Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Change is the essential process of all existence" -- Ambassador Spock

Name: Joel
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Born: 03 November 1981
Favorite Star Trek series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Character I would most like to meet: Elim Garak
Number of edits: 2,615
Webpage: My webpage
The best ship, ever!


My name is Joel, however my signature says "Willie." This is because, during my tech training, one of my fellow students said that I looked like Gene Wilder who plays Willy Wonka. It stuck. I changed the spelling of it just because. My user name is a different story. It was something that a friend of mine and I thought would be cool. It kinda stuck around.

I have been watching Star Trek for many a year. The first episode that I remember watching is TNG: "Devil's Due". It was a summer day, and all the other kids were outside playing. Not me. I was hooked. I started watching it and I didn't even sit down. That's how much I was pulled in.

I am a big fan of the Star Trek Customizable Card Game. I have a large collection of the First Edition and I have created databases for both the First and Second Edition.

I hope that my contributions to this site will help Memory Alpha in it's mission to chronicle Star Trek.

Star Trek that I own[]

See User:Mainphramephreak/Stuff


This is a list of my favories. Enjoy!

Things I have created[]

Aside from the CCG articles, here is a list of articles and whatnot that I have created or uploaded.

CCG Roster[]

See Also my CCG Roster for information on improving the CCG here at Memory Alpha.

MA 2009This user is a touch obsessed with Star Trek!
This user has been accused of being completly obsessed with Star Trek (even by his own mother!), however he has calmed down in recent years. This user also thinks primarily in an "in-universe" style when editing Memory Alpha. You have been warned!