Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha: Babel
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My real name is Richard Brum. I have been a Star Trek fan since about 1992, when I watched my very first episode of Trek: “Who Watches the Watchers?” (TNG). Since then, I was hooked. I caught all the TNG episodes I could, watching most of them horribly out of order.

In high school, I used to doodle Star Trek parody comic strips, sometimes going on for 10-20 pages, like a full Mad Magazine-style parody. Sometimes I'd use written parodies for inspiration. I can draw the entire crew of TNG expertly, but have a harder time with any of the other crews...except Spock of course. ;)

I am a web designer in both my full-time career and in my spare time. I do it for fun, and I do it for profit. It's both a job and a hobby to me. I was actually toying with the idea of making a "Memory Alpha" web site with an LCARS layout...until I found this site. Then I realized that I could do no better...except make up my own, more elaborate and detailed canon.

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