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Terraria Wiki
Terraria Multiplayer screen 1

Screen that appears after clicking the "Multiplayer" option in the PC version PC Steam version of Terraria.

Multiplayer is a game mode in which Terraria can be played with or against other remote players online. Multiplayer worlds are cooperative by default, with player versus player (PvP) available for activation once multiplayer is entered.


Desktop onlyConsole version Desktop/Console[]

There are two types of multiplayer environments: Server and "Host & Play".

  • Host & Play games are started via the regular Terraria application. The first player chooses "Host & Play", chooses options, and starts the world, becoming the host. Other network or internet players can then join, by choosing "Join" from the multiplayer menu or "Join via Steam" if they are friends on Steam. The world shuts down when the original player leaves the world. This option is normally used for smaller LAN games or for small online games.
  • Desktop only Servers: Major internet multiplayer games run on servers. Servers are started via the TerrariaServer.exe file included with each Windows Terraria installation, or via a third-party server program – see server for details. A server allows the game world to run on a separate computer, with no graphical requirements, and without requiring any particular player to remain connected. Players can join server games by choosing "Join via IP" from Terraria's multiplayer menu, then entering the server information. Server lists can be found below, in the "Server lists" section on this page. In server multiplayer games, the host server provides the world file, and has the ability to communicate with players, save the map, close the server, set the time of day, and kick or ban players.

Mobile version Mobile[]

  • The player will need to press "Multiplayer", and then press on their preferred character. Then the screen will read: "Searching for local hosts...", or if the "online" button was pressed then it will just wait until it finds someone. Third-party applications exist to forward these games over the internet rather than just over a single network, such as Multi Terraria or Terraria MP, but others are unsupported and come with no guarantee. There is a maximum of 8 players allowed in one world.
  • To host a LAN World, the device will have to have at least 1 GB of RAM.

3DSNintendo 3DS version[]

  • After selecting a character, the player can choose "Multiplayer" and "Start Game" to host a world locally. Players who want to join a world can select "Join World" and select the preferred world from the list. Up to 4 players can join a world at once.
  • Note that Expanded Worlds hosted by New Nintendo 3DS or 2DS systems will prevent users with a Original 3DS or 2DS from joining, as those systems do not support the Expanded World feature.


PvP icons
"Teams" redirects here. For other uses, see Team.

Player versus player (PvP) is a multiplayer mode that allows players, or teams of players, to attack each other. PvP is activated by joining a multiplayer world and enabling the PvP option by clicking on the crossed swords Desktop only near the armor and accessory slots / Mobile version in the PvP menu found in the inventory. In the PC version PC version and Mobile version Mobile version, the only way a player can damage another player is if both players have the PvP option enabled, or through traps such as Boulders, Land Mines or Lava.

There is also the option of joining a team. Teams are represented by the colored icons near the armor and accessory slots. Once a team is selected, there is an on-screen display providing information about the distance (and direction) and health of the teammates. PvP players on the same team can see each other on the minimap, while other PvP players cannot.

If a player has equipped or is holding an informational item such as the PDA, any teammates standing near them can also see the data readout from it.

Capture the Gem[]

PvP players can play Capture the Gem, which operates similarly to Capture the Flag. Capture the Gem requires Large Gems, one for each team, which can be crafted using 15 Amethyst, Topaz, Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Amber, or Diamond. Teams attempt to steal the opposing team's gem and bring it back to their own base. Large Gems display as hovering graphics over any player carrying one, and always drop next to killed players, regardless of their character's difficulty setting.

The Large Gems can be held in their respective holders, instead of having a player hold them.

Unique aspects of PvP play[]

  • The window of invincibility after taking damage is greatly reduced if it came from another player: Normally, the player would receive 2/3 of a second of invincibility (0.67 seconds). In PvP, they only receive 2/15 of a second (0.13 seconds). This can make weapons weaker that have a use time lower than 8.
  • Players killed by other players do not drop coins. By extension, players that are killed by their own explosives also do not drop coins, even in singleplayer worlds.
  • When players respawn, they have full health instead of half health ( 100 health), but this will not work if players were killed by the debuff by another player's weapon.
  • Critical hits and unique knockback values do not apply in PvP. Because of this, the best modifier for weapons that will be exclusively used for PvP and cannot have their speed modified is generally Ruthless, which simply maximizes raw damage per hit.
  • Summoned minions will not attack enemy players, additionally, summon staffs and Whips cannot be used to target players, however, players coming in contact will minions will take damage.Verify

Multiplayer-exclusive items[]

These items can only be obtained in multiplayer. However, once the items are obtained, they can be transferred to a singleplayer world.

Although Wormhole Potions only drop from Pots if the game is in multiplayer (even if the player is the only one playing at that time), they can always be crafted, even when playing on singleplayer. However, they are unusable when playing alone, so it could be considered that their usability is multiplayer-exclusive and depends on having other players on the same team.

Server lists[]


  • Very few accessories are designed specifically for multiplayer combat; one example is the Paladin's Shield.
  • Multiplayer games cannot be paused by participating players.
    • Console version The ability to pause returns after all players except the owner have quit.
  • Playing multiplayer does not increase game difficulty in Classic Mode outside of events, making multiplayer useful for defeating difficult bosses or events.
    • In Expert Mode and Master Mode, bosses and invasion events also scale up with damage, defense and health, and amount of kills required to complete, respectively, based upon the number of players. This can make some fights more difficult than in singleplayer, even when accounting for the additional players.
      • Additionally, Treasure Bags are given to all players who dealt damage to bosses when it is defeated.
  • Users of different platforms (Desktop only / PlayStation / Xbox One / Xbox 360 / Mobile version / Windows Phone) cannot play multiplayer games together using their current last versions. Only Android Android and iOS & iPadOS iOS users can play cross-platform with each other.
    • (Desktop only / PlayStation / Xbox One / Xbox 360 / Mobile version / Windows Phone) Console and PC version PC players can cross-play together if both downgrade to whatever version closer to each other and either hosting in-game or using the Mobile Dedicated Server available at https://terraria.org/.
  • In the Wii U Wii U version, the player can change between teams using the GamePad.
  • In the Console version Console version, split-screen co-op counts as multiplayer.
  • When there are 2 or more players in one biome, the chances for rare drops will not change.


  • Desktop
    • Fixed an issue where Jousting in PvP didn't take momentum damage into consideration.
    • The Multiplayer server is now more strict about fake connection attempts.
  • Desktop
    • Fixed a bug allowing players to join servers running corrupted world files.
    • Fixed a bug where team nameplates didn't display in the correct position.
    • Fixed a bug with team nameplates not displaying healthbars of teammates even if they were damaged.
  • Desktop Team nameplates no longer display individual health if the member's health is at full to improve performance.
  • Desktop
    • Fixed maps not loading properly when joining.
    • Fixed multiple multiplayer client crashes.
    • Fixed situations where the Old One's Army enemies would spawn invisible in multiplayer if they were too far from the player.
  • Desktop
    • Fixed inventory items "getting stuck" in Multiplayer.
    • Fixed many cases of net disconnect/Multiplayer bugs.
  • Desktop 1.3.3: Improved Multiplayer performance and fixed many bugs.
  • Desktop 1.3.2:
    • Fixed extremely long-timed buffs not updating properly in Multiplayer.
    • Significantly reduced count of unnecessary player synchronization calls, which hindered servers with a high player count.
  • Desktop
    • Added Steam integration.
    • Added new pink team.
    • PVP and team icons changed.
    • Wormhole Potion added.
  • Desktop 1.2: Any player that enables PvP will no longer be visible on the Minimap, except for team members.
  • Mobile Changed mechanics vastly to closely match Desktop