Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

A vaccine being administered

A vaccine was a type of immunizing agent designed to instruct the immune system how to fight a pathogen. Some vaccines were made of live bacilli, which had to be shipped in a stasis field. (TNG: "True Q")

In 2004, a group of Xindi-Reptilians who were gathering individuals of various blood types to create a bio-weapon explained away their activities to Loomis by claiming they were working on an experimental vaccine for which they did not have approval. (ENT: "Carpenter Street")

By 2151, triglobulin was used by several species to produce vaccines. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")

In 2152, after Crewman Fisher contracted Rigelian fever, Doctor Phlox administered a vaccine for the disease to the entire crew of Enterprise NX-01, in order to prevent an outbreak. Around a month later, this ended up saving the life of Ensign Travis Mayweather. He was abducted by an automated repair station repairing Enterprise, which intended to use his synaptic pathways to enhance its computer core processing power, and replaced with a facsimile designed to mimic a death from isolytic shock. Phlox realized the replica was not Mayweather when he noticed that microbes from the vaccine, which should have thrived on isolytic energy, were dead. Jonathan Archer and T'Pol managed to rescue Mayweather from the station's computer core before the brain damage became irreversible. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

In a deleted scene from ENT: "E²", Doctor Phlox asks permission to vaccinate everyone on Enterprise NX-01 and its time-displaced counterpart for Neubilean fever.

In the alternate reality, McCoy gave Kirk a vaccine for a viral infection spread by Melvaran mud fleas, to which Kirk had a bad reaction resulting in swollen hands and numb tongue. Those symptoms hindered him when he attempted to warn Uhura about a possible Romulan attack, when Nero attacked Rura Penthe in 2258. (Star Trek)

In 2266, on Miri, Dr. McCoy successfully developed a vaccine that cured at least the fatal form of a particular virus. The virus became fatal when the infected individual entered puberty, and had been created as a result of a disastrous life prolongation project that had been conducted by scientists on the planet, sometime around 1960. (TOS: "Miri")

This would go beyond the capabilities of what is currently understood to be a vaccine, which needs to be administered before patients become affected.

In 2268, a shipment of highly perishable vaccines was among medical equipment destined for Theta VII. (TOS: "Obsession")

In 2364, Ligon II had a vaccine to cure Anchilles fever, from which the population of Federation planet Styris IV was suffering. The USS Enterprise-D was sent to Ligon II to negotiate with Lutan, leader of the Ligonians, to acquire the vaccine. (TNG: "Code of Honor")

In 2365, Hester Dealt speculated that a vaccine for the mutated strain of plasma plague might never be found. (TNG: "The Child")

In 2375, the Dominion attempted to find a suitable vaccine to treat the morphogenic virus that was killing the Founders. The Vorta were unable to identify a suitable vaccine. (DS9: "Penumbra")

Retroviral vaccines in combination with bio-mimetic gels could create a biogenic weapon. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")

During the 24th century, radiogenic vaccines which protected against radiation were also available. (VOY: "Inside Man")

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