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Questions tagged [aws-sam]

AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS-SAM) is an open source framework used to define, test and deploy serverless applications to the AWS Cloud.

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AWS SAM request mapping to retrieve the raw request body of a Stripe webhook returning undefined

I've created a web app and looking to integrate Stripe for subscriptions to premium features of the web app. Using AWS SAM I've tried the below Body Mapping Template in the snippet of my template.yaml ...
Jonny Ortiz's user avatar
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Uploading the build artifacts to S3 is failing in sam deploy

I am using sam for setting up infrastructure. During sam deploy, uploading the artifacts to s3 bucket is failing with error botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (403) when calling the ...
Vishnupriya's user avatar
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AWS Lambda OpenSearch Serverless Connection Issues

I am working on an AWS Lambda function written in Python to interact with an OpenSearch Serverless collection. The Lambda function is deployed in a VPC, and the OpenSearch Serverless endpoint is also ...
Hrvoje's user avatar
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The AWS SAM common layer can't find the modules

I have the follow directory structure: common => customer => template.yaml My template looks like this: AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-...
user4447899's user avatar
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How to name the roles created by aws sam

I have a lambda function AuthFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: PermissionsBoundary: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:policy/ci FunctionName: !Sub 'authorizer'...
Vishnupriya's user avatar
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2 answers

Difference between AWS::IAM::Policy and AWS::IAM::ManagedPolicy

I have more than 10 lambdas. I am managing the infrastructure using sam template. I have defined Function resources for these lambdas. There are some common permissions required by these lambdas - ...
Vishnupriya's user avatar
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AWS SAM build command fails when used with AWS CDK stack (cross-compiled)

I have a simple Go AWS lambda function defined using the AWS CDK. I'm developing on an amd64 mac, but deploying an arm64 lambda. CDK commands all work as expected, and the stack correctly builds the ...
mkmiller6's user avatar
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How to configure aws-sam template file to grant access in nested routes available on application

first of all sorry by my English, Google's help me =D. I created a NestJS application that exposes a swagger ui in the / route and 2 other routes (/api/export and /api/export/{exportName}). My ...
Leandro Santiago Gomes's user avatar
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Cannot customize HTTP API Gateway generated with NET Lambda Annotations Framework

Let's say I have following GET endpoint. [LambdaFunction] [HttpApi(LambdaHttpMethod.Get, "/info")] public string FunctionHandler(ILambdaContext context) { return "OK"; } ...
Jaroslav's user avatar
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CI/CD Pipelines with AWS SAM

I've been building and deploying my stack manually during development using sam build and sam deploy, and understand how that and the samconfig.toml work. But now I'm trying to get a CI/CD pipeline ...
kenshin9's user avatar
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SAM build can't resolve dependencies for 'onnxruntime'

My problem Summary I am trying to implement YOLO on AWS Lambda, and when trying to build a Lambda Layer with ONNX, I get Error: PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies - {onnxruntime==1.18.1(wheel)}. ...
Adcade's user avatar
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Add advanced validation for AWS::Serverless::Api GET query params

Im trying to add "advanced" validation to AWS::Serverless::Api GET request, query params. I.e. minimal value of Int param: {page} should be 1. Or enum checking values But Api gateway ...
BigButovskyi's user avatar
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Attaching policy to Lambda fails using SAM

I'm trying to attach the CloudFormationDescribeStacksPolicy to a Lambda in my SAM template file like so, getEnvironment: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function DependsOn: AppTable Properties: ...
rambo's user avatar
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Lambda (prod) and AWS SAM returning different responses from the same function code

I have a live and dev version of the same Lambda function. One is running in Lambda with API Gateway, one is running locally on AWS SAM. I'm using this function to send response: sendRes(status: ...
adamwright000's user avatar
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AWS sam local start-api with aws integration type calls lambdas with aws_proxy events

I have been testing sam local start-api with a AWS::Serverless::Api defined by OpenApi 3.0.2 spec. I integrated lambda function via aws integration type but when I call the mocked gateway, I am ...
Martin Macak's user avatar
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