Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
MA PRO star
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.

The USS Protostar bridge holoprogram was a holodeck recreation of the bridge of the USS Protostar.

In 2384, Rok-Tahk created the holoprogram on one of the USS Voyager-A's holodecks because she found it easier to think on the bridge of the Protostar. Rok used this holoprogram as a base for building holo-duplicates of herself, Dal R'El, Jankom Pog, Gwyndala, Murf, and Zero. When Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway and The Doctor found them, the real crew hid amongst the bridge consoles while the duplicates met with Janeway and The Doctor. Janeway was fooled into thinking that the duplicates were the real crew and that they were simply taking a stroll down memory lane by recreating the Protostar bridge. However, confusion set in when the holo-duplicates came to believe that they were the real ones and left the holodeck to undertake their mission.

After finding a solution to the problem, the two Roks led everyone back to the Protostar bridge where they revealed their plan to overload the ship's holomatrix which reboot all of the holograms without any of their memories of the mission. The overload deactivated both the holo-duplicates and the Protostar bridge holoprogram. The holo-duplicates later rebooted on the holodeck that was used for the holoprogram, but with their personalities switched due to a glitch. (PRO: "Imposter Syndrome")
