Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The USS Centaur (NCC-42043) was a Federation Centaur-type starship operated by Starfleet. In 2374, the Centaur was under the command of Captain Charlie Reynolds.



In 2374, the Centaur mistakenly attacked a Jem'Hadar attack ship being commanded by Captain Benjamin Sisko for a covert mission. The Centaur pursued the attack ship into Dominion territory before being chased off by three additional Jem'Hadar ships. (DS9: "A Time to Stand")

While posing as Kamar, a Cardassian "loyal" to the Founders, Elim Garak claimed to have been taken prisoner by the Centaur and held aboard one of their shuttlecraft. (DS9: "Rocks and Shoals")

The Centaur was also part of the fleet that carried out Operation Return a few weeks later. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")


USS Centaur takes damage, 2384

The Centaur takes damage in 2384

Ten years later, in 2384, the Centaur was part of a Federation fleet sent to intercept the USS Protostar. There, it was infected with the Living construct, and damaged by friendly phaser fire. (PRO: "Mindwalk", "Supernova, Part 1", "Supernova, Part 2")


Background information[]

The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 126 stated the starship was "named for the creature from Greek mythology, that had the head and torso of a man joined to the body of a horse."

USS Buckner name detail

Centaur detail

The third edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., p. 591 gave no registry number in its entry about this ship, although NCC-42043 was used in the Star Trek Fact Files, Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 3, Issue 6, p. 30, and Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 3, Issue 9, p. 36. The shooting model itself used that registry, but featured the name USS Buckner (illegible on screen.) [1](X)

Many years later, there was a side view of the Centaur in the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 127. The ship bore the registry NCC-42043.

A model of the Centaur was released as an issue of the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection.


The Centaur and its crew were featured in the Star Trek: The Dominion War novels Call to Arms and Sacrifice of Angels. The vessel was believed lost in Operation Return, as Captain Reynolds recorded a captain's log in the event the Centaur was destroyed. Reynolds survived, and retired several years later.

External link[]
