Committee Thought Leadership

Increasingly, ANA committees play thought leadership roles in addressing key industry issues. Examples include:

The Cost of the Pitch

July 2023

Agencies devote significant resources to the defense of an existing account when put into review and to the pursuit of new business. Research from the ANA and 4As identified a significant cost to the client when they run a review as well, as it is a time-consuming and resource-intensive process.

The Continued Rise of the In-House Agency: 2023 Edition

May 2023

Every five years since 2008, the ANA has surveyed our members on the topic of in-house agencies. Findings in 2023 show that eighty-two percent of ANA members now have an in-house agency — up from 78 percent in 2018, 58 percent in 2013, and 42 percent in 2008.

U.S. Commercial Production Tax Incentives

December 2022

Tax incentive programs started to appear about 30 years ago in the film and television industries to keep U.S. productions from going offshore for lower costs. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of these incentives, outline the process for participating, and make advertisers aware of these incentives.

Trends in Agency Compensation

November 2022

For more than 50 years, the ANA has fielded a unique and comprehensive agency compensation survey among client-side marketer members. According to the results of the latest ANA’s Trends in Agency Compensation survey, fees, particularly labor-based fees, are the most dominant method of compensation today.

Agency Search Simplification

September 2022

The ANA and the 4A’s surveyed their respective members to understand the various pain points in the agency search process, as well as their value (or lack thereof) to the overall process. This report contains the results of that survey, as well as key findings, conclusions, and next steps.

Procurement 2022: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

July 2022

In 2010, the ANA published a landmark report on the state of marketing procurement and measured practices and perceptions among professionals in three functional areas. In 2022, we repeated and built upon this prior research to track progress (or lack thereof).

Influencer Marketing Measurement Guidelines

June 2022

The ANA’s Influencer Marketing Advisory Board created a set of guidelines for influencer marketing measurement in collaboration with leading agencies and the major social media platforms.

In-House Agency Fact Book

June 2020

The ANA In-House Agency Fact Book highlights the structure, capabilities, and operations of in-house agencies at ANA corporate member companies.

The Power of Supplier Diversity

May 2020

A supplier diversity program is a proactive business program which encourages the use of women-owned, ethnic/minority-owned, veteran-owned, LGBTQ-owned, disability-owned, and small businesses as suppliers. This report covers the findings from quantitative and qualitative research conducted by the ANA. The purpose was to gain an understanding of the incidence of supplier diversity programs as well as benefits, challenges, spend, goals, measurement, influence, and more.

Data Sources for Media: A Buyer’s Guide

May 2020

A tremendous amount of money is spent on data for media buying decisions, specifically third-party audience data. This paper recommends criteria for advertisers to focus on when evaluating data and provides a checklist to use when considering a new data partner.

Payment Terms: Current Practices for Marketing Services

March 2020

ANA initiated research to determine if changes in payment terms for marketing services were isolated examples or reflective of a broader trend. Results are clear: payment term changes, notably extended terms, are reflective of a broader trend.

The State of Connected TV Report 2020

February 2020

ANA and Innovid have partnered on a new study, "The State of Connected TV Report 2020." Key findings: connected TV significantly extends reach, provides more interactivity, and increases earned time over standard ad experiences.

Marketing Word of the Year

December 2019

The ANA's Marketing Word of the Year for 2019, selected by ANA committee members, hits particularly close to home for many marketers and the consumers they target. 

A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry

November 2019

This report from ANA's Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM) concludes that women overwhelmingly comprise the bulk of the marketing industry's workforce and at the senior leadership level, female representation is now likely at an all-time high. However, ethnic diversity continues to be poor.

Issues that Contribute to the Breakdown of Trust in the Advertising Ecosystem

September 2019

In this survey, ANA's Trust Consortium asked client-side marketers to rate a number of issues on how they contribute to the breakdown of trust.

Media Agency Compensation Practices

September 2019

Given the rapidly changing digital, social, and programmatic media landscape, the ANA fielded this survey to delve into the topic of media agency compensation practices and the related issues of performance incentives, programmatic compensation/transparency, as well as rebates, discounts, and principal based buying.

U.S. Multicultural Media Forecast 2019

August 2019

The report was commissioned by the ANA's Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM) and conducted by PQ Media. The goal was to provide ANA and AIMM members with a comprehensive examination of multicultural media investments by demographics, media platforms, and media buying strategies. 

Managing In-House Agency Creative Content and Legal Concerns

July 2019

ANA partnered with the Boston Consulting Group and Reed Smith to understand the top concerns in-house agencies have for both creative content development and legal issues.

2018-2019 Bot Baseline: Fraud in Digital Advertising

April 2019

Results of a study from ANA and White Ops show that the war on ad fraud is succeeding and measures designed to block fraudulent impressions are working. Economic losses due to bot fraud are expected to total $5.8 billion globally in 2019, but for the first time even more fraud will be stopped than will succeed.

Enhancing Trust Between Marketers and Agencies

March 2019

The ANA fielded a survey focusing on the current level of trust between client-side marketers and advertising agencies.

The Continued Rise of the In-House Agency

October 2018

A new ANA study concludes that the number of marketers with in-house agencies has grown substantially, and workloads for those agencies are increasing. Services that have grown significantly in recent years are: content marketing, creative strategy, data/marketing analytics, media strategy, programmatic media, and social media.

Improving Sponsorship Accountability Metrics

July 2018

Get the results of a study from the ANA and MASB (Marketing Accountability Standards Board) designed to provide greater insight and guidance into sponsorship measurement.

ANA Members Oppose Addition of Citizenship Question for 2020 Census

June 2018

ANA members widely oppose the addition of a "citizenship" question to the 2020 census. That question asks, "Is this person a citizen of the United States?"

How ANA Members Are Using Influencer Marketing

April 2018

New research from the ANA explores how brands are working with influencers. Read the white paper to learn more.