Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Persönliche Daten
Name: Thomas Mende
Spezies Human
live at: Germany / Munich
Birthplace: Germany / Leipzig
Birthday: 12.04.1981
Height: 1,75 m
Work at: T-Systems
Prefered Star Trek-Serie: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Prefered Movie: Star Trek: First Contact
Prefered Captain: Jean-Luc Picard

Why am I a Star Trek Fan?[]

I was always interested in the Human development. We cannot see into the future, but Star Trek is a possibility, how it could continue. At least it is the conception I prefer.

How I came to Memory-Alpha[]

I wanted to know how much Wikipedia knows about Star Trek. When I saw this extensively encyclopedia I found a link to Memory-Alpha. I was fascinated, a hole Wikipedia for Star Trek Fans. I have to bee a member.
