Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Name: James Valis (probably not my real name...)

DOB: 1968 on Earth; time may vary with frame of reference - just became extremely depressed to discover that I'm old enough to have fathered just about every one of the current administrators - Christ, is there anybody else over 30 using this site??? This may finally qualify me for officially being a BIG TIME LOSER ;>

I'm an assistant professor of neuroscience at a major academic research institute in North America. I am also a bench scientist working on mechanisms of neural repair and neuroprotection, with a particular emphasis on protecting the brain and spinal cord from immune attack. I've secretly been a Star Trek fan my whole sentient life (I would imagine that I was not a fan prior to the age of 5 or 6, but I can't remember the years preceding full development of my myelinated cortex).

Of note: I hated Enterprise when it was on television - bailed out about mid-way through the second season (I blame Hoshi). Have since watched all of the episodes on DVD in a marathon session of video indulgence and I now love this series. I am pissed that it no longer exists and I am looking for someone to blame (other than people like me who failed to show any honor and support the show when it was on TV).

Also of note: I am in love with T'Pol. Please don't tell my wife.


I am interested in making additions to science-related topics, especially neuroscience, virology, and immunology topics.

Favorites (in process...)[]
