Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"My sacrifice will be a rallying cry to those who value logic above all. Vulcans will soon recognize and withdraw from the failed experiment known as the Federation."
V'Latak to Sarek, 2256 ("Lethe")

Adjunct V'Latak was a male Vulcan who lived in the 23rd century. He was a member of an extreme faction, the logic extremists, who were opposed to the integration of Humans into Vulcan society.

In 2256, V'Latak was assigned to pilot a Vulcan cruiser carrying Sarek on a diplomatic mission to Cancri IV. He attempted to assassinate Sarek by turning his body into a bomb; though Sarek survived, the ship was disabled inside the Yridia Nebula. (DIS: "Lethe")

V'Latak was played by Luke Humphrey.
