Time Paradox Ghostwriter Wiki

Jiro Yamane ( (やま) () () (ろう) Yamane Jirō?) is a character in Time Paradox Ghostwriter. He is an experienced chief assistant that works under Teppei Sasaki for his White Knight series.


Jiro has a portly build, dark-colored hair parted to the left, and narrow eyes. He first wore a semi-dark and light-colored thick horizontal striped shirt and light colored shorts.


Jiro is a mild-mannered and experienced manga assistant, going as far to state that any questions about the field to not hesitate to ask him. He's also shown to have some mediation skills, trying to break up an argument between, Itsuki and Genki.


Jiro is introduced to Teppei as one of the 4 editors that'll work with him on the White Knight serialization.[3] Learning that Itsuki is also in the process of her own White Knight manga, Jiro inquires if it's a fan work, to which, she dismisses. This causes a rift between another assistant Genki and Itsuki, where Genki calls Itsuki's claim a bluff. Jiro intervenes trying to mediate the situation.[4] Looking at Itsuki's art, he's colored impressed and compliments.[5]

Three weeks pass by and the assistants visit Teppei to check up on him[6] to see how far he's done with the latest chapter of White Knight. Teppei reveals, however, that he's yet to complete a single page that he's satisfied with. Reviewing the rejected copies, Jiro notes that he's changed his style from his one-shot. Still though, Teppei is dissatisfied with the work that he's done thus far and Jiro claims that the deadline is coming up. Teppei beseeches the group to allow him to redraw the chapter. So, Jiro proposes that they redraw the backgrounds first and use computers to combine it with Teppei's character art later, as he's experience with the computer technicalities. The entire process should take no more than 10 days and the other assistants are impressed by the idea. Ten days pass by and the work is complete, Jiro noting that it's a level above the old one. As soon as Itsuki gives her seal of approval on the finished manga, Teppei tears it up disconcerting his assistants while he claims it's not enough.[7]




  1. Time Paradox Ghostwriter Manga: Chapter 4 (p. 3)
  2. Time Paradox Ghostwriter Manga: Volume 1 Extras
  3. Time Paradox Ghostwriter Manga: Chapter 4 (p. 3)
  4. Time Paradox Ghostwriter Manga: Chapter 4 (p. 5)
  5. Time Paradox Ghostwriter Manga: Chapter 4 (p. 8)
  6. Time Paradox Ghostwriter Manga: Chapter 4 (p. 12)
  7. Time Paradox Ghostwriter Manga: Chapter 4 (p. 13-19)


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Weekly Shōnen Jump
Authors Teppei Sasaki  •  Itsuki Aino  •  Okano  •  Gonbee Nanashino
Assistants Itsuki Aino (Formerly)  •  Genki Akaishi  •  Jiro Yamane  •  Hajime Igarashi
Editors Editor in Chief  •  Kikuse  •  Muneoka