Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Sub-Commander Vrek was a Romulan who commanded a military vessel of the Romulan Star Empire during the late 24th century. He had a long and storied career in which he conspired against his superior officers, just as his own junior officers later conspired against him.

In 2381, Vrek had finished torturing and dismembering a Reman when his ship's path was blocked by an unknown vessel. Puzzled as to how they had been detected, Vrek accused his subordinate Malok of sabotage, which Malok denied. Vrek ordered the interloper destroyed, only to suddenly find his ship's systems shutting down. (LD: "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee") The unknown vessel then stole his ship. (LD: "A Few Badgeys More")

Vrek was voiced by Paul F. Tompkins.
