Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Veridian IV natives were a humanoid species native to the planet Veridian IV, whose stage of development, as of the late 24th century, was that of a pre-industrial society. Their population in 2371 was two hundred and thirty million.

That year, when Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lieutenant Commander Data discussed the impact of the collapse of the Veridian star, if it were to be destroyed by Tolian Soran, would be the production of a shock wave capable of destroying all of the planets in the Veridian system, including Veridian IV.

In an alternate timeline, Soran was successful in his quest, and the Veridian system and its population were destroyed. (Star Trek Generations)

Some time prior to 2401, the USS Enterprise-D's saucer section was recovered from Veridian III in accordance with the Prime Directive, so that the wreckage would not influence the development of the system's population when they eventually achieved spaceflight. (PIC: "Võx")

This species was only mentioned in dialogue.
