
Expulsion (退(たい)(きょ)()()()()()()()(), Taikyo) is the 399th chapter of the Hunter × Hunter manga, written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi.


Looking inside the laundry room, Hinrigh says that while it looks abandoned, he has a feeling people were there just a moment ago. Nobunaga adds that it was the same with the hidden room and then realizes something, leaving Hinrigh confused. Nobunaga explains that if the Heil-Ly were expecting intruders to break through the walls, he should have assumed that their neighbors were working with them. He adds that they used them to check for traps but blames himself for letting the Heil-Ly know that intruders were after them.

Chap 399 - Nobunaga and Hinrigh

Nobunaga and Hinrigh analyzing the situation

However, Hinrigh reassures him by saying that even though there were no fresh bodies or bloodstains in the laundry room, the Heil-Ly might have restrained the civilians and taken them somewhere else. He explains that they may have decided to hide first and kill them later after questioning them and learning that intruders were after them, adding that they might also have a rule where they evacuate if one of their neighbors is teleported to the hideout. Lastly, he says that it would be safer and cheaper to use one of their oblivious neighbors to alert them than to leave their companions behind. Nobunaga wonders if he's just trying to make him feel better, but Hinrigh stresses that he won't get an answer even if he thinks about it, adding that they should keep their focus on the doors.

The two walk toward one of the doors, and Nobunaga says that it seems to be the main one, adding that it's the correct one and will be dangerous if it doesn't open. Hinrigh finds that the door is unlocked and wonders what it means if it does open. Nobunaga replies that it's definitely the correct answer and will be even more dangerous, as aura swells around him. Hinrigh slowly pushes the door open with his knife, and the two find nine Heil-Ly members sitting and talking together. As Gelato, Soufflé, and Terebellum have a conversation about something, Hinrigh eventually gets their attention by yelling and asking them to confirm that it's the Heil-Ly's hideout and they are all members. After pretending to be scared by Hinrigh, Soufflé and Terebellum continue the conversation as if the two weren't there.

Chap 399 - Terebellum

Terebellum using his ability to avoid taking damage

Hinrigh suggests using one of his knives, and Nobunaga agrees since the door is most likely trapped as well, guessing that the members are so relaxed because they know the two of them can't go inside. Grasping his katana, Nobunaga says that he prefers to clean up trash as soon as he finds it, and Hinrigh reminds him that he was the one who suggested moving, agreeing with his trash comment and adding that he has plenty of knives to say hello. Hinrigh then hurls a knife toward Terebellum, and it pierces his head, causing the member to say that it hurt and to stand up from his chair. Soufflé can't believe that it's all the way in his head, but Terebellum calmly pulls it out, crushing the handle and revealing that the blade is missing. Hinrigh sees that the blade's tip is in the drink can Terebellum was holding, realizing that his ability involves matter transfer.

Nobunaga says to himself that Terebellum is a bad match for him since he can't narrow down his ability, explaining that he could be an interceptor-type and that there are too many options for his conditions. As Soufflé grabs Terebellum's left arm and reminds him that they were told not to deal with intruders, Hinrigh throws another knife toward him, with Terebellum dodging and pushing Soufflé out of the way. As the knife heads straight for Perigord, he calmly puts out his hand and wonders how long it would take for the injury to heal. However, Orarge uses an issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump to stop the knife and tells Perigord that he should have avoided it, wondering why he's trying to use his ability. Terebellum criticizes Soufflé for carelessly touching him, and she apologizes before saying that she will leave and reminding them that they shouldn't fight there. Orarge reminds Perigord that he has already been chosen as the "organ" (kikan) and that Morena told him to keep his head down, with Perigord remembering and apologizing.

Chap 399 - Nobunaga

Nobunaga attempting to kill Yokotani

Yokotani speaks up and confirms Hinrigh's identity, introducing himself as the Heil-Ly Family's lawyer. Terebellum then tells him to call the military and police since a crazy person is throwing knives and going on a rampage. Yokotani explains that they have committed both trespassing and bodily harm, which is as close as they can get to attempted murder. He asks if it's okay to report it to the police, and Hinrigh says that it's convenient since they're lost, wondering where they are. Yokotani replies that he can't reveal that and agrees to keep things civil if they follow his instructions. Nobunaga then gets his attention, and Yokotani recognizes him as a member of the Phantom Troupe, saying that it's a big deal for them.

Before Yokotani can finish asking a question, Nobunaga uses a chain attached to the end of his katana to reach the Heil-Ly member and stab his head. However, Terebellum is seen with his right hand on Yokotani's shoulder, and when Nobunaga pulls back his katana, he sees that the tip is missing, realizing that Terebellum can move the damage from other people as well. Blood begins to stream down Terebellum's left arm as he tells Yokotani to stay back. Nobunaga says that if Terebellum doesn't transfer the damage he receives with his right hand to something else with his left hand, he will receive the damage himself. He describes the ability as unselfish and adds that it doesn't suit his appearance at all. It's explained that Terebellum's Emission ability, Damage: "Sweet Home", allows him to displace damage along with the attacking object. The damage to something touched by his right hand is taken into Terebellum himself, and it can be transferred to something when he touches it with his left hand. It only works if he is touching it the moment the damage is received.

Chap 399 - Yokotani's ability

Yokotani activating his ability

Nobunaga tells Terebellum to step back and tells Yokotani to come closer again, promising to skewer all of them as aura surrounds his katana. Yokotani apologizes and says that he didn't expect Nobunaga to abandon the spirit of a samurai, and Terebellum criticizes him for getting close to the enemy so carelessly. Yokotani realizes that he's the reason why Terebellum's ability was exposed and wonders how he can apologize, explaining that the samurai of his homeland were against the use of projectile weapons. Terebellum wonders if he will keep making excuses, and Yokotani quickly apologizes before saying that he will disappear for a while. However, Terebellum tells him that he will make the intruders disappear, reminding him that he identified himself to them and that he is a guard.

Yokotani then activates his Conjuration ability, A Battle of Wits: "LSDF", which is explained to be a defensive ability that can only be used at the hideout where Morena is located. It activates when Yokotani identifies himself to an intruder who has broken the law, and while the guards he conjures cannot harm the criminal, the criminal's attacks are also ineffective. The more serious the opponent's crime, the higher the level of guards Yokotani can create. With aura swelling around them, seven puppets appear behind him and identify the two criminals, charging them with trespassing and attempted murder as they reach alert level 4. Yokotani confirms the sentence and orders them to be expelled from the premises. As the puppets run forward, Nobunaga readies his katana and strikes one of them, but it takes no damage and reaches the maximum alert level as its aura increases. Nobunaga realizes that its aura has been enhanced and tells Hinrigh that the puppets are most likely invincible since the two of them already met the conditions of Yokotani's ability.

Chap 399 - Yokotani's puppets

Yokotani's puppets restraining Nobunaga

The puppets swarm and restrain Nobunaga, with one of them confiscating his katana. Nobunaga tells Hinrigh to run since the puppets are on autopilot and won't stop until they remove him as well. The puppets carry Nobunaga out, and he is eventually teleported away, with Yokotani confirming his expulsion and adding that they have one more target. As the puppets sprint toward Hinrigh, Yokotani tells him that he also has two attempted murders with willful negligence and that he will be expelled, asking him to give up and leave. Based on the teleportation traps and invincible-type users, Hinrigh is confident that it's the Heil-Ly's main base, returning to the laundry room and closing the door behind him. As the puppets pound on the door, Hinrigh tells himself that he will use Nobunaga's advice and hide the transmitter there since the puppets are on autopilot and the user won't be able to see what he's doing in the room. He then puts two fingers in his mouth so that he can vomit up the transmitter.

Back in Room 3101, Nobunaga realizes that entering from the front door teleports someone to the hideout and entering from the door of the hideout teleports someone to Room 3101. He adds that the Heil-Ly can kill two birds with one stone since it acts as a trap and a secret passageway. However, he says that there has to be a jump point that only members can use, wondering if it's somewhere in the room. Hinrigh then teleports back, and Nobunaga wonders how it went. Hinrigh replies that the enemy probably won't notice the transmitter thanks to his advice, telling Nobunaga that he will support him since he (Hinrigh) won't be able to use his ability anymore that day and adding that he used all his knives.

Chap 399 - Nobunaga and Hinrigh splitting up

Nobunaga and Hinrigh splitting up to find the Heil-Ly

Hinrigh explains that he will first get an idea of where the hideout is located on the ship's floor plan before creating descriptions for the members, looking for witnesses, and narrowing down their area of activity. He adds that he will gather together every Xi-Yu member to get the information, and Nobunaga says that the Troupe will handle the search for the transmitter. In the hideout's laundry room, the transmitter (still in the form of an oyster) is seen under one of the cabinets as it beeps twice. Hinrigh tells Nobunaga that he's counting on them and that even though the Heil-Ly looked like amateurs, they have to be cautious since they don't know what Morena can do and what one of the members meant when he said "kikan". Nobunaga agrees and adds that whoever is moving the pieces isn't stupid.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]


Intertextuality and References[]

