Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

In 2269, this image of Zora was created by the Excalbians in a plot devised to better understand the concepts of good and evil, with Zora, Genghis Khan, Phillip Green and Kahless the Unforgettable representing "evil". It was Spock who later observed that these figures from history had been created, and registered as humanoid, despite being a product of matter-energy conversion, whereby other Excalbians themselves were used as the source matter.

During the initial conflict, Zora scuffled with Spock, as Green attempted to lull the representatives of "good" into a false sense of security by conducting negotiations with James T. Kirk. When the unimpressed Excalbians changed the conditions of the conflict, thus giving each something to fight for, they offered Zora and the others power.

Later, when each side had established base camps, Zora worked on making spears from branches. She later held one up to throw at the approaching Surak. Her attempt was prevented by Green, who wished to hear what his enemy wished to say.

After Kirk and Spock attempted to locate Abraham Lincoln, who in turn was attempting to locate Surak, Zora circled around to attempt to surround the incoming enemy, where she attacked Kirk. After Kirk fought her off, he killed Kahless and Green; Zora and Kahn retreated. Upon viewing this, Yarnek, the Excalbian representative, observed that "the others have run off. It would seem that evil retreats when forcibly confronted." (TOS: "The Savage Curtain")


Background information[]

Zora was played by stunt actress Carol Daniels Dement, who, though credited, spoke no lines.

The final draft script of "The Savage Curtain" identifies her as a "Tiburon".

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