Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Name: Andrew Lambert
Birthdate: 5-22-1983
Current Location: San Francisco, Earth,Sol System, Sector 001, Milky Way Galaxy, Reality
State of Mind: Distracted, somewhat irate
Total Money On Hand: $12.46 (US)
Neighbor is Currently: Sober
Occupation: Acting Deputy Assistant Small Cog in Big Machine, Third Level

I am 26 years old San Franciscan. I love music, especially classical and baroque, vocal and instrumental alike. I am a Trekker and enjoy arguing a mélange of minute points of "Trekdom", "Treknology", and the ongoing defining of the "Trekdom Canonical Index" which is the total of all canon information on Trek.

I maintain that the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers plus the Green/White ranger are the only true and real Power Rangers, all others may go to heck.

I believe that George Carlin (RIP) should be elected President of the United States. I think that Dave Barry would be a smash as Secretary of State.

On March 11, 2004 at 8:23 AM I performed the first of nine same-sex marriages at San Francisco City Hall as a Deputy Marriage Commissioner.

That's me in brief.

