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Unfinished World ( () (かん) () (かい) Mikan no Sekai?) is the twelfth chapter of the Time Paradox Ghostwriter manga series.

Short Summary[]

Teppei is teleported by Mirai into a mysterious, empty world that merely consists of an open book. Teppei is distressed over Aino's death. Mirai explains it has done everything it possibly could to try and save Aino, but failed everytime. Aino is simply too passionate about her dream to become a mangaka. Mirai explains that it picked Teppei, hoping that White Knight being published by someone else would crush Aino, but once Anima came out, Teppei failed to beat it. In previous timelines, it was a one-shot by Teppei that inspired Aino to try and publish White Knight.

The robot explains that its' purpose in life is to protect Aino, seeing itself as a sort of parent to Aino. To save Aino, it plans to stop all time so she will live eternally. Mirai has brought Teppei here because by making him part of the story, it feels like it owes him something. He gives Teppei two options- Live in a world where Itsuki is dead, or return to the original timeline where he didn't meet Aino. Teppei offers a third option, which the robot decides to allow him to try. Before he leaves, Teppei asks Mirai who it is. He says he was created by imagination. Mirai sends Teppei back to a still frozen time.

Long Summary[]

Characters in Order of Appearance[]



[v · e · ?]
Chapters and Volumes
Volume 1 Chapter 1  •  Chapter 2  •  Chapter 3  •  Chapter 4  •  Chapter 5  •  Chapter 6  •  Chapter 7
Volume 2 Chapter 8  •  Chapter 9  •  Chapter 10  •  Chapter 11  •  Chapter 12  •  Chapter 13  •  Chapter 14  •  Epilogue
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