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Hi ! Guess what, i'm a star trek fan ! So do you ? WHAT A COINCIDENCE !

More about me: I'm a fan of star trek VOYAGER, to me the best show ever.

STAR TREK is the best science fi show, with real science fi plots each time (not in DS9, so this show is almost as bad as BSG for instance). When you have wached star trek you think every else is sheet. I mentioned i am a fan, didn't i ? And this word comes from fanatic, don't forget. Indeed, I never have found an other sce fi show with real sce fi plots. If you find one please let me know.

I believe Star trek VOYAGER is far better than the next generation or TOS, it is quicker, the caracters are much better, it is more funny, and the actors are more handsome. I like especially character centered episodes about interesting people like Seven, Tuvok, B'Elanna and of course the doctor. Last but not least, there is a real attempt so create caracters out of the sexist role they usually have. The women are brave, the men are sensitive, one future every woman would like. By contrast I think DS9 has a more traditionalist conception of women. More generally it has to be pointed out that sce fi shows have much more difficulties to figure out the future when it comes to gender relation than when they depict new technologies.

And of course guess what, I feel very close to B'Elanna. I'm a bit like her. I like also the captain, the perfect woman to me. Seven is of course a very interesting character.

But my favorite caracter in star trek voyager is the doctor, he is sooo funny. I also like Neelix and Tuvok, a funny duo indeed.

About the men in voyager: Tuvok is the cutest, he is very handsome, even today; Harry is also cute but doesn't have enough personality i think. Paris, which is also cute, have more personality but If I would have to choose a man aboard voyager I wouldn't have made the same choice than B'Elanna. I would have chosen Chikotek: he is handsome, very charming, very sensitive, and to me he is the perfect man. I always thought the captain and Chikotek would have an affair - the perfect man with the perfect woman - but it didn't occure.

Well I could spend hours talking about star trek voyager, actually very few people know this show in my homeland (I come from the same country as Picard) as it never was broadcoasted in the main channels (TNG or DS9 either), it is really a pity.

I am an atheist but let's pray together to have very soon a new star trek show as good as voyager !

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