
Spirit Echoes ((しん)(てき)(けん)(ちょう)()()()()()(), Shinteki Kenchō) is a martial arts term used to describe the phenomenon that occurs when two powerful warriors clash.[1]


The term "spirit echoes" is used by some branches of martial arts to designate a peculiar phenomenon occurring when two truly powerful fighters engage in battle. Their sense of the passage of time often becomes inconsistent with one another, and the two combatants manage to hear what the other is thinking at that moment, learning information that no one but the opponent could know.[1]


Chimera Ant arc[]

In a flashback, Zeno Zoldyck is seen talking to someone about the phenomenon and emphasizes that it's possible. He compares it to what happens near death when people experience time slowing down and see their life flash before their eyes. He adds that experts dismiss such phenomena as fantasy since it involves hearing someone else's thoughts instead of your own--thoughts that no one else could possibly know. He ends the explanation by saying that some branches of martial arts call it "spirit echoes", describing it as a sensation of temporal discrepancy that often occurs when truly powerful warriors clash.[1]

Later, when the two leave the palace of East Gorteau on a dragon, Zeno tells Silva that he had a weird experience, saying that it felt like time was condensed.[2]


  • In Crunchyroll's translation of the 2011 anime adaptation, the term is translated as "Listening with the Spirit".[3]
  • The name of this phenomenon is written with the kanji for "heart" or "mind" (心), "to drop" or "to drip" (滴), "fist" (拳), and "to listen" or "to hear" (聴). A possible literal translation of the term would be "Hearing Minds through Dripping Fists".

Translations around the World[]

Language Name
France Flag French Shinteki Kenchou


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Hunter × Hunter - Volume 25, Chapter 264
  2. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 26, Chapter 278
  3. Hunter × Hunter - Episode 111 (2011)