Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The USS Intrepid (NCC-79520) was a Federation Duderstadt-class starship operated by Starfleet during the early 25th century. It was the fifth Starfleet vessel to bear the name.

Service history[]

USS Intrepid and USS Titan

The Intrepid rendezvouses with the Titan

In 2401, the Intrepid was sent to intercept the USS Titan at the edge of Federation space, following the latter's return from an unauthorized excursion to the Ryton system. It carried aboard Commander Ro Laren with orders to question Admiral Jean-Luc Picard and Captain William T. Riker regarding possible charges of treason against them, and to take Jack Crusher into custody. Meanwhile, most of the Titan's crew was transferred to the Intrepid for reassignment.

USS Intrepid, damaged

The Intrepid damaged by the explosion of the shuttle Gorkon

After verifying that Picard had not been replaced by a Changeling, Ro confided in him her fears of a widespread Changeling infiltration of Starfleet, and that she trusted none of the personnel on the Intrepid. She proceeded to return to Intrepid on her shuttle, but en route Changeling agents planted a bomb aboard before beaming away. With no other options, Ro piloted the shuttle near the Intrepid's port nacelle so that the bomb explosion would damage it as well, buying the Titan a chance to escape. The Titan warped away just as the Intrepid fired photon torpedoes at it. (PIC: "Imposters")

Excelsior targeted

Targeting the Excelsior

Days later, the Intrepid was sufficiently repaired to join in Frontier Day celebrations near Sol Station. Along with the rest of the fleet, it was seized by the Borg Collective after its younger crew were assimilated by a Borg signal transmitted via Jack Crusher. It, along with the USS Cochrane, USS Hikaru Sulu, and USS Luna were directly responsible for destroying the USS Excelsior. (PIC: "Vox")

The Intrepid's class name was provided by Dave Blass, who also stated that it was named for Dorothy Duder. [1]

The ship's registry number is likely a reference to Duder's birth date, July 9, 1952.


Embarked craft[]
