southernpiece Auction and are surprised to see Gon and Killua, who immediately run away. The Troupe members easily chase after them and tell the two that they have no plans to kill them and that they can’t kill Kurapika because it could result in post-mortem Nen. Feitan gives him a look, and Phinks realizes that he shouldn’t reveal anything else, assuring himself that Chrollo is looking for an exorcist and that they just need to wait. Phinks assures Gon and Killua that they are just there to enjoy the auction, adding that the other members have already returned home. Gon asks about Pakunoda, and as Phinks tells him that she died and sees the pained look on his face, he plays through one of Pakunoda's memories when she asked the two boys why they weren't trying to escape from her since she was injured. She told them that if they escaped, the chain user could just kill Chrollo. She asked the two if they were his friends, and Gon sternly replied that it's because they're his friends that they don't want him to be a murderer. After Killua replied that the hostage exchange is the best way to do things, Pakunoda stood in silence as the two boys looked back at her. Back in the present, Phinks tells the boys that Pakunoda was thankful to them, quickly turning around as he and Feitan leave.[67]

Latarza's Death

Phinks and Feitan in Greed Island

By attending the auction, Phinks and Feitan discover that Battera has purchased multiple copies of Greed Island and is selecting players through tryouts. Later on the same day, they attack a car carrying a copy, kill the guards, and take it back to their hideout to play.[68] When Machi, Franklin, Shizuku, and Shalnark ask about the game, Phinks invites them to play before entering the game.[69] After some online research, Shalnark invites Kortopi and Shizuku to accompany him into the game so that he can test a theory and so that he and Shizuku will be safer for the rest of the week.[70]

Shalnark In GI

Shalnark explaining to Kortopi and Shizuku

The three depart and begin to study the game's system. After witnessing the limited response patterns of the game’s NPCs, seeing that the cards copied by Kortopi cannot be turned into objects, and Shizuku's Blinky cannot inhale the game’s special items, Shalnark realizes that the game functions with Nen. He explains his reasoning to his two companions, advancing the possibility that the island exists in the real world and not in virtual reality. He then plans to use a "Toraemon" card in order to collect all the game’s special items. He tells the two that their first priority is to get "Eye of God" or "Analysis" and to meet up with Phinks and Feitan, who are seen to have killed Latarza and taken his cards. Phinks suggests that they have a contest to see which of them can kill the most players, and Feitan agrees, reminding Phinks to take their cards first.[71]

Phantom Troupe In Greed Island

The Spiders heading to Greed Island

After the five leave the island with samples of rocks, Shalnark analyzes them and eventually determines the general location in the real world. The five of them plus Franklin sail towards the location marked by Shalnark, where they indeed find an island. However, they are promptly detected by Eta.[72] Upon reaching the shore, they encounter Razor, who introduces himself as a Game Master. He informs them that trespassers aren't welcome and that they can come back using the right way. He then uses an "Eliminate" card to send them to six different locations on the Azian Continent.[73]

66 - Shalnark

The Spiders talking about Chrollo

After returning the right way and realizing that Chrollo headed to the real Greed Island according to his fortune, Shalnark tells the others that he must have hired someone to play the game for him and then use his name as a message to them. As he adds that the exorcist must be on the island, Hisoka reveals himself and says that it was his idea to use Chrollo's name. Franklin guesses that Hisoka’s reward for helping Chrollo is a duel, and Shalnark assures the others that it’s only a matter of time until Chrollo returns. At that point, a smiling Chrollo is seen at an undisclosed location sitting in front of a JoyStation Console.[22]

Machi, Nobunaga Hisoka spies

Machi, Hisoka, and Nobunaga spying on the Nen exorcist

Finally locating the exorcist, the Troupe has Hisoka make a deal with him so that he will remove Kurapika's Judgment Chain from Chrollo's heart. Shalnark then tells Hisoka that Machi and Nobunaga are tailing the exorcist, showing Machi’s thread to him and telling him to follow it. Phinks stresses the importance of the job, and Hisoka knows that it’s his only chance to fight Chrollo. Hisoka meets up with Machi and Nobunaga to spy on the disguised exorcist. He then senses Kalluto skulking in the shadows, and realizes that his ability allowed the Troupe to find the exorcist. After they introduce Kalluto as Hisoka’s replacement and Hisoka seems interested in him, Machi and Nobunaga warn Kalluto to be careful since Hisoka will go after anything. Hisoka assures Nobunaga that he will negotiate with the exorcist, and Machi asks him if he actually intends to fight Chrollo. Hisoka replies that he does and asks her who she wants to survive, with Machi quickly telling him that he can drop dead once he finishes the job with the exorcist. Hisoka then asks her what she will do if he ends up killing Chrollo, and Machi sternly tells him that she will chase him to the ends of the earth and kill him.[23]

Chimera Ant arc[]

Chrollo is seen reading an issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump as Hisoka and Abengane approach him.[74]

The Phantom Troupe arrive at Meteor City

The Spiders preparing to return to Meteor City

During the Chimera Ant crisis, Phinks, Feitan, Bonolenov, Shalnark, Kalluto, and Shizuku all journey to Meteor City. On their way there, they discuss how the Chimera Ant invasion happened and why some of them came to the city. The Troupe is met by some locals who tell them about the self-proclaimed Queen making a nest near the city and wreaking havoc amongst the people, and how the assembly is currently dealing with it. Seeing that no immediate progress is being made, the Troupe take it upon themselves to solve the Chimera Ant problem, with Phinks assuring the officials that they will exterminate the Queen by the end of the day. The Troupe members approach the enormous nest and walk right in through the front door.[14]

Zazan Defeated - Episode 97

Feitan victorious against Zazan

After Phinks explains to Kalluto that they will split up and that whoever kills the Queen first becomes the acting leader, the Troupe members go their separate ways within the nest.[31] Kalluto encounters and kills Small Beetle, Phinks destroys Gorilla with a single punch,[75] Bonolenov crushes the Gun-toting Ant, Shalnark kills both Pell and Boki,[36] Shizuku drains Pike of all his blood,[76] and after struggling against Zazan, Feitan is eventually victorious against her, making him the acting leader of the Troupe.[32]

HxH2011 EP97 Dog IMG4

The Spiders ready to slaughter more Ants

The Troupe members then encounter the transformed Meteor City residents, who all beg to be killed. However, Phinks refuses to do so and orders them to show what spirit they still have left as Meteor City natives. The other members ready their weapons, and after the Troupe members easily take care of the transformed residents and return to the city, they decide to stay and take care of any more Ants that appear. However, Shalnark receives a text from Nobunaga asking for help, and Phinks is left disappointed that it wasn't Chrollo contacting them, saying that he hates having to wait. Shalnark and Feitan jokingly tell Phinks that he’s acting like a girl with a crush, and Phinks angrily tosses rubble at the two injured Troupe members as they run away from him.[32]

13th Hunter Chairman Election arc[]

When Hisoka is left confused by Illumi’s mention of Ants and Netero’s death, Illumi tells him that he missed a lot while he was chasing after Chrollo, adding that he might have had the chance to fight the Ants or Netero otherwise.[77]

Succession Contest arc[]

After making contact with the Troupe to acquire the abilities of Shalnark and Kortopi, Chrollo begins a fight to the death against Hisoka at Heavens Arena.[78][79][80][81][82][83]

Chap 357 - Hisoka's lifeless body

The Spiders seeing Hisoka's corpse

Chrollo wins the match and eventually asks Shalnark, Machi, and Kortopi to confirm Hisoka's death. Shalnark and Kortopi leave after doing so, but Machi chooses to remain and stitch him up since Hisoka paid her in advance to do so. Machi closes Hisoka's eyes and inspects the damage around his neck and face. She thanks him for helping to exorcise Chrollo and prepares to stitch him up, but Hisoka's body is suddenly surrounded by aura before she can begin. Machi recognizes the effects of post-mortem Nen, and watches it bring Hisoka back to life. Suddenly conscious, Hisoka confirms his death with Machi, and remarks about the difficulty of fighting someone of Chrollo's caliber on their terms. Machi sighs and reminds Hisoka to pick his battles next time, and then asks him to sit down so she can stitch him up. Hisoka declines and instead uses his Texture Surprise to give himself prostheses and disguise his wounds. Seeing Hisoka no longer needs her help, Machi turns and starts to leave, but Hisoka grabs her from behind and uses Bungee Gum to restrain her movements. He asks her to tell the other Spiders that he will fight any of them on sight until he has killed them all. An enraged Machi threatens to kill him on the spot and demands he remove his gum, but Hisoka refuses, further enraging Machi.[84]

Chapter 357 - Page 19

Shalnark's corpse with Kortopi's severed head

Chrollo then contacts Shalnark and tells him his plan to have the Phantom Troupe follow Kakin's journey to the New Continent to steal the treasure on board. Chrollo offers to return Shalnark his cell phone, adding that he would not be able to return the antennae, but Shalnark declines since he has no plans to use it, and they agree for it to be returned on board Kakin's ship. Shalnark hangs up, looking forward to the Phantom Troupe being reunited, and returns his attention to the public restroom where Kortopi had gone. Shalnark's phone rings again, but he ignores it having seen Hisoka walk out with a large ball of hair. Shalnark drops his phone and runs toward Hisoka, but pauses to catch the object tossed in his direction by Hisoka. He catches it and can only recognise it as Kortopi's severed head before he is killed by Hisoka, who strings his body up on a swing, leaving his body to be pecked at by crows and Kortopi's head at Shalnark's feet.[84]

Chrollo's first appearance in Black Whale

Chrollo distraught after the deaths of Kortopi and Shalnark

In a crowded area on Tier 5 of the Black Whale, a man steps on a cockroach and says that they seem to find their way everywhere. He looks up at Chrollo, seated opposite him, with a dark expression, remarking that Chrollo looks like he's about to kill someone. The man tries to console Chrollo, telling him to forget about all his ties to the world, but Chrollo replies that it would be difficult since ties are meant to be severed, not forgotten.[85]

Chap 371 - Spiders appear

The Spiders aboard the ship

On the 2nd day of the Black Whale’s voyage, Phinks, Feitan, Franklin, and Nobunaga confront three members of the Buor Family in a dining hall passageway on Tier 5. The members of the Buor family try to intimidate them, not recognizing the Phantom Troupe members but are easily defeated and are questioned by them about Kakin's three Mafia families. The Phantom Troupe members further question them about how to access the loot on the ship but the Buor members are unable to answer them. Franklin asks them to call over the person they report to, but the Buor members explain they cannot contact them and that their next meeting is scheduled for Saturday. Phinks then tells the Buor members that their new mission is to find everyone taller than 6'2" and get their room numbers. Somewhere else on Tier 5, Chrollo and Machi meet up in a crowded market. Machi suggests flipping a coin to decide who gets to kill Hisoka. Still, Chrollo disagrees since coins can only resolve disputes between two people, and every member of the Troupe (including Chrollo) wants to kill Hisoka. Chrollo tells her to find Hisoka, firmly believing that Hisoka is somewhere on the ship.[34]

Chap 377 - Phantom Troupe members

The current Troupe members gathering together

On the 4th day of the voyage, the remaining ten members of the Phantom Troupe gather together in the crowded central dining hall to share their knowledge. They collectively agree that they don't know where Hisoka is and that their search for him on Tier 5 has been fruitless thus far. They also share their knowledge of the Mafia's control over Tiers 3 to 5. A group approaches them as Chrollo asks their newest member, Illumi, to introduce himself. Illumi shares that Hisoka had commissioned him to join the Phantom Troupe to kill Hisoka himself, and as such, he did not know where Hisoka was. The group surrounds the Phantom Troupe, and one of them asks Chrollo to leave. After Chrollo refuses, he thanks them for their acts in Yorknew City, which allows them to get exclusive rights to the New Continent. He asks them to step aside again, offering to help them with their goals. Chrollo explains their search for Hisoka, and the man offers to help check the Royal Army's passenger list, but adds on that unofficial passengers exist. He also gives the Phantom Troupe permission to search Tier 5, indirectly identifying them as members of the Cha-R family, and invite the Phantom Troupe into their family in exchange for access to Tiers 3 and 4. Chrollo politely declines and asks about how to gain access to Tier 1, but the man's tone suddenly changes, and he insists they leave. As the Phantom Troupe leaves, the man asks Sun-bin if the Troupe is trouble. Sun-bin affirms this, and the man tells him to call their young leader and warn him about a potential fight.[5]

Chap 377 - Spiders moving out

The Spiders splitting up to find Hisoka

Phinks tells the others that man's actions imply treasure on Tier 1. Chrollo defers that for later, telling the Phantom Troupe to prioritize Hisoka first and asking them to reconvene once Hisoka's head has been claimed. The group splits up, and Shizuku and Bonolenov ask Chrollo if he wants to team up. Chrollo agrees, on condition that he be the one to kill Hisoka. Shizuku and Bonolenov agree, and Shizuku asks Chrollo to read their fortunes again for a possible hint, but Chrollo reveals that the ability has disappeared from his book. Shizuku likens Chrollo's book to the Death Note. Chrollo stays silent, and Bonolenov tells Shizuku that she keeps thinking that.[5]

In Tier 1, Cha-R boss Brocco Li calls Xi-Yu boss Onior Longbao to discuss the Spiders, emphasizing the difficulty in controlling them. Brocco also mentions that some of his family's younger members are secret fans of theirs. The two bosses summon their underbosses and order them to find Hisoka before the Spiders do.[16]

Chap 378 - Luini spying on the Spiders

Luini spying on the Spiders

In Tier 5, Nobunaga tells Phinks and Feitan to let the Buor Family search Tier 5 and search for Hisoka themselves on Tier 4. The three head to the warehouse on Tier 5 to retrieve their weapons before doing so. They arrive at the warehouse and see four Cha-R members at the entrance, two playing cards, and two watches. One of the Cha-R members watching offers to bring them to retrieve their items, having been notified of their arrival. He leads the Spiders into the warehouse, but mysteriously vanishes after turning a corner. They notice this and cautiously turn the corner, but meet a dead end. They hear a sound come from behind them, and see the corpse of their Cha-R guide lying where they came from. Phinks and Feitan nonchalantly resume their search for the items on their own, ridiculing Nobunaga's concern for the dead Cha-R member. As the three continue to talk, the hitman Luini watches them from his portal in the ceiling, describing them as his idols and hoping to destroy the world with them.[16]

Chap 379 - Commando Trio

Phinks, Feitan, and Nobunaga discovering that the warehouse guards are missing

The Spiders retrieve their weapons and return to the entrance, only to find the other three Cha-R members missing. Phinks notices a blood trail, concluding that one had gotten away, but hesitates about a possible trap. He wonders what the murderer's goal is since one corpse would have been sufficient to frame the Spiders as enemies of the Cha-R if that were the goal. Nobunaga ponders for a moment about how the murderer let one live and concludes that he had planned to try to get the Spiders involved in a conflict to have them find the way to the Cha-R family base, but decided to change plans and injure a Cha-R member to have the injured Cha-R member himself lead him to the Cha-R family base. They begin to follow the trail and guess that Hisoka is not involved since the work does not look like his ability. Phinks guesses that the culprit's target is the Cha-R Family.[11]

The trail ends at a door, and Phinks notices two security cameras nearby, which he finds odd for Tier 5. Nobunaga tries to open the door but finds it locked. The Cha-R underboss Ken'i Wang appears behind them with four armed subordinates. He introduces himself and asks if they are the ones who attacked the warehouse guards, but the Spiders deny involvement. Ken'i receives a call from his subordinates about a man who entered their hideout with a wounded warehouse guard, blaming the Spiders for their subordinate's injuries. Ken'i is annoyed that someone tried to manipulate the two groups into fighting and guesses that he was a hitman from one of the other families. Phinks speculates that they did so to fulfill the conditions for a teleporting ability to be used at a later time without bothering to hide any information. Ken'i concludes that the Spiders have the strength to disregard for how much information they share with others and decides they should be eliminated. He asks the three Troupe members if they want to work together, trusting that they would not attack and letting him observe them closer.[11]

Chap 379 - Franklin and Ittoku

Franklin talking with Ittoku

Franklin has a meal alone in the Tier 5 central dining hall, waiting around for Hisoka to find him since Hisoka wants to kill the Spiders. Ittoku, the consigliere of the Cha-R Family, and four other Mafia members approach Franklin and ask whether the Spiders were involved in the disappearance of their warehouse guards. Franklin states that the Spiders were not responsible, but concedes that the Spiders would always respond to being provoked. Ittoku points out that they had arranged for the Spiders to get their weapons, helping Franklin conclude that a third party was taking advantage of the situation. Ittoku asks if it was Hisoka, and Franklin says that it could be, but stresses that it wasn’t the Troupe. Ittoku stands up to leave, asking if the Troupe has boarded the ship just for Hisoka. Franklin replies that they are still thieves but adds that they have no plans to act until Hisoka is killed. Ittoku stubs out his cigarette on his food and apologizes, leaving with his men.[11]

Chap 380 - Illumi and Kalluto found on Deck 3

Illumi and Kalluto being questioned by Mizuri of the Royal Army

Ken'i invites the Troupe members into the Cha-R hideout, where they watch security footage of their culprit trying to open a locked door in the back of the room. Nobunaga tells Ken'i that the culprit would return to open that door. Ken'i asks the Spiders if they want to see what's behind the door, and Nobunaga offers to kill the hitman in exchange for Ken'i showing it to them. Ken'i agrees and introduces the Spiders to the supervisor Tsudonke, and the other Cha-R members are present. Tsudonke tries to hide his excitement at seeing the Spiders, wanting to get their autographs.[86]

An overview of the ship reviews the locations of the Spiders:[86]

  • Phinks and Nobunaga are seen in the Cha-R's hideout, Feitan, at the warehouse's entrance.[86]
  • Franklin is still in the central dining hall, a few decks above them.[86]
  • Machi is alone in a standard cabin on the top deck of Tier 5.[86]
  • Chrollo, Shizuku, and Bonolenov are seen making their way to Tier 4 through the central passage.[86]
  • Illumi and Kalluto are on the observation deck in Tier 3.[86]
Chap 380 - Mizai identifies two Zoldycks

Mizaistom worried about the presence of the Spiders

A lockdown is announced, and everyone is told to remain in their cabins while the military looks for a stowaway with a deadly weapon. Soldiers come across the two Zoldycks on the observation deck and question them. Kalluto pretends they did not hear the announcement, and Illumi provides a VVIP ticket to identify them. The soldier explains that the passage between Tiers 2 and 3 will likely remain closed for the duration of the voyage, offering to escort them back to the upper Tiers. Illumi insists on staying in Tier 3, and Mizaistom and Botobai arrive. Mizaistom confirms with Illumi that all the Spiders are aboard before Illumi realizes he shouldn't be revealing so much information. Mizaistom offers them a room at the central police station and has Botobai lead them there. An internal monologue reveals Mizaistom's surprise that Illumi also joined the Troupe and wonders what they are plotting. He then considers that the Spiders might be on board to get revenge on Kurapika and debates telling him.[86]

Chap 384 - Spiders and Cha-R

Tajao discussing Morena with the Spiders

On the seventh day of the voyage, Ken'i accompanies Tajao, the assistant to the Cha-R boss, through the locked room in the Cha-R’s hideout. Ken'i introduces the Spiders and reports on the Heil-Ly attack on Tajao. Phinks explains their search for Hisoka, their lack of results on Tier 5, and their agreement to kill the hitman in exchange for help to get permission from the Xi-Yu Family to search Tier 4. He states his confidence that the hitman would return to access the Cha-R passage leading to the upper tiers, perhaps to kill their boss. Tajao exchanges a look with Ken'i and warns the Spiders that killing the hitman might start a war between the Spiders and the Heil-Ly, depending on where Morena is. He explains the rules that the families follow to prevent war from breaking out between them. Nobunaga and Phinks conclude that the fastest way to deal with the potential war would be to find and kill Morena, asking Ken'i and Tajao to find her for them and assuring them that the Spiders would hunt down the hitman.[87]

On the tenth day of the voyage, Onior allows the Spiders to search Tier 4 for Hisoka after Hinrigh confirms that Hisoka isn't there. [88] With the help of Xi-Yu underlings Zakuro and Lynch, Hinrigh finds Hisoka on Tier 3 and asks Hisoka if he's willing to move to Tier 1 until the dispute between Heil-Ly and Cha-R finishes. Hisoka agrees after stating that he would fight if provoked.[89]

Nobunaga, Phinks, and Feitan continue their wait for the Heil-Ly hitman in the Cha-R base. A knock on the door is heard, and one of the Cha-R underlings goes to open it, expecting the return of the Cha-R Hisoka search party. He is stopped by a Cha-R member on the security cameras, having seen a hand come out of the wall and knock on the door. Their attention is drawn away to another monitor when the actual search party returns. Phinks opens the door from the security room to the Cha-R base and notices the remaining underlings now suspiciously missing. Nobunaga tells the underling to bolt himself into the security room, and the Spiders watch Luini open a passageway through the main door to the Cha-R base, sticking the top half of his body through, revealing himself to them.[89] Luini offers to have the Spiders join the Heil-Ly and go on a rampage, but Nobunaga quickly kills him, closing the passageway Luini opened and severing his body in half. Nobunaga opens the door and shows Luini's corpse to Tsudonke, fulfilling the Spider's half of their agreement with the Cha-R. The Spiders tell Tsudonke about their new goal to crush the Heil-Ly, and ask to be kept informed of anything the Cha-R learned, and head out to continue their search for Hisoka.[90]

Ken'i notifies Nobunaga, Phinks, and Feitan about the possible secret entrance to the Heil-Ly base in Room 3101 and about the teleportation trap in the doorway. They get the occupant of Room 3102 to let them in and decide to try the bathroom door first after considering the possibility of an additional trap at the bathroom door. They cut through the back of Room 3102 to find the hidden space Ken'i learned from Maizan and see signs of recent habitation. Having interpreted the Heil-Ly's actions thus far as motivated by resignation and anger, Nobunaga finds himself being reminded of the Troupe when they were first formed and had a flashback to the origins of the Troupe. [91] Feitan forces the Room 3102 occupant safely through first the back door in the bathroom of Room 3101, then the bathroom door of Room 3101, and finally through the main door of Room 3101. The teleportation trap is finally triggered when the Room 3102 occupant moves through the main door of Room 3101 into the room itself, revealing the identity of the trap as a teleportation trap that is only triggered when someone walks into Room 3101 from the corridor. Feitan is about to enter the trap and confront the Heil-Ly when Ken'i appears with Hinrigh and introduces him to the Spiders. Hinrigh passes a radio receiver to Phinks and steps through the trap. Nobunaga decides to follow Hinrigh into the trap and finds himself teleported to Hinrigh and into a recently inhabited base. [92]

Nobunaga and Hinrigh explore the hideout and find eight Heil-Ly members in one of the rooms, acting nonchalantly. Nobunaga and Hinrigh suspect a second teleportation trap through the doorway and confront the Heil-Ly members from the hallway. Still, Nobunaga is eventually transported out by Heil-Ly member Yokotani's LSDF. Hinrigh manages to hide the radio transmitter before himself being forced through the trap and finds himself next to Nobunaga. The two splits,[93] and Nobunaga regroup with Phinks and Feitan. They walk around to try to pinpoint the Heil-Ly secret base location and conclude that the base is on Tier 2. They debate whether to find Franklin or directly confront the Heil-Ly.[94]

Arm-Wrestling Rankings[]

Brigata Fantasma - AWR2

The Phantom Troupe uses arm-wrestling to determine how physically strong each member is. However, it should be noted that it’s unclear whether the arm-wrestling competition is done without using Nen, or while maintaining Ten. It should also be noted that all the members, except for maybe Kortopi, can defeat a professional Hunter and Enhancer such as Gon in the competition, with Shizuku losing to him only because she used her right arm despite being left-handed.[10][48][50]

  1. Uvogin
  2. Phinks Magcub
  3. Hisoka Morow
  4. Franklin Bordeau
  5. Feitan Portor
  6. Machi Komacine
  7. Chrollo Lucilfer
  8. Bonolenov Ndongo
  9. Nobunaga Hazama
  10. Shalnark
  11. Pakunoda
  12. Shizuku Murasaki
  13. Kortopi


  • In the official databook, the group's name is also spelled as "Geneiryodan"*.[95]
  • Gon (and Killua by proxy) was invited by Nobunaga to join the Troupe to fill the spot left by Uvogin, but he adamantly refused.[8]
  • Majtani passed himself off as a Troupe member to intimidate his opponents, although his tattoo lacked a number. He claimed that he was one of the "Four Devas" of the group.[6]
  • Machi told Hisoka to meet in Yorknew City at noon on August 30th,[28] but the Troupe actually gathered together on August 31st.[4]
  • When Chrollo wrote out fortunes for most of the Troupe members, several of them were identified by the number on their tattoo, which corresponded to a month of the year, including Hisoka, "April",[15], Shizuku, "August", and the late Uvogin, "November". Shizuku and Chrollo deduced that Pakunoda and Shalnark were also mentioned among the dead members. However, because it was never explicitly mentioned whether Pakunoda was member #9 or #6, and Shalnark #6 or #9, it is still unknown which member had which number.[26]
  • All known #4 members, including the non-canon one, Omokage,[37] have proven themselves treacherous or to have hidden agendas.
  • Information on the Phantom Troupe costs Jenny Symbol 2011100 million on the Hunter Website, and probably even more for individual details.[46]

Intertextuality and References[]

  • Some members seem to have been based on iconic horror figures/archetypes: Franklin (Frankenstein's monster), Kortopi (Sadako Yamamura from the Ringu franchise, Kitarō from GeGeGe no Kitarō, or a generic ghost from Japanese folklore), Bonolenov (mummy), Pakunoda (witch, in her initial appearance),[4] and Hisoka (evil clown) are the most noticeable.
  • It is possible that the Troupe has thirteen members to parody Jesus and the Twelve Apostles. Chrollo and Shizuku wear an inverted cross, often associated with St. Peter or Satanism, and Chrollo openly made reference to the New Testament, defending Judas Iscariot.
  • In real life, the Phantom Troupe was founded when the Digital Revolution (also known as the Third Industrial Revolution) started to take place.
    • Darknet was indirectly mentioned as the technology Chrollo wished to use in his plan.
    • Their founding was also around or shortly before the time that Gon and Killua were born in canon.[53][19][96]
  • The Troupe originally had eight “legs” (if one includes Phinks as part of the original members), the same as the number of legs on real spiders.


  • Several Phantom Troupe members ranked in both the second and third character popularity polls.

Translations around the World[]

Language Name
The Arab world Flag Arabic غيني ريودان (Ghini Riudan)
Brazil Flag Brazilian Portuguese Trupe Fantasma [Ghost Troupe] or Genei Ryodan*
China Flag Chinese 幻影旅团/幻影旅團* (Huànyǐng Lǚ tuán) [Phantom Brigade]
The Czech Republic Flag Czech Genei Ryodan
France Flag French Brigade Fantôme [Ghost Brigade]
Germany Flag German Phantom-Truppe [Phantom Troupe]
Indonesia Flag Indonesian Ryodan*
Italy Flag Italian Brigata Fantasma [Phantom Brigade]
South Korea Flag Korean 환영여단 (Hwan-yeong Yeodan) [Phantom Brigade]
Poland Flag Polish Trupa Fantomu [Phantom Troupe]
Russia Flag Russian Геней Рёдан (Gyeney Ryodan) or Бригада Фантомов (Brigada Fantomov) [Brigade of Phantoms]
Spain Flag Spanish Brigada Fantasma [Ghost Brigade] or Nómadas Fantasma [Ghost Nomades]*
Thailand Flag Thai โจรเงามายา (Cor ngeā māyā) [Shadow Illusion Thief]
แก๊งแมงมุม (Kǽng Mængmum) [Spider Gang]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 1, Chapter 2
  2. 2.0 2.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 5, Chapter 44
  3. 3.0 3.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 102
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 8, Chapter 71
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 377
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 3, Chapter 18
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 9, Chapter 78
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 10, Chapter 92
  9. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 108
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 8, Chapter 72
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 379
  12. 12.0 12.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 9, Chapter 79
  13. 13.0 13.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 1, Chapter 7
  14. 14.0 14.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 224
  15. 15.0 15.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 105
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 378
  17. 17.0 17.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 10, Chapter 89
  18. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 396
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 397
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 114
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 100
  22. 22.0 22.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 15, Chapter 149
  23. 23.0 23.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 17, Chapter 170
  24. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 18, Chapter 183
  25. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 20, Chapter 201
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 26.6 26.7 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 104
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 13, Chapter 118
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 7, Chapter 55
  29. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 4, Chapter 32
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 9, Chapter 80
  31. 31.0 31.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 225
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 229
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 9, Chapter 74
  34. 34.0 34.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 371
  35. 35.0 35.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 9, Chapter 76
  36. 36.0 36.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 227
  37. 37.0 37.1 Hunter × Hunter: Phantom Rouge
  38. Hunter × Hunter - Episode 62 (1999)
  39. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 0, Chapter 2
  40. 40.0 40.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 99
  41. 41.0 41.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 98
  42. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 4, Chapter 35
  43. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 8, Chapter 73
  44. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 9, Chapter 75
  45. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 9, Chapter 77
  46. 46.0 46.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 9, Chapter 81
  47. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 9, Chapter 82
  48. 48.0 48.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 10, Chapter 84
  49. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 10, Chapter 90
  50. 50.0 50.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 10, Chapter 91
  51. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 10, Chapter 93
  52. 52.0 52.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 94
  53. 53.0 53.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 95
  54. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 96
  55. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 97
  56. 56.0 56.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 11, Chapter 101
  57. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 106
  58. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 108
  59. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 109
  60. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 111
  61. 61.0 61.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 112
  62. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 113
  63. 63.0 63.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 115
  64. 64.0 64.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 12, Chapter 116
  65. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 13, Chapter 117
  66. 66.0 66.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 13, Chapter 119
  67. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 13, Chapter 120
  68. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 13, Chapter 122
  69. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 13, Chapter 123
  70. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 14, Chapter 128
  71. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 14, Chapter 134
  72. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 15, Chapter 144
  73. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 15, Chapter 145
  74. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 20, Chapter 201
  75. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 226
  76. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 22, Chapter 228
  77. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 30, Chapter 320
  78. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 34, Chapter 351
  79. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 34, Chapter 352
  80. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 34, Chapter 353
  81. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 34, Chapter 354
  82. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 34, Chapter 355
  83. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 34, Chapter 356
  84. 84.0 84.1 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 34, Chapter 357
  85. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 35, Chapter 366
  86. 86.0 86.1 86.2 86.3 86.4 86.5 86.6 86.7 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 380
  87. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 37, Chapter 384
  88. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 390
  89. 89.0 89.1 Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 392
  90. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 393
  91. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 395
  92. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 398
  93. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 399
  94. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 400
  95. Hunter × Hunter Hunter Association Official Issue: Hunter's Guide; Character & World Official Databook (pg. 108)
  96. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 1, Chapter 6


  1. Possible exaggeration. - Luini