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Questions tagged [pyspark]

The Spark Python API (PySpark) exposes the Apache Spark programming model to Python.

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Deduplication based on other dataframe columns

I have pyspark df1 as +----+ |name| +----+ | A| | B| | C| | D| +----+ and df2 as +------+------+ |name_a|name_b| +------+------+ | A| B| | B| A| | C| A| | A| C|...
abd's user avatar
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avg() over a whole dataframe causing different output

I see that dataframe.agg(avg(Col) works fine, but when i calculate avg() over a window over whole column(not using any partition), i see different results based on which column i use with orderBy. ...
anurag86's user avatar
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12 views while writing to adx

I'm trying to write some data to azure data explorer table, but getting the below exception. The adx cluster is open to all the networks and could see the connectivity between databricks and adx is ...
SONIA_29's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get nested xml structure as a string from an xml document using xpath in pyspark dataframe?

I have a dataframe with a string datatype column with XML string. Now I want to create a new column with a nested XML structure from the original column. For this, I tried using XPath in PySpark. ...
Krushna's user avatar
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Spark Shell: spark.executor.extraJavaOptions is not allowed to set Spark options

I created this Spark Shell programm, but i got this error while running it: Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Install the latest PowerShell for new features ...
Ronit Jain's user avatar
-3 votes
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Write filter on DataFrame in Spark Scala on mulitple different columns

I have 3 columns in my data frame that I want to run my filter on. Filter conditions: dataframe.filter(col(ID) =!= X) || col(y) =!= null || col (y) =!= col(z)) Requirement is : To exclude data from ...
MrWayne's user avatar
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3 answers

How to drop records after date based on condition

I'm looking for an elegant way to drop all records in a DataFrame that occur before the latest occurrence of 'TEST_COMPONENT' being 'UNSATISFACTORY', based on their 'TEST_DT' value for each ID. For ...
maximodesousadias's user avatar
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Unable to read a dataframe from s3

I am getting the following error: 24/07/25 21:29:43 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable 24/07/25 21:29:53 ...
Minu's user avatar
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Error while trying to show the results using PySpark show function

I am trying to show my results in PySpark. I am using Spark 3.5.1 and PySpark 3.5.1 with Java 8 installed and everything is well set. Some answers suggesting adding this: import findspark findspark....
rayenpe12's user avatar
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Can we create multiple Spark executors within a single driver node on a Databricks cluster?

I have a power user compute with a single driver node and I'm trying to parallelize forecasting across multiple series by aggregating the data and doing a groupBy and then an apply on the groupBy. The ...
Manav Karthikeyan's user avatar
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Pandas UDF to derive new column

In Spark/Databricks, I have a pandas dataframe with a string column. I need to perform multiple actions on this column (data cleansing type stuff), and produce a new column from the result. Here's my ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Read multiple files parallel into separate dataframe in Pyspark

I am trying to read large txt files into dataframe. Each file is 10-15 GB in size, as the IO is taking long time. I want to read multiple file in parallel and get them in separate dataframe. I tried ...
Tejas's user avatar
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Could not find py4J jar at

I am trying to run my PMML pre-trained model in Python 3.9, but no matter what I do I have this error Could Not find py4j jar at. None of the solutions provided on the blogs are working. And, even if ...
Tidiane Sall's user avatar
1 vote
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Replacing carriage return and line feeds in a text file using Azure Synapse

I am currently working on a project where I have to get data from an Excel file in SharePoint, this file has multiple tabs, and I am using Azure Synapse Analytics to call a SharePoint API to get each ...
NatalieEV's user avatar
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Spark OverwritePartitions always triggering shuffle of data

I have a spark job that is reading from an oracle data source and writing to a iceberg table. There are multiple queries executing in multi-threading, each query hits just one partition (in iceberg). ...
LuisR's user avatar
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