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Memory Alpha

{{Sidebar_individual|image = |caption = Not really famous, he served as the captain of the USS Burgundy NCC-72021.

Memory Alpha: Babel
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Sylvain Taisant is born in January 24, 1995 in Dijon, France on Earth.

Born in a poor family, he studied foreign languages at the University of Burgundy in Dijon, and graduated in 2017 with an Applied Foreign Languages B.A.'s Degree equivalent.

He has one younger brother and a youngest sister.

Third World War (Fiction)[]

During the war[]

When the world war, third of its kind, occurred, Sylvain was nearly 40 years old.

While conflicts made all international governments to fall down, some parts of the world were succeeding into cryo tube prototypes development. Indeed, some were afraid to die and they were seeking for any way to protect themselves. Some were dying, some were going to shelters and some others were trying everything to escape the war through innovating methods. Companies, which access to this technology was very expensive, offered limited seats and mainly to 21st century elitist classes


As cryonics was developing, tests were made on Humans, some got injections, sometimes lethal, of a kind of amino acids molecules that allowed some terrestrial animal species to survive winter's freezing.

After conclusive tests, only one company kept a 98% surviving rate after an individual defreezing.

In order to save a maximum number of people, the company decided to generalize its offer and provided cryonics bunkers to countries. These shelters included dozens or hundreds of cryo tubes, powered by two fusion reactors. At this time, the money's value was fluctuating, sometimes it was not possible to fund any sand ounce, sometimes everything was possible.

Humanity was living its last hope. Lots of people couldn't afford the "ice sleep" and had to modestly live in makeshift buildings, others were sleeping in shelters.

Sylvain was able to access a shelter with his family but also a dozen of other people.

Discovering him[]

In 2363, Sylvain was discovered by a Starfleet archeologist team. They were very surprised to find still living Humans under their feet since all this time. Some cities were wipped off the map, it was impossible to predict any existing cryo tubes, only a few of them were discovered, mainly rich and very famous people of that time.

Unfortunately, some tubes were moved away after their sleep, others ceased functioning. Sylvain has been awakened by scientists and were able to awaken other people. Some were dying right after awakening due to heart failure, others survived. This Starfleet's discovery rose emotion for a few months after, the Federation was taking these people in charge and integrated them, on their will, into the 24th century society.

Living in 2363[]

As Sylvain was waking up, they found out that his family was not there, tubes would have certainly been moved away. He rapidly got temporary quarters to get used to this new life softly.

Strongly assisted by psychologists, he was able to learn about the society and the evolutions of the past 300 years, he understood that the mankind accessed the interstellar warp travel.

He met various medical specialists, various other species like Vulcans, the most common race on Earth after Humans. He also discovered that Earth was now a haven of peace and the central point of the United Federation of Planets. He even got frightened and he kept himself to himself during weeks to really blend in the society.

Career in Starfleet[]

Starfleet Academy[]

Passionate of astronomy and science, he discovered the existence of Starfleet Academy, the ultimate school for becoming an officer and to serve on a starship or aboard a space station. He met several specialists who helped guiding him. He then signed up for the Academy admission in 2364.

Thanks to his fast familiarization with new systems, with the advantaging History, he could rapidly take a fast advanced training, exceptionally granted to most advanced cadets.

He graduated in 2365 and became a tactical and command ensign.

USS Exeter NCC-26531[]

Freshly ensign, he had his first assignment on the USS Exeter (NCC-26531). He worked for all his fallen tasks. He would have saved the life of anengineering lieutenant, with killing 3 Letheans who ambushed to venge a suspicious past. The Federation Council thanked him, he was decorated and got promoted to the rank of lieutenant in late 2365.

USS Zhukov

USS Exeter NCC-26531

In 2366, Sylvain participated to the first contact with a new species alongside his captain. Yet, this species was actually never earned warp drive and wished meet other species. This mistake and violation of the Prime Directive seemed more than obvious, but the events changed when one Exeter's officer found out that Cardassians have already been on their planet several years earlier. Once the incident is over, Sylvain enabled his colleagues and captain to avoid Martial Court as well as his command deletion. He was also ordered to make the mission report with his captain once again. Following this case, he has been promoted to Lieutenant-Commander.

USS Saratoga NCC-31911[]

He also met Commander Benjamin Sisko when he was transferred aboard the USS Saratoga. Mainly for an officer exchange program among Starfleet starships, he was able to access many tactical controls of the ship and participate into the ship's social life.

USS Saratoga 2367 fore

USS Saratoga NCC-31911

But his life changed in 2367 when the ship fought in the Battle of Wolf-359, a great fight against a Borg Cube, commanded by Locutus of Borg who was actually an assimilated Jean-Luc Picard. There were massive losses. The Saratoga had to quickly evacuate, the ship was severely damaged and its captain died tragically. Survivors boarded escape pods and right after launching them, the ship exploded under the ultimate deadly fire from the Borg.

Reassigned on the USS Exeter[]

Following this event, Sylvain has been reassigned on the Exeter, but has been mentally transformed. He was also promoted the following year at the rank of Commander and served during awhile as the Exeter's first officer during 2 years and came back to his tactical seat for the last year.

USS Defiant and Yeager at DS9

Deep Space 9

Still affected by the sorrowful past of Wolf-359, Sylvain was looking for any other way to get away. He then met a Bajoran while the Exeter was docked to Deep Space Nine station, several months after the Bajoran Wormhole discovery. This encounter changed its mind and he sent a mail to the Federation Council, to the Federation Supreme Court as well as to the Federation President, asking for a physical change to officially become a Human-Bajoran hybrid, exclusively Bajoran-looking. After many discussions months, the application has been accepted but coming back would not be possible and asking for it was not renewable. Sylvain then became Bajoran and has been accepted by the Bajoran Provisional Government that granted him a special status.

USS Burgundy NCC-72021[]

On the 24th of January 2371, while commemorating the 400 years of his parents birth, Sylvain had to meet with the Starfleet chief of staff accompanied by the Federation President.

Indeed, a brand new ship would have been launched in following weeks after the meeting. He has been promoted to the rank of Captain for his birthday and he was asked if he could take the controls of a new scientific vessel, the Nova-class USS Heisenberg.

He accepted it and could have chosen his own crew. He has been granted for changing the name and matricle of his ship, he has chosen USS Burgundy NCC-72021, in honor of his birth region and the administrative department of the 20th century where he lived.

Memory Alpha[]

As a translator, I wish to contribute in many english and french contributions to Memory Alpha, a duty of remembrance and knowledge to massively fullfill.

My planned contributions[]

My current contributions[]

  • La Barre (adding old and recent information + real world)

My finished contributions[]


Star Trek[]

Shows sorted by preference order (canon)[]

  1. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Star Trek: Voyager (equal)
  2. Star Trek: The Next Generation
  3. Star Trek: Discovery
  4. Star Trek: Enterprise
  5. Star Trek: The Original Series
  6. Star Trek: The Animated Series

Movies sorted by preference order (canon)[]

  1. Star Trek: First Contact
  2. Star Trek: Nemesis
  3. Star Trek: Insurrection
  4. Star Trek: Generations
  5. Star Trek: The Voyage Home
  6. Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country
  7. Star Trek: The Search for Spock
  8. Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
  9. Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  10. Star Trek: The Final Frontier

Kelvin Timeline movies sorted by preference order (canon)[]

  1. Star Trek Into Darkness
  2. Star Trek (2009)
  3. Star Trek Beyond

Video games (I have)[]


  • Star Trek French Club (STFC) : Association Loi 1901, first Star Trek association in France since the disappearance of former associations. Located everywhere in Metropolitan and in French Overseas Territories, as well as in French speaking countries.
    • Currently a 2 years member
    • Member of the board of directors
    • Treasurer
    • Website administrator
    • Editor-in-chief (Star Trek and club news)
    • STFC's Instagram Community Manager and administrator in chief
  • STARFLEET International, Inc.
    • Member since January 2019
    • SCC: 79320
    • Rank: Lieutenant - LT
    • Region : 9
    • Chapter : USS Excelsior
    • Affiliation : Fleet


Interests for Star Trek[]

Star Trek is for me, without hesitation, the best science-fiction piece of work, objectively and subjectively speaking.

I've first met Star Trek when I was a child. My parents were used to watch Star Trek on TV on the Canal Jimmy TV channel (then Jimmy) while the thre TNG/DS9/VOY and ENT aired, then VOY and ENT aired on Sci Fi channel (now Syfy) in France, it is notable that broadcasting Star Trek on Sci Fi was a French exception as the Jimmy channel didn't have anymore the rights to broadcast between 2005 and 2007.


Syfy Channel logo (2002-2009)

Initially, I was really interested by Star Trek shows, I did not understand anything about science and scenarios were too complicated for a six-year-old child. The show that most affected my childhood was Deep Space Nine, because even though my parents watched it altogether, only my dad watched it. But DS9 won the whole family's heart, it was the weekly rendez-vous!

Unfortunately, as a child, and DS9/VOY airing during the week, I couldn't watch it because it was bedtime. With attentive ears, I was listening with passion, and I tried to imagine scenes through an ajar door. And with a curious urge, I swiped myself secretly behind the door that I opened to sneak out against the wall for not being noticed, and I watched Deep Space Nine, at its height during the symbolic seasons of the Dominion War.

You got it, Star Trek is a long time love story, an enormous passion.

When Star Trek were not aired on the small screen anymore, I had a loss of interest, notably during the Star Trek disappearance after the end of Enterprise and before 2009 with the Star Trek movie. This period was also my teenage years, a special period for each of us and mine included another interest for asian pop culture, mostly japanese.

But during Summer 2016, I rediscovered surprisingly the Star Trek Online game (previously seen but the charged subscription at that time made it impossible to play). This sudden interest awakened the passion that was sleeping in myself since a lot of time. Having been playing during some times, I tried to find online French fandom communities, mainly on Facebook thanks to the starting up Star Trek French Club (STFC). One thing leading to another, I became a member, but also at th same time, Netflix started to air TNG and DS9 then VOY shows and finally the whole small screen franchise (that caused me catching up sleeping hours, but also uncountable marathon nights).

Since then, Star Trek really takes a huge place in my life that, nowadays having a complete and general understanding about this universe, has an impact on my present and on my future. I apply a certain kind of philosophy of life coming from this universe. And now, on top of the STFC, I became a contributor on the French Memory Alpha first and English then.

And now, I only one thing to tell: Live Long, And Prosper!

Literary works[]

From now, I'm also realizing several writting works.

  • Star Trek: Burgundy is a Star Trek fan fiction as a show, fully written by myself, except an episode co-written with a friend crossing our both respective fan series. My goal, very ambitious one, is to bring that project to a real production and direction of the show. It's taking place straddling TNG/DS9/VOY in 2371, the USS Burgundy is a Nova class starship.
    • The picture of my character (see above) is coming from my show, the character is myself and in a Star Trek drawing version.
  • Star Trek: The Sacred Journey is a Star Trek novel based on the Bajorans during the Cardassian withdrawal of Bajoran space after the Occupation. Exceptionally, the novel will only have a Bajoran point of view rather than from Starfleet, including also a personal expansion of the Bajoran culture.
  • I'm soon planning to write a book, not about fiction, but ob the real world regarding Star Trek, mostly about the fans.

External links[]
