Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
Deze gebruiker heeft elementaire kennis van het Nederlands.
Location: Essen, Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany

Hello Archivists! I'm Florian and I came across from Wikipedia. Not new to Wikis, but new to the encyclopedic approach, I try to share my knowledge, time and inspiration with the community. Unfortunately I can't spare time continously, but I will be here time after time to browse, add, and correct.

For the mailaddress: I'm not in any way official Memory Alpha Founder or some sort of this. I just choose to have a related address so that my main-address remains spamfree. No offense!

Though english is not my native tongue, I try to give my best to be understanable. So correct my funny school english on first sight! Even on this page! If you need to talk to me, don't hesitate.

At the moment I have my hands on translating some english basic pages to german. Hopefully the German version will be as popular as the english is now.

My interessts are computers and programming them. At the moment I earn my income with developing and maintaining serverside-javaprograms. In my freetime I have my own LAMP-based website.
