Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Aside from being a letter of the alphabet, "Z" or "Zee" was also sometimes used as a nickname for individuals whose first or last name contained the letter "Z".

Lily Sloane told Zefram Cochrane "Z, you've had enough," after he offered her another round of drinks on the night before their launch of the Phoenix. (Star Trek: First Contact)

Ezri Tigan was called "Zee" by her brother, Norvo. Her other brother, Janel, called her "little girl." (DS9: "Prodigal Daughter")

Reginald Barclay referred to his friend, Doctor Lewis Zimmerman as "Doctor Z". (VOY: "Life Line")

Dal R'El occasionally referred to Zero as "Z". (PRO: "Starstruck", "A Moral Star, Part 1")

Y was also often used to stand in for unknown variables in mathematical equations. It was used in a solution to Fermat's last theorem. (TNG: "The Royale")

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