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Terraria Wiki
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PC/Console/Mobile/tModLoader-Only Content: This information applies only to the PC, Console, Mobile, and tModLoader versions of Terraria.
Axe of Regrowth
  • Axe of Regrowth item sprite
Stack digit 1
  • Pickaxe mask 0%
  • Hammer mask 0%
  • Axe mask 150%
Damage20 (Melee)
Knockback5 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time24 (Fast)
Tool speed12
TooltipCreates grass on dirt
Increases alchemy plant collection when used to gather
Plants acorns when cutting down trees
RarityRarity level: 4
Research1 required

The Axe of Regrowth is a pre-hardmode weapon crafted from a Staff of Regrowth. Like the Staff of Regrowth, it increases the yield of any herbs and seeds harvested. When used on Dirt Blocks, Grass will be planted without the need for seeds. When used to chop down trees, an acorn will automatically be planted in the same spot.

When harvesting plants from Clay Pots or Planter Boxes, only blooming herbs that would drop seeds can be cut. When harvesting plants from natural blocks in Singleplayer mode, immature sprouts will be destroyed and plants that are fully grown but not in bloom will drop seeds.

Its best modifier is Light for harvesting purposes and Legendary for combat purposes.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Axe of RegrowthAxe of Regrowth
Work BenchWork Bench


  • Planting Trees with the Axe of Regrowth does not consume Acorns from the player's inventory.[1]
  • The Axe of Regrowth does not grow Jungle Grass on Mud Blocks.
  • If grass is grown near lava, it will revert to dirt after a few moments.
  • Using the Axe to collect Glowing Mushrooms will not yield extra Glowing Mushrooms nor Mushroom Grass Seeds.
  • Grass placed below depth zero will not naturally spread and will not grow tall grass or fuzz.
  • The Axe of Regrowth only harvests fully-grown Pumpkins.
  • Chopping down Gem Trees will not automatically replant Gemcorns.


  • The Axe of Regrowth is the tool of choice to increase herb yields, especially from Farming.
  • The Axe of Regrowth may grow grass on any Dirt Block, no matter how deep it is. Unfortunately, grass has limited function underground. Past a certain point, Grass will not grow weeds or Dayblooms, and Trees will not mature.
  • The Axe of Regrowth can be used to indirectly spread Hallowed, Corrupted, or Crimson grass underground by growing grass near Pearlstone, Ebonstone, or Crimstone respectively.
  • The Axe of Regrowth is useful for placement of Sunflowers in arenas, homes, etc. Sunflowers can be placed anywhere with just 2 grass-covered dirt blocks, and enough vertical space.
  • The rate at which grass is created with the Axe of Regrowth is increased by the Brick Layer.



  1. Information taken from the PC version PC source code, method ItemCheck_UseMiningTools_ActuallyUseMiningTool() in Terraria.Player.cs.