Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The USS Horatio was a 24th century Federation Ambassador-class starship operated by Starfleet. In 2364, the Horatio was under the command of Captain Walker Keel.

In that year, this ship, along with the USS Renegade and the USS Thomas Paine, secretly rendezvoused with the USS Enterprise-D at Dytallix B. On the planet's surface, the four ship captains had a covert meeting in which they discussed the possibility of an alien conspiracy within Starfleet Command.

Soon afterwards, the Horatio was destroyed with all hands in Sector 63 when the ship imploded. The destruction of the ship was recorded as a disturbance by the Enterprise-D's sensors. The Enterprise-D raced to the origin of the disturbance, and discovered the debris of the Horatio. The cause for the implosion was believed to have been due to sabotage at the hands of Horatio's first officer, whom Keel had suspected of being under the influence of a parasitic being. (TNG: "Conspiracy")

The Horatio was given the registry number NCC-10532 in an internal list of starships, dated September 26, 1990. [1] This information became the original source for the main Horatio entry found in the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 347.

This ship may have been named for one of the various ships of the British Royal Navy that bore the name HMS Horatio, or for the character in William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" (that was the namesake of one of those vessels).

Despite not physically appearing on screen as an intact starship, the Horatio marked the first canon reference to the Ambassador-class in Star Trek.


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