Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Right now I'm on the bridge of the toughest, fastest, most powerful ship Starfleet ever put into service."
– William T. Riker, 2399 ("Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2")

The USS Zheng He (NCC-86505) was an Inquiry-class Federation starship operated by Starfleet in the late 24th and early 25th centuries.

Service history[]

In 2399, the Zheng He was commanded by Acting Captain William T. Riker at the head of a fleet of ships tasked to help defend Coppelius from Zhat Vash forces. (PIC: "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2")

Like many other Inquiry-class starships, the Zheng He received a substantial retrofit sometime between the Defense of Coppelius and the appearance of the anomaly in 2401.

In 2401, Starfleet Academy cadet Sstefaan Treereko was assigned to the Zheng He. The ship subsequently joined a Starfleet armada assembled to oppose the massive Singularity that emerged from a spatial anomaly. It was briefly compromised when the Borg Queen began assimilating the USS Stargazer and obtained its command codes. After an understanding was reached with the Queen, the Zheng He joined the Borg in a coordinated effort to deflect a massive energy burst from a newly forming transwarp conduit. (PIC: "The Star Gazer", "Farewell")

Frontier Day fleet formation, 4

Listed on a fleet formation display

Later that year, the Zheng He participated in Frontier Day celebrations near Sol Station. Along with the rest of the fleet, it was seized by the Borg Collective after its younger crew were assimilated by a Borg signal transmitted via Jack Crusher. (PIC: "Võx")

Command crew[]



Background information[]

Inquiry class revamp Brian Tatosky

Zheng He details

The ship was presumably named for the 15th century Ming Dynasty Chinese admiral and court eunuch Zheng He. The bridge set was a redress of the USS Discovery bridge set. [1]

For the Star Trek: Picard Official Starship Collection from Eaglemoss Collections, the USS Zheng He has been assigned the registry number NCC-86505. [2] The registry number later became official in Season 2 of Picard.

The appearance of this ship in "The Star Gazer" was confirmed by Dave Blass. [3](X)

This ship was listed, with other spacecraft, under "Assignment" on a PADD used by a Starfleet Academy officer. This PADD is seen in the The Ready Room episode "Mercy[!]".


In the Star Trek Adventures RPG Module Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook, the Zheng He was launched in 2398 under the command of Captain Susan Vickers. Early during its service, the Zheng He and her crew made first contact with three different former Romulan subject species in the Xi Hydrae sector. A year later, the ship returned to Starbase 718 with much of the crew infected with a previously unknown form of Pilian Lung Mold, leaving the Zheng He without a permanent commanding officer.

External link[]
