Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
MA PRO star
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.

The Vau N'Akat language, or Solum language, was the native language of the Vau N'Akat.


The Vau N'Akat written language was composed of curved-finger/scratch-shaped glyphs on a flat plane. (PRO: "Lost and Found")

Asencia in Solum ruins

Ancient Vau N'Akat script

Vau N'Akat script was depicted alongside artwork in the ancient ruins on Solum. (PRO: "Who Saves the Saviors")

In 2383, when Gwyndala was summoned by The Diviner, she at first spoke in this language to him, before he told her that she may speak in Standard. (PRO: "Lost and Found", "Kobayashi")

Spoken language[]

Words and phrases[]

Examples of spoken language[]

Zath. Velthuun. Zax chanath.
(Guards ushering The Uprising onto a train.) (PRO: "Brink")

Rahk Te'Tu vanu ve? Vanu ve?
(Guards asking a missing guard to report.)
Douth. Rahk Te'tu vanu ve?
(Guards asking the missing guard why he failed to report.)
Aah kra-kume ke Vau N'Akat.
(Gwyn impersonates guard.)
Vakuun a keh.
(Guards find Gwyn's statement humorous.) (PRO: "Brink")



Background information[]

According to, this language was called Solum. [1](X)
