Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

My name is Dill Smith. At the moment, i'm only 12 years old. I started to like Star Trek, hen I was 5, after seing Star Trek:First Contact, on BBC ONE. I then began to watch Deep Space Nine, every wednesday night, on BBC TWO, and Voyager, tuesday nights on BBC TWO. At that time I didn't have, cable or sky. My earliest memory, of watching Star Trek, was when I was 4. It was the Next geeration episode, when there on that express train. All I can really remember, is Worf, pouring, loads of Coal, into the train. Then in 2002, The next generation, was back on every tuesday, and wednesday night, on BBC TWO. I had prebiously, watched, a few episodes, as my mum used to buy me, some of the TNG, re-releases, on video. I first saw, the original series, when it was on sunday afternoons, in 2001, (or was it 2002)?. Then i saw Enterprise sundays,on T4.

My other interests, is Wrestling, Simpsons, South park, futurama, family guy, only fools and horses, my family, friends, fresh prince of bel air, Carry on's, and so on.
