Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Beep, Beep!
Live Fast and Prosper

This is a bot account used by Mr. Starfleet Command. Please use the bot requests page to request bot edits. If you have questions about this bot or notice it making strange edits, please contact its operator.

Task log[]

This bot uses regular expressions to search Memory Alpha and identify portions of text that need to be altered. For the purpose of reviewing and rerunning previous bot runs, I keep a record of some of the more complex or useful RegExp snippets. I have moved some RegExp that can be executed without much supervision to the bot's JSON file where it is executed in the background while making other edits.

Find Replace Status Notes
^{{[Ss]poiler (?:ABBR1|ABBR2|ETC)}}$\n Recurring See: MA:SPOILER, MA:EXAMPLE, Category:Memory Alpha pages with spoilers
(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December)(\|month}})*(\]\])* of (\[*\d\d\d\d) $1$2$3 $4 Recurring
{{[Tt]en Forward Thread Nav\|(.+)}} {{Ten Forward Thread Nav|$1|archived}} Recurring #1
{{[Tt]en Forward Thread Nav}} {{Ten Forward Thread Nav||archived}} Recurring #2
h(uman|umans|umanity)\b H$1 Recurring For use in the main namespace
\[([Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp][Ss]*)://([^\]\s]+)\] {{el|{{subst:lc:$1}}://{{subst:#replace:$2|=|{{=}}}}}} Recurring #1
\[([Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp][Ss]*)://([^\]\s]+) ([^\]\n]+)\] {{el|{{subst:lc:$1}}://{{subst:#replace:$2|=|{{=}}}}|$3}} Recurring #2
{{ *[Ee](?:l|xternal link) *\|([^\s\|{}]+=[^\s\|{}]*)(.*?) *}} {{el|{{subst:#replace:$1|=|{{=}}}}$2}} Recurring #3
{{{{=}}}} {{=}} Recurring #4
<br */> <br> Recurring
[“”] " Recurring Search titles for this so we don't break any links
[’‘] ' Recurring Search titles for this so we don't break any links

Images by individual[]

Unmarked images of Janice Rand (primary): none

Unmarked images of Janice Rand (secondary): none

Forum stuff[]

Topic Date User Index
Forum:Wanted: News updaters 29 July 2024 LauraCC 1
Forum:Longest titles 26 July 2024 Mr. Botfleet Command 2
Forum:Images added to rename/split/delete, etc templates 26 July 2024 Mr. Botfleet Command 3
Forum:Production numbers 26 July 2024 Mr. Botfleet Command 4
Forum:Other MA versions 26 July 2024 Mr. Botfleet Command 5
Forum:AI use to write articles 26 July 2024 Mr. Botfleet Command 6
Forum:February Fandom News 26 July 2024 Mr. Botfleet Command 7
Forum:Alien identification: actual or apparent? 26 July 2024 Mr. Botfleet Command 8
Forum:Proposal: MA:NFA revamp and other changes 22 July 2024 Mr. Starfleet Command 9
Forum:Locks next to links 12 July 2024 Mr. Starfleet Command 10
Forum:Page to list MA involvement in production 10 July 2024 LauraCC 11
Forum:AVIF image files 6 July 2024 Sulfur 12
Forum:"Played" or "portrayed"? 3 July 2024 LauraCC 13
Forum:City, State 27 June 2024 LauraCC 14
Forum:Migration discussion? 31 May 2024 Mr. Botfleet Command 15
Forum:Fandom news in November 27 May 2024 Mr. Botfleet Command 16
Forum:March Fandom News 27 May 2024 Mr. Botfleet Command 17
Forum:Including language dubbing performers 7 May 2024 LauraCC 18
Forum:New redirects 18 March 2024 LauraCC 19
Forum:Simplified Editor Explained 8 February 2024 Lady Lostris 20
Forum:Weird label text 10 November 2023 Renegade54 21

