Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Xepolites were a neutral, spacefaring race.

A Xepolite was used by the automated repair station in 2152. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

In the 24th century, Xepolites often worked as intermediaries for the Cardassians, and many of the arrangements they were involved in were illegal. This included the smuggling of weapons to Cardassian colonists in the Demilitarized Zone. Unlike the Lissepians however, they had never been discovered until 2370, when Commander Sisko and Gul Dukat encountered a Xepolite Free Trader, commanded by Hetman Drofo Awa. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part II")

A Xepolite was a customer at Quark's in 2371. (DS9: "Facets")




Background information[]

Michael Bell commented:" Drofo's gill bladder indicating distress had to be manually inflated by Mike [Westmore] himself with a tube attached to the mask and trailing off camera, where Mike squatted and blew with all his might. As the character exploded in anger, I could feel the sides of my face extending." [1]

According to, the Xepolites were from a planet named Xepol and/or from a star system where the star was named Xepol. The planet or star was near the Cardassian border. [2](X) According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 47) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), there was a star system named Xepolite, which might possibly be the system of origin for this species, in the Alpha Quadrant. The system's primary was an A-class star. In the late 24th century, this was an independent system.

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