Marketing Futures Pulse

Marketing Futures Pulse pulls together the freshest articles, research, and insights on hot topics in the marketing industry. Curated and vetted by an ANA researcher, each issue includes only the most current and credible information available.

  • Should Your Brand Tackle Political Content?

    Pulse   December 18, 2023  

    Many companies, big and small, struggle with hitting the right balance when tackling political issues, and/or responding to current events. 2024 will be an especially difficult year for brands as it is an election year in the U.S. For many marketers, this will require a delicate balance of acknowledging the climate while also making strategic choices based on what the brand's mission and vision are, as well as who the target audience is.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Marketing Luminaries Weigh In

    Pulse   November 28, 2023  

    Marketing Futures Podcast host Mike Berberich shares top marketers’ thoughts on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

  • The Keys to an Effective Brand/Agency Relationship

    Pulse   November 21, 2023  

    Leslie Miller of Unilever and Smita Reddy of Edelman spoke to Marketing Futures Podcast host Mike Berberich about the keys to their strong, effective partnership.

  • Concerns Around Automation and AI

    Pulse   November 14, 2023  

    While AI holds many promising capabilities to enhance the marketing function, there are clear causes for concern if AI is deployed irresponsibly. R3’s Craig Stein joined the Marketing Futures Podcast to discuss.

  • AI 101: The Challenges and Opportunities

    Pulse   November 7, 2023  

    R3’s Craig Stein joined the Marketing Futures Podcast to break down the primary challenges and opportunities AI brings to the marketing spectrum.

  • Empowering CMOs: Overcoming Challenges and Building Personal Brands

    Pulse   October 31, 2023  

    Black Glass founder and CEO Katie Klumper discussed the importance of empowering CMOs on a recent episode of the Marketing Futures Podcast.

  • Marketing Prompts for Generative AI

    Pulse   June 22, 2023  

    This issue of Marketing Futures’ Pulse collects resources examining best practices for creating marketing prompts for use with generative AI.

  • Sustainability and Marketing Earth Day & Beyond

    Pulse   April 11, 2023  

    Tips for sustainable marketing

  • ChatGPT: Effects on Search and Usefulness for Marketers

    Pulse   January 18, 2023  

    If your team has been looking for a way to use AI more to support creative strategy, ChatGPT may actually be helpful for you. While it may seem counterintuitive to have an AI chatbot enhance creativity, the technology can help gather data, research, use the dialogue to plan campaigns and meetings, headlines, key words, copy, and images.

  • What Publishers Need to Know About the Metaverse

    Pulse   January 3, 2023  

    The metaverse is being presented as an exciting opportunity for brands and consumers alike, and while some consider it an exciting future, there are likely more challenges ahead than real and sustainable business and content models.

  • Is BeReal a Lucrative Platform for Brands?

    Pulse   December 15, 2022  

    Besides the fact that the app is more ideologically similar to gen Z's wants, the app has reached "3.3 million downloads globally in Q1 of this year, a 390 percent jump from Q4 of 2021, according to It sits in the No. 1 spot for free apps in Apple's App Store," as reported by Marketing Brew. These numbers are telling an important story: Gen Z is tired of promoting stilted selves.

  • How Brand Marketers Can Leverage Programmatic in Podcasting

    Pulse   November 17, 2022  

    Watching television, scrolling through social media, and working on a laptop, are all inherent parts of everyday life. But screen time is becoming excessive. The average American spends over 7 hours per day looking at a screen.

  • Programmatic Audio: Everything You Need to Know

    Pulse   November 17, 2022  

    Programmatic audio advertising is growing rapidly. Find out how to make the most of digital audio ads, targeting the right audience and boosting engagement.

  • Marketing Micro-Moments

    Pulse   October 12, 2022  

    Google defines micro-moments as occurring, “when people reflexively turn to a device –increasingly a smartphone – to act on a need to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something. They are intent-rich moments when decisions are made and preferences shaped.”

  • Circular Economy

    Pulse   August 24, 2022  

    What is a circular economy? A circular economy aims to reuse its waste in a sustainable system of production and consumption. It’s an improvement on the old-fashioned, awful-sounding “take-make-waste” linear business model that begins by extracting resources from the earth and ends with piles of waste in a landfill. It’s a model that—you guessed it—goes full circle to minimize both resource use and waste production.

  • Financial Services Marketing: What to Know

    Pulse   July 27, 2022  

    Discover how bank and financial services marketing has evolved in recent years. Explore strategies for delivering personalized customer experiences and adapting to changing consumer expectations.

  • Restaurant Marketing Strategies for 2022

    Pulse   June 23, 2022  

    Restaurants suffered greatly at the hands of COVID-19, when only take-out could feasibly be an offering. Add staff shortages, supply chain issues, rising inflation, and gas prices to that blow, and one can see that restaurants have not had an easy time regaining their footing. With the pandemic mostly behind us, consumers’ pent-up desire for dining out has increased, and despite the other setbacks the industry is facing, restaurants are seeing a resurgence, as QSR magazine recently reported. The struggle is not over yet, however, and an agile approach to marketing a restaurant brand is key; the resources here look at some strategies restaurants can take to help their recovery.

  • Reach Out: Combining Paid and Organic Social Strategies for Success

    Pulse   June 16, 2022  

    As audiences on major social sites continue to grow, opportunities (as with any other media type) for monetization grow as well. This is especially true for sites like Facebook and Instagram, where advertisers, according to Axios, are paying more for ads, and, as analysis from Ignite Social found, organic reach keeps dropping. In 2022 no brand can eschew social media marketing, but some brands can’t afford to go all-in on paid strategies, and an organic approach leaves little visibility. The solution?

  • In-Game Advertising

    Pulse   June 7, 2022  

    Since their introduction, video games have been widely popular, but they saw a special sort of rise during the pandemic’s lockdowns, where sites like Twitch and the introduction of the Metaverse brought gamers to more sophisticated, communicative worlds that also fostered communities.

  • Using Data Clean Rooms to Secure Consumer Privacy Among Marketing Partners

    Pulse   May 19, 2022  

    With the (slow) erasure of the third-party tracking cookie, zero, first, and second-party consumer data has emerged as one of the main ways to collect consumer information. But with this large stock of private customer data, marketers now need a secure way to share that data with their partners, while simultaneously maintaining their users’ privacy.


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