Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


Why do you use the rainbow version of the wiki logo when it's not Pride Month? If it must be, please leave this political statement for June. Písač (talk) 12:07, 9 January 2024 (UTC)

That is now the standard version of our logo, it has the intent of displaying inclusion, which is something that Star Trek has always been known for. -- Sulfur (talk) 13:25, 9 January 2024 (UTC)

Forum set up[]

Got any plans to turn the Memory Alpha:Pages to be... page into three forum boards (merge, move, split)? --LauraCC (talk) 21:09, 23 January 2024 (UTC)

I/we didn't have any plans for that... in my experience, it hasn't really been that active. I *could* be split, if there was a good reason to do so, and a consensus to do it. -- Renegade54 (talk) 23:10, 25 January 2024 (UTC)

Just to clarify, I meant not just 3 separate pages, but forum-style ones like what you've been creating lately. -LauraCC (talk) 15:32, 30 January 2024 (UTC)


Just wanted to remind you about the edit you were planning to make on MediaWiki:Common.js. No rush :) just making sure this doesn't slip through the cracks 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 04:01, 16 March 2024 (UTC)

BTW, I just saw your vote on MA:NFA and wanted to say thanks.
I'm heading off to bed now; hope you've had a good day! 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 04:04, 16 March 2024 (UTC)

I added the code to common.js and common.css, but it appears that the audio file code isn't working (for me, at least), and neither does the PDF imbedding via the template. Perhaps I did something wrong... -- Renegade54 (talk) 20:30, 18 March 2024 (UTC)

I'm currently tracking down the issue. I'll get back to you in a couple minutes. 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 20:56, 18 March 2024 (UTC)

Ah, I found it! Looks like you forgot to submit the JavaScript edit for review. After you do that, we'll still have to wait for Fandom to approve the script, but then it should work. (Unless you're in test mode; in that case, it must be about my device/browser vs. yours, because it works on my end.) 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 21:22, 18 March 2024 (UTC)

Ahhh, yeah, I forgot about the stupid js review process. :( -- Renegade54 (talk) 21:58, 18 March 2024 (UTC)
OK, submitted for review. -- Renegade54 (talk) 22:03, 18 March 2024 (UTC)

Re: Project assistance[]

OK, I'm ready to help out with your project, so feel free to contact me with more info whenever you've got a chance. No rush, though :) 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 22:04, 31 March 2024 (UTC)

Protect Eclipse[]

Can you protect this page for about a week? I expect it'll become a target for spamming about the April 8th eclipse if not. --LauraCC (talk) 14:43, 5 April 2024 (UTC)

If we see some spam, then yes. Otherwise no. -- Sulfur (talk) 16:50, 5 April 2024 (UTC)

So if it's a reasonable assumption, regardless, MA doesn't preemptively protect pages users know will be prime targets for a-spam-ilation? --LauraCC (talk) 16:54, 5 April 2024 (UTC)

Some requests[]

Hi, Dennis!

Seeing as how I've been getting lots of assignments from you, it only seems fair I give you some in return ;)

Apologies in advance if you're already aware of some of this stuff. Wanted to list it here, just in case. Hope you're having a wonderful day. 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 13:26, 1 May 2024 (UTC)

. . . And there's more, because, there always is . . . ;)

That should do it for now. Thanks for your help! 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 02:09, 9 May 2024 (UTC)

Line break after sidebar[]

Re: Special:Diff/3125001: Please leave a line break after sidebars. For some reason, if no line break is included, the first paragraph after the sidebar will not be wrapped in a <p> tag when the page renders, which, apart from bad syntax, prevents any user or site CSS/JS that targets paragraphs from working properly with the opening paragraph. Plus, the line break makes the wikitext look nice ;) 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 13:50, 2 May 2024 (UTC)

Will do. Sounds like a bug to me! :) -- Renegade54 (talk) 15:04, 2 May 2024 (UTC)

Community Manager[]

Hey there!

As you may have heard last month, Fandom introduced new Community Managers who would be coming in to support wikis.

I'm just dropping in to let you know I'll be working with you on Memory Alpha as its assigned CM, replacing Lostris. I'll fulfil similar roles to what Lostris has done (amazingly) here - heard a lot about it! Feel free to ping me if you need anything!

I'm out next week unfortunately, but I just wanted to let you know the situation beforehand. Lostris will still be around if you have questions/issues.

Am I okay to join the wiki's Discord server and introduce myself to everyone? My Discord handle is spongebob456.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do let me know as I know this is a big change. Thanks! --Spongebob456 talk 09:18, 10 May 2024 (UTC)

Hey, Chris, welcome aboard! :) Sure, jump onto our Discord and introduce yourself. We have a special channel just for MA and Fandom folks. -- Renegade54 (talk) 16:07, 10 May 2024 (UTC)

Memory Alpha: LCARS theme[]

Hey, could you take a look at this suggestion for a Memory Alpha LCARS theme? My idea is we add a gadget (disabled by default) allowing users to transform MA into an LCARS-themed interface (see Help:Gadgets at Community Central for more info on how gadgets work). I wrote up the CSS and implemented some suggestions from Alan late last year, but it hasn't gone anywhere since then. I'd appreciate either more suggestions for changes or some action on making this dream of mine a reality :) Thanks, 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 00:52, 18 May 2024 (UTC)

If you want to be the point of contact for this, I'm all for it. Did you code one or more gadgets to implement the CSS? -- Renegade54 (talk) 03:53, 18 May 2024 (UTC)

Here's how it would work:

  1. move [[User:Mr. Starfleet Command/Classic.css]], [[User:Mr. Starfleet Command/Nemesis.css]], [[User:Mr. Starfleet Command/Picard.css]], [[User:Mr. Starfleet Command/Lower Decks.css]], and [[User:Mr. Starfleet Command/LCARS.css]] to MediaWiki:Gadget-Classic.css, MediaWiki:Gadget-Nemesis.css, MediaWiki:Gadget-Picard.css, MediaWiki:Gadget-Lower Decks.css, and MediaWiki:Gadget-LCARS.css, respectively.
  2. create the pages MediaWiki:Gadget-Classic, MediaWiki:Gadget-Nemesis, MediaWiki:Gadget-Picard, and MediaWiki:Gadget-Lower Decks, each with a short description of that gadget, e.g., "Enable MA's LCARS theme, Lower Decks style."
  3. add the following lines to MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition#Visual gadgets:

That should do it, but please let me know if you run into any problems, and I'll see if I can help. PS thanks for fixing my typo :P 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 19:41, 18 May 2024 (UTC)

Thanks! BTW, can you delete the original CSS pages? After all, I won't need them anymore... PS: what do you think of my LCARS design? Any suggestions for changes or improvements? 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 01:38, 19 May 2024 (UTC)

I'll need to play with it some more. I think we need a number of people using it to give constructive feedback. One thing... what happens if you check more than one LCARS box on the Gadget page? Ideally those should be radio buttons rather than check boxes so that you could only select one, but I don't know if the Gadget interface supports those (or anything like that). I had to copy the CSS rather than move them, btw, because even an admin can't edit/move/rename another user's CSS. -- Renegade54 (talk) 01:54, 19 May 2024 (UTC)

The gadgets are loaded in alphabetical order, so if you select more than one, the final one alphabetically will override any previous ones. You're right: they should be radio buttons. Unfortunately, I don't think there's a way to do that built into the system. I would suggest using a JavaScript solution, but JS is never applied to the preferences page. Seems like the only thing to do would be to ask Fandom to allow for both types of list, but it might take them awhile to implement something like that, if they even thought it was worth it. But who knows :) 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 00:20, 20 May 2024 (UTC)

I've found two places where the code worked when it was implemented as "personal" CSS but don't work now that it's a gadget. So, on MediaWiki:Gadget-LCARS.css, please replace . . .


. . . with . . .

ul.wds-tabs *{

. . . and replace . . .


. . . with . . .


That should make the top-level navbar links display as black, which contrasts better and is more consistent than as they are now. Thanks :) 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 22:50, 21 May 2024 (UTC)

Done. -- Renegade54 (talk) 00:53, 22 May 2024 (UTC)

Thanks :) 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 00:58, 22 May 2024 (UTC)

Empty talk pages[]

Hi! I've created MediaWiki:Talkpageheader as we had discussed – it works great. I did a bot run to remove {{talkpage}} where manually placed, but I left all instances where the talk page was otherwise empty (such as many of the episode talk pages). Later, I saw you removing the template from several of those, so I wanted to ask if you think we should delete these "empty" talk pages, or just blank them like you've done with those three. I have it set up so the notice will display on nonexistent talk pages as well (so long as the "subject page" exists), so that doesn't need to go into consideration.


(PS this talk page is getting rather long... perhaps time to archive :P) 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 00:01, 24 May 2024 (UTC)

I've found that if the talk page exists but is blank, the header and page display as you'd expect, ready to add a new entry. If the talk page *doesn't* exist, you get the header along with the new page creation dialog, which I think is confusing to users. The one advantage of editing the page to add the little template at the top is that it creates the page so that even with the first actual talk page post, everything looks normal.
And I've been meaning to archive, but... other stuff. :P -- Renegade54 (talk) 13:14, 24 May 2024 (UTC)

I've tweaked the code at MediaWiki:Newarticletext and MediaWiki:Noarticletext to prevent those elements from displaying on nonexistent talk pages whose subject page exists (see here and here for examples of how this looks). At least that removes the confusion for users navigating to nonexistent talk pages.

Is that sufficient improvement to rationalize deleting the pages rather than blanking them? It just seems wrong to routinely create blank pages. 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 20:01, 24 May 2024 (UTC)

Yeah, I think so. I don't think we really need lots of blank pages cluttering up the site. :) -- Renegade54 (talk) 21:43, 24 May 2024 (UTC)

Sweat :) I'll start going through and deleting them when I have some spare time, then. 🖖 Mr. Starfleet Command (talkcontribs) 21:47, 24 May 2024 (UTC)

In-universe new pages[]

Is there a way to make the "new pages" page show only in-universe new pages (like how the namespace thing can let you select only talk pages on the "recent changes" page)? Or at least highlight the in-universe pages somehow. -LauraCC (talk) 23:17, 30 June 2024 (UTC)

Which "new pages" page do you mean? What's the link? -- Renegade54 (talk) 15:26, 1 July 2024 (UTC)

Special:NewPages. -LauraCC (talk) 15:28, 1 July 2024 (UTC)

By default, Special:NewPages displays all the new pages in the Main namespace, or namespace 0. The main namespace, though, contains both in-universe and real-world pages. The only other selection filters you can use are the ones shown on the new pages page, such as the namespace (Special:NewPages/namespace=Template, etc.). The only way to do what you're asking is via DPL, and even then it would be complicated because we don't have pages categorized specifically as "realworld" vs "in-universe", so you'd have to gather all the in-universe categories in your DPL query. What specifically are you trying to accomplish? -- Renegade54 (talk) 15:56, 1 July 2024 (UTC)

I want to be able to see new in-universe pages in a list by themselves. Right now I have to scroll past 25 podcast titles sometimes. (Sorry if I'm being picky.) Fandom can't show all pages without a specific banner template on the special new pages page? -LauraCC (talk) 16:01, 1 July 2024 (UTC)

No, but DPA should be able to show you all new pages in the main namespace without the "realworld" template. Take a look at the DPA manual: Extension:DPL3/Manual at Community Central. -- Renegade54 (talk) 17:31, 1 July 2024 (UTC)

I tried some things in User:LauraCC/Sandbox. What am I doing wrong? Nothing shows. -LauraCC (talk) 15:16, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

Check out your sandbox query now, and see if that's what you were looking for. Let me know if you have questions. -- Renegade54 (talk) 20:07, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

No, but thanks for trying. Never mind. -LauraCC (talk) 20:09, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

Hmmmm... what was wrong with it? -- Renegade54 (talk) 20:22, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

I wanted it to look just like Special:NewPages, but with only in-universe articles. -LauraCC (talk) 20:23, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

Oh, OK... I don't think there's any way to do that with the way we currently have articles structured. I think we'd have to have separate namespaces for in-universe and real world articles (which is possible, but it would be a major reorg of the site). -- Renegade54 (talk) 20:31, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

Fair enough. Thanks for trying. -LauraCC (talk) 20:33, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

Preload templates[]

Can you add "Reference books" to the preload templates? Thanks. -LauraCC (talk) 15:27, 2 July 2024 (UTC)

Sure. :) -- Renegade54 (talk) 16:11, 2 July 2024 (UTC)
Done. Let me know if you think it needs any changes. -- Renegade54 (talk) 20:21, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

Nothing comes to mind. :) Thanks. -LauraCC (talk) 20:34, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

Podcast title spelling[]

Another One with Vic Mignona (podcast) - wrong spelling or (sic)? -LauraCC (talk) 15:16, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

Yeah, that's the way the title is spelled everywhere (Spotify, Apple, Libsyn, etc.), so it's a definite [sic]. I've fixed a few others here and there... should I move it to the correct spelling, and leave the current one as a redirect? -- Renegade54 (talk) 19:43, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

*shrugs* If you don't change it, be sure to add a note telling would-be editors that it's a sic. (Also, unrelated, but it might be time to archive some of these talk posts again - everything earlier than 2024.) -LauraCC (talk) 19:48, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

Yeah, just haven't gotten around to it. :) -- Renegade54 (talk) 20:07, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

"<!-- Don't edit the surname, that's how it's spelled at the source. -->" or some such note. -LauraCC (talk) 20:35, 4 July 2024 (UTC)
