Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

RIP James Doohan

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Enterprise-D lieutenant in skant
Name: Russell Boltz
Homepage: Unity Fleet RPG
Birthdate: 1985-05-17
Location Renton (near Seattle), Washington, USA, Sol III, Alpha Quadrant
Occupation: Call Center Grunt,
Cingular Wireless
Favorite series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Favorite movie: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Favorite Race: Bajoran
Least Favorite Race: Borg
Favorite Quote: "I'm a doctor, not a battery!" --The Doctor, USS Voyager

View my contributions here.

User:AmdrBoltz/monobook.css the same as LCARS'

Things I loose somehow...


Significant Work[]


  • IMDb links to all actors!
    • TNG Performer cat done


Admrboltz on Wikipedia AmdrBoltz on Memory Alpha Admrboltz on WikiTravel