
The Heil-Ly Family (エイ゠イ()(いっ)()()()()()()()(), Ei I Ikka) is one of the three largest Mafia families in the Kakin Empire. Fourth Prince Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou is one of their benefactors.[1] At the start of the Succession Contest arc, the Heil-Ly family counted 23 members, including its Boss, Morena Prudo.[2]


At some point after joining the Heil-Ly Family, Morena, at the time a junior member, staged a coup and became the new Boss. She then had her underlings kill each other until only 22 remained.[2]


Succession Contest arc[]

Chap 378 - Etude of Love1

Morena uses her Nen ability on her followers

Members of the Heil-Ly Family boarded the Black Whale in order to secure territory on the New Continent.[1] Established on Tier 3 of the ship, their main source of income comes from mediating secret deals with the upper decks.[2] Supposedly, the Boss is a VIP on Tier 1 and the underlings are scheming to whittle down the numbers of the two rival families, Xi-Yu and Cha-R;[1] however, this seems to conflict with Morena's actions and orders. Morena uses her Nen ability, Contagion on her 22 followers and orders them to wreak havoc on the ship, killing as many people as possible.[2]

Chap 379 - Luini and Cashew conspiracy

Luini and Cashew plan together

After murdering 20 people in Tier 3,[2] Luini uses his newly developed abilities to teleport to Tier 5 and pit the Phantom Troupe and the Cha-R Family against each other. He also infiltrates the rival family's hideout and tries to open the door leading to the upper tiers of the ship, unsuccessfully. His ruse is, however, discovered. Meanwhile, Cashew passes herself off as a witness of Luini's murders to test the investigative abilities of the police and the Hunter Association.[3]

Over the next few days, members of the Heil-Ly Family are suspected of killing 8 men of the Cha-R Family looking for Hisoka and as many as 300 members of the Xi-Yu Family, with Luini being actively involved. Morena, in the meanwhile, cannot be found in her room in Tier 1 and not even during the searches in Tier 3. News of the situation reaches Prince Tserriednich, who promises to intervene on the first occasion.[4]

Chap 390 - Heil-Ly members

Two Heil-Ly members notice the appearance of Hinrigh and his associates

Hinrigh Biganduffno, the Xi-Yu Family Underboss, receives orders from Onior Longbao to search for Hisoka in Tier 3 before giving the Spiders access to search in Tier 4 in hopes of controlling them. Onior also orders Hinrigh to kill Morena, prompting Hinrigh to call to more members, Lynch Fullbokko and Zakuro Custard, to crush Heil-Ly.[5]

Chap 390 - Lynch's punches

Lynch attacks a Heil-Ly member

On Tier 3, the Xi-Yu members spot two Heil-Ly members in a burger joint. The man orders his female companion to inform Morena of Xi-Yu's presence. While Hinrigh goes after the woman, Lynch and Zakuro confront the man. The man distracts them with a third Heil-Ly member, who slashes Zakuro's neck. While the members are fighting, Hinrigh learns from the woman that the Heil-Ly members are listed as civilians, not Mafia members. Zakuro and Lynch defeat the two Heil-Ly members, with Lynch learning through the use of her ability, Body and Soul, about the basics of Heil-Ly's goal and Morena's ability. Despite their membership with the Heil-Ly family, the registration of the defeated members as civilians gets Lynch and Zakuro in trouble with the military, threatening their eviction from Tier 3 until Hinrigh comes to rescue them.[5]

Later that day, Heil-Ly members Padaille, Quorolle, and Tevelares come across Hinrigh in Area E as he searches Tier 3 for the Heil-Ly's base and Morena. They stay out of range of his En as they devise a loose plan for Padaille to engage him in combat as Quorolle and Tevelares search for an opening to kill him. They speculate that they Morena may have the ability to split the 10 levels rewarded for users infected with her Contagion who kill a Nen user at her discretion. Padaille opens the engagement by using his Fistful of Weapons to transform his right hand into a hammer and swings at Hinrigh's head from behind. Unfortunately, Hinrigh had used his Biohazard to transform several handcuffs into pigeons, which handcuffed Padaille's hands behind his back before his attack on Hinrigh could land. Hinrigh further taunts Quorolle and Tevelares into shooting at Hinrigh, but Hinrigh deflects and guards against the bullets with the pigeon handcuffs and his own aura. Padaille takes advantage of Quorolle and Tevelares' distraction and lunges at Hinrigh's head, having used his Fistful of Weapons to transform his hand into a drill bit to slip out of the handcuffs. Hinrigh cannot dodge and reflexively blocks with his left hand, which Padaille pierces. Padaille is kicked away by Hinrigh, who uses another pigeon handcuff to handcuff his untransformed hand to his left ankle. Quorolle and Tevelares remain observing the fight at a distance and Padaille uses his Fistful of Weapons to transform his right hand into an axe, planning to chop through the handcuff chain. As Padaille moves his hand above his head in preparation to swing, Hinrigh catches his hand, and forces the axe into the back of his head, killing him. Seeing Padaille killed, Quorolle and Tevelares make an escape to not be captured reveal the location of their hideout, and seek out Morena for advice.[6] After the battle, Padaille's corpse is manipulated by former Xi-Yu family member Misha Hao's post-mortem Nen ability, Zombie Girl to help Hinrigh disguise the severity of the conflict to the military.[7]

While the higher-ups of the Cha-R family are out searching for Morena, Luini decides to try to infiltrate the Cha-R hideout where the Phantom Troupe is and goad them into helping the Heil-Ly. He sticks his hand through his spatial teleportation ability and knocks on the door of their hideout. The door does not open, so he subsequently opens the door itself inside the Cha-R hideout. Luini makes the mistake of pretending to be too familiar with the Phantom Troupe and quickly backtracks, but is stabbed through the forehead by Nobunaga. Luini's ability deactivates severs his body in half, leaving his upper torso in the Cha-R hideout. Nobunaga would later present Luini's head to the Cha-R members.[8]

In a dimly-lit room, Heil-Ly members Daemon, Gelato, Bille, Perigord, Voconte, and Matvere stand around several corpses, including Luini's lower half, and discuss how to best continue leveling up without Luini. Perigord suggests another person manifest the same ability Luini had, but Voconte suggests using his "door" ability instead. Quorolle and Tevelares open the door, asking if anyone could become an emitter or have an ability like a firearm that could deal with handcuffs that were turned into pigeons. Tevelares explains that Padaille was killed by the pigeons and the Xi-Yu underboss. Tevelares, Gelato, and Quorolle head to Morena to get advice on how to deal with the ability, and Morena suggests they consider a way to counteract the ability with whatever they have instead of simply waiting for one of them to be an emitter and generate a strong enough firearm. Morena offers to tell Gelato her Nen type, but Gelato refuses, wanting to keep it a surprise for herself.[8]

In Room 3101 on Tier 3 of the Black Whale, Gateaume waits in the room but finds Corporal Maizan, Hinrigh, Ken'i, and several Cha-R underlings at his door searching for the entrance to Heil-Ly's secret hideout. Gateaume lets Corporal Maizan into the room to search it, but the Corporal disappears when he momentarily steps out of Hinrigh and Ken'i's line of sight. Gateaume tries to lure Hinrigh and Ken'i into the room, but they refuse. Instead, Hinrigh, not yet recognizing Gateaume as a Heil-Ly member, throws a knife into the room at the wall next to Gateaume's head to try and scare him.[8] Trying to further lure them into the bathroom, Gateaume slowly makes his way there with exaggerated movements, but Hinrigh throws a knife into Gateaume's leg instead. Gateaume gives up his act after Hinrigh points out the lack of blood, and his body vanishes into aura, leaving behind Hinrigh's knife. Cha-R underling Tassi walks into the room to pick up the knife, but is teleported to the Heil-Ly secret hideout, where he is killed by Bille. Terebellum throws Tassi's corpse to Chiffon Toto and Montblanc Toto to be disposed of.[9]

In a room, Matvere, Sodom, Orarge, and Yokotani speak to Morena. Matvere and Sodom update Morena about the silence from their liaison with the 4th Prince Tserriednich, a butler in the VVIP area. Morena interprets this as Tserriednich possibly being aware of their actions. Combined with Gateaume's report that the entrance in room 3101 was under scrutiny, Morena expects Tserriednich to want to deal with her personally, and decides to have Sodom recruit one of Tserriednich's personal soldiers for Morena to infect with Contagion to get a better idea of Prince Tserriednich's movements, while Sodom helps Dogman. Morena provides Matvere and Sodom with a list of names, and advises them to use Door C instead since Room 3101 is no longer usable. Morena asks Orarge and Yokotani to continue keeping watch over the door, and inviting any of Tserriednich's men they see into the base. She also asks Notre and Soufflé to head to Room 3131 and check on Room 3101 from there. She then gives Dogman the most important role: finding what she's looking for. Dogman suggests he level up, and Morena asks him to head to their processing area and get himself past level 50.[9]

The Heil-Ly members around the hideout are notified that someone is searching for their hideout when they recognize the resident of Room 3102 in their hideout, having been forced to be someone's guinea pig. They gather in a room in their base, and wait for further intruders. The door opens to reveal Hinrigh and Nobunaga, who throws a knife at the head of Terebellum, seated closest to the door, forcing him to use Sweet Home to displace the damage. Soufflé grabs Terebellum and reminds him that they had instructions not to engage, but Terebellum is forced to throw her away lest either of them get injured when Hinrigh throws another knife. Perigord tries to take the hit and see what his new Nen abilities can do, but Orarge stops the knife with his book, reminding Perigord of his role as the organ. Yokotani steps to the door, outside of Nobunaga's range, and starts to introduce himself to fulfill the conditions of his Nen ability, but is caught off guard when Nobunaga ignores his speech and throws his katana into Yokotani's forehead. Fortunately, Terebellum uses Sweet Home to absorb the damage, and Yokotani activates LSDF, summoning seven "Level 4" guard puppets who engage Nobunaga and Hinrigh. Nobunaga throws his katana again at the forehead of one of the guard puppets, but they take no damage and activate their maximum of "Level 5". The puppets quickly separate Nobunaga from his weapon, and forcibly carry him through the doorway, forcing him to trigger the teleportation. The puppets quickly turn to Hinrigh, who runs and manages to hide a radar transmitter before he is captured and forcibly sent back to Room 3101.[10] After a quick search, the Phantom Troupe manages to confirm that the Heil-Ly's secret base is on Tier 2 of the Black Whale by eliminating the other possibilities.[11]


     Active/Alive     Deceased     Former     Unknown Status

Heil-Ly Family
Boss Benefactor
Heil-Ly Associate 9 SC Portrait

Nen Levels[]

Name Level Nen Ability Status
Morena Prudo 45 Contagion Alive
Bille 21 Unknown Alive
Cashew 1 N/A Alive
Chiffon Toto 6 N/A Alive
Daemon 20 N/A Alive
Dogman 36 Unknown Alive
Gateaume 21+ Unknown Alive
Gelato 19 N/A Alive
Luini 21+ Spatial Teleportation Deceased
Matvere 21 Unknown Alive
Montblanc Toto 3 N/A Alive
Notre 24 Unknown Alive
Orarge 21 Unknown Alive
Padaille 29 Fistful of Weapons Deceased
Perigord 21 Unknown Alive
Quorolle 22 Unknown Alive
Sodom 31 Unknown Alive
Soufflé 28 Unknown Alive
Terebellum 21 Damage Alive
Tevelares 24 Unknown Alive
Voconte 26 Door Alive
Yokotani 27 A Battle of Wits Alive


  • Taken together, the katakana of the three Mafia families form "Shūeisha", the company responsible for the publication of Weekly Shōnen Jump and of Hunter × Hunter.
  • The crest bears a resemblance to the letter A, whose English reading mirrors the pronunciation of the first part of the family's name ("ei").
  • Every female member of the family is named after one of various kind of desserts: Gelato is italian word for ice-cream, Mont Blanc is dessert of sweetened chestnut purée, Chiffon cake is classic American cake, Souffle is baked egg-based dish originating in France, and Cashew refers to Cashew Cake, made with roasted cashews and old-fashioned oats.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 371
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 378
  3. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 36, Chapter 379
  4. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 37, Chapter 384
  5. 5.0 5.1 Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 390
  6. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 391
  7. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 392
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 393
  9. 9.0 9.1 Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 394
  10. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 399
  11. Hunter × Hunter, Chapter 400

