Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"When we left you before, I… I mourned you. Zac, I'm so sorry you got left behind. But everything that came after, that's your own doing. You cannot blame me for that."
– Christopher Pike, 2259 ("Among the Lotus Eaters")

Zacarias "Zac" Nguyen was a male Human who formerly enlisted in Starfleet's operations division. During the early 2250s he served as Captain Christopher Pike's personal yeoman aboard the USS Enterprise.

In 2254, he was officially reported as being among the casualties during an incident on Rigel VII, specifically one of the three who were reported killed during the mission.

Nguyen was later replaced by Yeoman J.M. Colt. (TOS: "The Cage")

Five years later, it was discovered that he was left behind, and had since become ruler of a group of Kalar. In violation of the Prime Directive, he armed the locals with phaser rifles and made himself known as "High Lord Zacarias".

Nguyen was overpowered and taken prisoner by Pike, and transferred to the USS Cayuga. (SNW: "Among the Lotus Eaters")


Background information[]

Nguyen was played by David Huynh.

In various August 1964 drafts of the pilot the yeoman is named Jones, and is not dead, but instead injured with his "arm in a sling," who disembarks at the top of the story; described as being in his "fifties, he's weathered, gruff-voiced and competent".


Prior to the unnamed yeoman mentioned in "The Cage" being identified as Zac Nguyen in "Among the Lotus Eaters" (2023), he was given the name Dermot Cusack (β) in the 1997 comic series Star Trek: Early Voyages, and was given the name Leon in the 1998 novel Where Sea Meets Sky.

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