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Questions tagged [encryption]

Encryption is the process of transforming information (called plaintext) into an unreadable form (called ciphertext) using an encryption algorithm using a secondary parameter (called an encryption key). Only those who possess the decryption key can easily reverse the process and recover the original plaintext. Conceptual questions about encryption may get better answers on

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How to use a Rust type with no apparent conversions in Python

I am making a Rust based library for Python using Pyo3 and maturin which implements different cryptographic protocols, and I'm having trouble working with the following crate pqc_kyber_edit, as I need ...
AthraelBB's user avatar
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how do i decrypt a cyphertext encrypted with AES with pycryptodome?

I'm making a password manager with python that stores and encrypts passwords (using the pycriptodome module) with a main password set by the user, but the decryption does not work Here's the function ...
vghbjc's user avatar
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Difficulties Encrypting and Decrypting Files from AWS S3 using AWS KMS

[ Explanation ] I am working on a problem that is proving to be pretty cumbersome, I feel as though I'm getting close to a solution but there's still difficulties I'm encountering. I currently have a ...
user7160059's user avatar
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Using TinyAES to encrypt a decrypt data returns a strange result

I am trying to use the TinyAES Library to encrypt and decrypt some data. The data is: unsigned char Plaintext[] = { 0x74, 0x68, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x70, 0x6C, 0x61, 0x6E, 0x65,...
user2334659's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I decrypt data originally encrypted with `pgp_pub_encrypt` with the `gpg` command line?

For reasons, I have data that was originally encrypted with the pgp_pub_encrypt function in PostgreSQL, using public/private keys that I have, like this: INSERT INTO testtable(testdata) VALUES(...
Jon Buys's user avatar
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Java Crypto - need help converting from AES/CTR to AES/GCM [closed]

I am converting existing/working code that uses with AES/CTR/NoPadding from SunJCE to AES/GCM/NoPadding - SunJCE. The cipher is used with an OutputStream that is used to create an ObjectOutputStream. ...
SRJ's user avatar
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Encrypting a file in chunks using AES-GCM

I want to write a generator that encrypts a file in chunks of given size and returns the chunks one-by-one. I also want to authenticate the payload hence I have chosen AES-GCM for this. Why am I ...
vibhav950's user avatar
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Protecting user input in a browser against attack

I need to encrypt strings (user input) using AES and send them to a server. It's highly sensitive and it's the user's key asset. I must assume the browser is not trustworthy and is prone to trojans, ...
DingoStiglitz's user avatar
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Cannot close encryption on a drive I format on linux [duplicate]

So, I have a python script and what I want it to do is to format a drive, then encrypt it and then re-format the drive. The problem I encounter is that I have to interact with the commandline and I ...
Nikolay F.'s user avatar
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Data Integrity S3 During Transit for Large File

I'm new to encryption, so my question might seem basic. Despite reading multiple articles, I'm still unsure if I fully understand. I have an S3 bucket, bucket_a, which will be used by different AWS ...
pkd's user avatar
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How to decrypts ciphertexts in a single go from ciphertexts which were encrypted by separately using AES?

I try encryption-decryption using AES with 256 key on the platform of OpenSSL v3 with C++. bool CryptographicUtils::encrypt(unsigned char* plainText, int size, unsigned char** pOutCipherText, int &...
Prasanth's user avatar
1 vote
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Why RSA `dofinal` returns `ILLEGAL_VALUE` in javacard applet?

I'm trying to encrypt TempBuffer using RSA private key (64 bytes length) and send it to output buffer: rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance(Cipher.ALG_RSA_PKCS1_OAEP, false); rsaKey = new KeyPair(KeyPair....
MJay's user avatar
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How to deal string in encryption? [closed]

I'm an absolute beginner in encryption, I tring to implement RSA for learning purpose. Here is the step i'm doing right now. For instance i have a msg called "Hello". I convert each ...
Midhun's user avatar
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How to revoke symmetric key access to decrypt column in SQL Server

In SQL Server 2022, I am adding a decrypted column in my database, as per Extra user was created using: USE [master] ...
frank's user avatar
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Using same Google Play Integrity encryption key for more than 1 App

I'm managing more than 1 App, also managing locally the GPI integrity result and I would like to know if is possible to have the the same Google Play Integrity encryption key for all the Apps. It will ...
Ruben Rubio-Iglesias's user avatar

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