Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

I am planning and currently working on a "Factual" text-based mud based on the world of Trek, so much of the information I find here will be included. by factual I mean I have played alot of Trek based MUDs and have not found one that is completely based on Trek facts. It's always someone's interpretation of something or just laziness of not doing the research.

For instance my Starfleet Starships will be accurate as possible to the official blueprints and layouts of the Ships themselves. All the technical items will be acurate as possible, such as my starfleet phasers will run off the right energy supply and any other facts I can find to put in. It's still a work in progress but so far you can choose your race, your faction, if you wish to join the academy or not, and that's just after the first 2 days.

I'll post more information here when I get it all worked out.

