

Wisconsin Primary Election Results


Republican Primary

Latest results from May 7
Vote totals certified

President, Republican Primary race called

President, Republican Primary
Candidate Votes Percent Chart showing percent Delegates
Donald J. TrumpD. TrumpTrump
477,103 79.2% 41
Nikki HaleyN. HaleyHaley
76,841 12.8 No delegates
Ron DeSantisR. DeSantisDeSantis
20,124 3.3 No delegates
Total reported

100% of delegates allocated (41 of 41)

MadisonKenoshaMilwaukeeOshkoshEau ClaireGreen BayMadisonKenoshaMilwaukeeOshkoshEau ClaireGreen Bay

Democratic Primary

Latest results from May 7
Vote totals certified

President, Democratic Primary race called

President, Democratic Primary
Candidate Votes Percent Chart showing percent Delegates
Joseph R. Biden Jr.J. BidenBidenincumbent
512,379 88.6% 82
48,373 8.4 No delegates
Dean PhillipsD. PhillipsPhillips
17,730 3.1 No delegates
Total reported


100% of delegates allocated (82 of 82)

What to Expect

Polls close at 9 p.m. Eastern time. In the 2022 primaries, first votes were reported 14 minutes later, and the last update of the night was at 3:01 a.m. Eastern time with 99.8 percent of votes reported.

Wisconsin voters may participate in either party’s presidential primary as well as vote on the fate of two Republican-backed state constitutional amendments related to election administration. Judicial and local offices will also be on the ballot.

Two weeks of early voting were offered, as well as no-excuse vote by mail. As of Monday, more than 260,000 voters had already cast a ballot.

Question 1: Prohibit Private Funding of Elections

Voters decided to amend the state Constitution to ban private funding of elections, part of a national backlash to donations that Mark Zuckerberg made to election offices in 2020. The amendment was proposed by the state’s Republican-controlled Legislature.

Latest results from May 7
Vote totals certified

Question 1: Prohibit Private Funding of Elections, Question race called

Question 1: Prohibit Private Funding of Elections, Question
Answer Votes Percent Chart showing percent
638,555 54.4%
534,612 45.6
Total reported

Question 2: Limit Election Conduct to Election Officials

Language proposed by the Republican-controlled Legislature will be added to the state Constitution saying that “only election officials designated by law” can administer elections. After the 2020 election, Republicans raised concerns about nonprofit groups that advised local officials.

Latest results from May 7
Vote totals certified

Question 2: Limit Election Conduct to Election Officials, Question race called

Question 2: Limit Election Conduct to Election Officials, Question
Answer Votes Percent Chart showing percent
685,806 58.6%
483,900 41.4
Total reported