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can aws cognito give scopes beyond what was requested?

in oauth2 login, the gateway sends request to authorization server and adds what scopes it requires, and after seccessfull login in cognito, cognito adds scopes requested in the token. the problem ...
Stykle Sty's user avatar
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Unable to read a dataframe from s3

I am getting the following error: 24/07/25 21:29:43 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable 24/07/25 21:29:53 ...
Minu's user avatar
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AWS SAM request mapping to retrieve the raw request body of a Stripe webhook returning undefined

I've created a web app and looking to integrate Stripe for subscriptions to premium features of the web app. Using AWS SAM I've tried the below Body Mapping Template in the snippet of my template.yaml ...
Jonny Ortiz's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does it make sense to "Let Cloudfront access S3 with VPC endpoint"

Currently I am making an infrastructure with Cloudfront infront of S3 for serving public static assets. The customer requested that they don't like to have their public static assets being public on ...
qkhanhpro's user avatar
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Amazon Aurora data compression

I am looking for a way to compress old tables data which is mainly used for read purpose in aurora mysql(innodb). Looks like mysql does support compressed table/index format and unfortunately aurora ...
JollyRoger's user avatar
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AWS ECS auto scale up causing temporary ALB 504 timeouts

we have a service which is a ECS + EC2 setup. With the ECS, we configured service auto scaling. We noticed when auto scaling policy trying to scale up more tasks, we sometimes see transient 504 ...
Erin's user avatar
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2 votes
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CodeCommit Create Repo Error: CreateRepository request is not allowed because there is no existing repository in this AWS account or AWS Organization

Attempting to create first repo in AWS CodeCommit and get the same error whether from console or CLI: Console: CreateRepository request is not allowed because there is no existing repository in this ...
osujc's user avatar
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Json error: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent on Aws-bitnami

Inquiries regarding logs in the following format are probably the most common due to json errors related to WordPress. [Thu Jul 25 13:00:50.367263 2024] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 26574:tid ...
Young Lee's user avatar
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ssh permission denied while running jenkins

+ ssh -i /home/ubuntu/myphpApp/key.pem [email protected] /bin/bash Warning: Identity file /home/ubuntu/myphpApp/key.pem not accessible: Permission denied. [email protected]: Permission denied (...
Patil's user avatar
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Unable to use implicit IAM/role-based auth when using Boto3 inside Docker on EC2

I've run into a frustrating edge case that I'm now having to either introduce custom logic to work around or solve properly. I'm running a Django application inside a Docker container on EC2. I'm ...
pdoherty926's user avatar
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How to increase recursive invocations limit in AWS lambda?

I have a lambda function that asynchronously invokes itself in a chain reaction 30 times in a row, however AWS stops at invocation #16 because of the infinite loop detection Is there a way I can ...
Ekapunk's user avatar
  • 131
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Unable to upload images to S3 using boto3

I am using fastapi to upload images to my s3 bucket. first i tried presigned url method to upload images from postman and it is working fine. But when i try to directly upload image(size ~7kb) from ...
varun_k_21's user avatar
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Python - Writing data from Firehose lambda to S3 with dynamic names

I am using Amazon Data Firehose with a Lambda function to massage data before writing to S3 destination. I need to change the name of the S3 file written to S3 based on the data processed in the ...
George Chacko's user avatar
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how to load a ETL script to S3 bucket using yaml CloudFormation stack

I have been writing CloudFormation Stack using yaml and deploying it to AWS Infrastructure ( For legacy reasons, I can not switch to CDK unfortunately ;)) Following yaml code is a part of the ...
Pankesh Patel's user avatar
-1 votes
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pd.to_datetime() not consistently working to convert objects

I have been working with this data (csv) that exists in an AWS S3 bucket. When I am pulling the data I have to transform all the columns to their correct dtypes. All other dtypes are working properly ...
Keegan Husom's user avatar
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SgaeMaker training: what's the correct REGEX patrern to capture metrics?

This is the pattern I've seen suggested in a few different posts on SO: metric_definitions = [ {'Name': 'loss', 'Regex': "'loss': ([0-9]+(.|e\-)[0-9]+),?"}, {'Name': 'learning_rate', ...
Yoan B. M.Sc's user avatar
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AWS Cloudfront S3 for Apple App Site Association NoSuchKey

I'm using my React web app (which is hosted using AWS Cloudfront and S3) to host my apple-app-site-association for my iOS app. I know that I have it stored on S3 correctly because when I go to https://...
Dhara's user avatar
  • 41
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Use a loop to create multiple source_access_configuration resources in terraform

I have a variable (type: list of string) for external subnets. For e.g., external_subnets = ["subnet-1", "subnet-2", "subnet-3"]. The list and count could vary based on ...
user007's user avatar
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Difficulties Encrypting and Decrypting Files from AWS S3 using AWS KMS

[ Explanation ] I am working on a problem that is proving to be pretty cumbersome, I feel as though I'm getting close to a solution but there's still difficulties I'm encountering. I currently have a ...
user7160059's user avatar
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kubernetes cluster setup using kubeadm in aws ec2 [closed]

[root@controlplane ~]# kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address= [init] Using Kubernetes version: v1.30.3 [preflight] Running pre-flight checks [WARNING FileExisting-tc]: tc not ...
Prashant Kumar's user avatar
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using Dynamodb keywords in DMS table mapping json

I have a requirement to use dynamodb reserved keyword as attribute name on the DDB side. So I am using "expression-attribute-names" in the mapping json for my DMS task. { ...
udhayan dharmalingam's user avatar
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Getting error while hosting MERN Project on AWS: .env file error

Upload the file on the aws ec2 instance using GitHub so after that I use pm2 to start the server file, but it shows an error that the server is running on an Undefined port and a mongodb error, but ...
kalgi's user avatar
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EC2 machines: python SSHTunnelForwarder closing tunnel on the background when high number of connections made

I have GRPC services running on EC2 machines and an orchestrator that connects to those machines through SSHTunnelForwarder. This works fine when I am running low number of servers (arround 4 to 8). ...
gate_pillar's user avatar
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Prevent MongoDB's bulkWrite from returning (too much) data

I use MongoDB with the Node.js driver to bulkWrite around 10,000 rather large documents (1-5 MB per document) from an AWS scheduled task to MongoDB instance every hour. I would expect the inbound ...
fromin's user avatar
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My ECS task mapped with portMapping = 9200 but the application end point is running only in port 8080

I am fairly new to AWS and docker. What I have done is -- I have created a sample spring-boot get endpoint Created a docker image from it and pushed the same to DockerHub Created an ECS cluster and ...
akash89's user avatar
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Pod getting stuck in ContainerCreating state when it is attached to 2 EFS RWX volume

Created EFS file system on aws console Using EFS file system ID from step 1 we created storage class and used that storage class in app deployment After helm deployment we got EFS access point, pv and ...
saurabh umathe's user avatar
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AWS Serverless framework, stack deploy stuck "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS"

I have a problem while using the Serverless framework to deploy my stack to AWS. I'm running this serverless deploy --stage tst --region eu-west-3 --verbose Then 2 of my functions get stuck in "...
JeanPierre's user avatar
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pydantic core issue when trying to call ChatGPT in AWS Lambda Function

I'm working on an AWS project where a file is uploaded to a specific S3 bucket, which then triggers an AWS Lambda function. This function reads the uploaded JSON file, asks GPT to summarize the text, ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Is there a problem with alexa integration with chatgpt openIA lately?

My code was working fine but now when i tried to call chatgpt Alexa keeps reprompting the intent and do not send request to openIA. I tested the API_Key in with postman and it´s working good. Below ...
Lucas Oliveira's user avatar
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How to detect PDF pages with scanned content?

I'm trying to build an algorithm that it is able to detect pages that require to apply AWS Textract because they are scanned content. The use case is that some documents have text plain content but ...
Sebastian Chavarry Gutierrez's user avatar
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AWS CLI V2 running but not displaying output in GIT BASH

I am using AWS CLI V2 in my Windows 11 and use GIT BASH as a terminal. I configured the AWS within the terminal but command "aws iam list-users" is running successfully but not showing the ...
Kunal Dubey's user avatar
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Reading Parquets From S3 With Apache Spark Slows Down At Later Stages

I have millions of parquets files on s3 with directory structure as code/day=xx/hour=/*.parquets. At max under hour folder we have 2000 parquest file with average size of 100kb. I am not able to ...
chaos's user avatar
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What is the purpose of Cloudfront rewriting user-agent?

Cloudfront docs state "CloudFront replaces the value of this header field with Amazon CloudFront. If you want CloudFront to cache your content based on the device the user is using, see Configure ...
reuscam's user avatar
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Allow All Authenticated Users to Read Documents Created by Admin User Group With Amplify

Consider the following model in my Schema type Document @model @auth ( rules: [ { allow: private, operations: [read] } { allow: groups, groups: ["Admin"], operations: [...
Eric Webb's user avatar
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For AWS Elastic Redis Global Cache do we need to create again users and user group even in secondary region too again

I have created list of users and usergroups and associated it with the redis global datastore primary cluster (self designed Replication group Cluster), for accessing the secondary region do I need to ...
KVK's user avatar
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spark on EMR error when using `foreachBatch`: "terminated with exception: Error while obtaining a new communication channel"

I use spark on EMR with versions: emr-6.13.0, Spark 3.4.1 i try to run a simple spark streaming job that read from kafka and write to memory-table using foreachBatch and get failure "Error while ...
shayms8's user avatar
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Pip cannot find recent versions of package when trying to install in Docker container

I am trying to run a Docker container in a Jupyter Notebook within AWS Sagemaker. The DockerFile is from a template that worked until I added one additional RUN command with some ML packages I wanted ...
Eric Golub's user avatar
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How do I hot switch images in my AWS Task Definition now that there is 'ECS software version consistency'?

Background: I run a large number of ECS Fargate services via Cloudformation. There are 3 Cloudformation stacks for our different environments (Dev, Staging, Prod). In prod and staging, we follow the ...
Drew Aschenbrener's user avatar
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AWS AppSync does not validate input field types and is not throwing any error

I have AWS AppSync API with lambda resolvers (Typescript) which works quite well. However I found out that apparently there is no validation on the input field type happening when the API is called ...
zlZimon's user avatar
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How to Create Triggers Between Two Databases

In my system, I have a machine on AWS with several databases. My goal is to create some triggers/scripts that continuously read from some databases and, based on the information read, generate or not ...
Gabriel Wade's user avatar
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ECS container instance metrics in CloudWatch

In AWS ECS I have a cluster called demo-cluster which contains 2 services test-service-1 and test-service-2. Inside test-service-1 there are 4 tasks running task1, task2, task3 and task4. Inside task1 ...
Jiya Arora's user avatar
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Cloudfromation script erroring out on CodeDeployDeploymentGroup

I have a sample script which creates EC2, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and its Deployment Group with ALB and then it goes further to setup with codePipeline, however I am getting an error on ...
Pranav Chaudhari's user avatar
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Not able to Access S3 image via Cloudfront

I have created S3 bucket with public access with below mentioned Bucket policy and CORS. My bucket image is accessible in my web app. But When I create cloudfront distribution for this bucket with ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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cognito with lambda verify_auth_challenge returning incorrect username or password when responding to custom challenge

I am trying to implement email based MFA using AWS congito and Lambda triggers and using lambda functions trigger and verify mfa_code. I am able to pass PASSWORD_VERIFIER challenge and also able to ...
Redgrave's user avatar
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Quarkus based AWS Lambda native image cold start init duration is slow

I have quarkus-amazon-lambda:3.12.0 based AWS Lambda native image function, which cold start is slow. I'm not expecting it to be like that as the function does not do any complex tasks and the ...
sys463's user avatar
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Terraform failing with: " The request is rejected because member account's email address is missing." [closed]

I am trying to enable Security Hub for each member account in an AWS Organization. During the Terraform apply process, the following resource is failing: resource "aws_securityhub_member" &...
Nikolay's user avatar
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ECS Fargate Tasks Stopping Randomly and Concurrently

I am experiencing an issue with one of my services where the health check response time becomes problematic after a period of operation. Initially, when I start the service, it responds correctly and ...
sheetal shevalkar's user avatar
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Why am I not getting faster computations when I increase my EC2 vCPUs? [closed]

I have to run a code on MATLAB that I can't optimize so I have to increase my computational power. The code already uses parallel processing. I have installed MATLAB both on ubuntu and windows on AWS ...
9id9's user avatar
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Struggling to send a PNG file to AWS Bedrock Agent

I have set up an AWS bedrock agent and am successfully sending text requests and receiving responses. I need to send across a PNG file for the Agent to view and return the contents as JSON. This is my ...
MVPJG's user avatar
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How to create metadata from the headers of a file loaded into a table in Redshift?

I have a staging table like below that i load csv files into with headers: column1 column2 column3 column4 filetype source fund city A row row row As you can see, the columns are not defined as ...
olivia's user avatar
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