Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Name: 'The Slamlander'
DOB: 03Jan54
Current Location: Nyon, CH
Email: The Slamlander
LiveJournal: Slamland
Wordpress bLog: The Slamlander
Wikipedia: Slamlander

Going on haitus for a while. I have 160,000 words and the book isn't done yet. If you want to visit, please see my LiveJournal. I probably wont be able to make it back here until Mar06 --Major Pita 12:55, 6 February 2006 (UTC)

Still on haitus. It's been a very rough year. I'll see you all in Jan07. --Major Pita 21:35, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

Two major systems crashes later, the book is coming out next month.

--Major Pita 14:13, 22 January 2007 (UTC)

Moved to Nyon, CH, last Apr07, everything else on hold until the dust settles. Major Pita 05:55, 27 February 2008 (UTC)

A year on and my Startrek tapes are still packed. This new place doesn't have the storage space of our last one, in Neuchatel.

My book is still not out, on legal advice. I have to complete my last divorce yet. In the US (TX), it doesn't matter that you haven't seen the ex in 6 years, they still can get half. That will happen by this summer and I will then turn around and marry my current partner. (Silly, I know but love does that.) --The Slamlander 09:21, 28 May 2008 (UTC)

Who am I[]

I am The Slamlander but my friends call me Slam or Slammy. I should be the only Slamlander on the Internet.

My current signature > The Slamlander 09:21, 28 May 2008 (UTC)
My earlier signature > Major Pita 14:11, 22 January 2007 (UTC)

What am I[]

Yes, "The Slamlander" is an online branded identity that has no connection to my real ID. There is a serious reason for this. Being Net.Famous sucks, it brings out all the wormridden nut-jobs. I don't want anything I do on the Internet, coming back to haunt my real life, as has happened a few times before.

  • There are some out there that think I'm an asshole. I have no problem with that. But that is simply because we don't share ideologies and I don't suffer idiots that think that we should all have the same ideologies. If you let me be me then I'll have no problem letting you be you.
  • I am definitely a rebel and an iconoclast. In other words, I like to tip sacred cows.
  • Born in the fifties, in Europe, and raised in the sixties, in California, I am certain that that my views are unique. I do not require that anyone share my views, only that they respect mine, as my own. Do not try to convert me to your ideologies, after fiftyone years on this planet I have developed some rather good defenses. You are warned.
  • I have been a Biker (Once a biker, always a biker) and have owned both Hogs and Rice Burners. I've obviously survived both.
  • I am a guitarist. I have been for over 40 years (Blues, R&R, and Jazz).
  • I am a published writer.
  • I am a Commercial Systems and Applications Architect.
  • I am a Technical Manager.
  • I have been a Managing Director of a Silicon Valley firm for seven years. The firm was put to rest in Mar03.
  • I was involved with developing the ICANN
  • I have been involved with computer development since 1977. Yes, I am old, any other such equally brilliant observations can be filed in /dev/nul ;P

After reading this, should you chose to have nothing more to do with me, that's okay too. If you think that all of the above is either self-agrandisement or just plain false then brother; rest soundly in your delusion but don't be too bothered by being dead wrong. If this page intimidates you then grow a backbone and deal.

Where am I[]

I am an American living abroad, in Europe. Since many of you are in the 'States', please have patience with my response times. We are, after all, on different sleep cycles.

What I hope to do here[]

I have been a ST fan since I saw the original shows, on the air, in the 60's, in Los Angeles, CA, US. My GF and I have a complete collection of every ST episode ever filmed and all the movies too. The only thing we don't yet have are the DVDs for Enterprise.

  1. I hope to make many canonically correct entries for this wikki.
  2. Evaluate this Wiki nonsense for my own websites. ;)

Why do I do this[]

Let's face it, Europe has lousy programming and they don't even get a part of the good stuff, like the Stargate series, etc. To make matters worse, they don't do video rentals either. Not to mention that I am in Swiss Romande, the French-Speaking part of Switzerland. The French do not like SciFi much. Ergo, the only way I get to watch new material is to buy it from Amazon. I have seen all of my ST collection at least 2-3 times each. I know them. This allows me to watch them with a new slant, that of an archivist.

One thing that's real obvious; Americans watch way more TV than Europeans.

How you can Contact me[]

If you want to talk to me see my Livejournal website or send me email. Both links are listed at the top of this page, in the sidebar.
