Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

I have been a fan of Star Trek for years. As you may have noticed, my name is comprised of two abbreviations. The first is Spk, which is the abbreviation, for Spock, my all time favorite character, and the second is 2250, the year he was commissioned in Starfleet. My name is Bryan T. My interests include science. My pet peeves include people who hate Star Trek, and people who call Trekkers nerds.

I began to be a Star Trek fan in third grade, and has been a trekker since.

My Top Five Favorite Federation Starships[]

1. The USS Enterprise, the one captained by James T. Kirk

2.The USS Voyager

3.The USS Excelsior

4.The Enterprise B

5.The Enterprise D

Top Five Favorite Enemy Starships[]

1.Klingon Bird-of-Prey

2.Romulan Bird-of-Prey

3.Romulan Bird-of-Prey (22nd century)

4.D7 class


Favorite Sci Fi shows[]
