Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Moriarty and Countess

Professor Moriarty and the Countess Bartholomew in Victorian attire

Ardra, Victorian

Ardra dressed in Victorian era clothing

Victorian was a term for certain elements of society and culture, including sexuality, literature, architecture and fashion, from the 19th century on Earth. It was named after Queen Victoria.

Within the Nexus, Captain Picard had a home in the Victorian style with his wife and children dressed in Victorian attire. (Star Trek Generations)

Sherlock Holmes' novels and subsequent holodeck recreations were set in Victorian England. (TNG: "Lonely Among Us", et al)

Kathryn Janeway's holonovel Janeway Lambda One, Doctor Beverly Crusher's Orient Express simulation as well as Data's A Christmas Carol simulation were also set during the Victorian era. (VOY: "Cathexis", et al, TNG: "Emergence", TNG: "Devil's Due")

In 2373, while attempting to treat the ravages of pon farr in Ensign Vorik, The Doctor mentioned that Vulcan attitudes toward sex were very Victorian as Vulcans found it distasteful to discuss such matters openly, similar to the Victorian attitude towards the topic. (VOY: "Blood Fever")

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