Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Tuvixed file 1

Tuvix file

Tuvixed file 2

Orchid file

Symbiogenesis was a rare reproductive process. Instead of pollination or mating, symbiogenetic organisms merged with a second species to create a hybrid. lysosomal enzymes might be an indicator of symbiogenesis.

Andorian amoebas were a known example; they merged with other single-celled organisms to form a unique third species.

Symbiogenesis did not generally occur in a species as complex as a humanoid.

By 2380, the artificial process was referred to as being "Tuvixed", after its notable 2372 occurrence on USS Voyager. (LD: "Twovix")

Artificial symbiogenesis[]

The "Tuvix" incident[]

Symbiogenesis was artificially induced on Voyager in 2372, when a transporter accident combined Lieutenant Commander Tuvok and Neelix, forming a new individual, christened "Tuvix". It was theorized that this had been made possible by the fact that during transport they would have to be broken down to microcelluar level, their DNA and proteins all in a state of molecular flux. If an enzyme causing symbiogenesis interacted with DNA while in the matter stream, their patterns might then be merged.

Neelix and Tuvok had been collecting samples of a symbiogenetic alien orchid when they were beamed up. The orchid's enzymes reacted with the separated microcellular state the crewmen were in, combining their DNA. As a result, there was only one pattern, the combined one, to rematerialize. Tuvix suffered no ill effects physically or mentally from the process.

Eventually, The Doctor found a way to separate them by using a radioisotope that would attach itself to one of the original species' DNA patterns, but not the other, allowing the transporter to separate Tuvix into individuals. This was done by Captain Kathryn Janeway, despite Tuvix's protests, and The Doctor's reluctance to perform the procedure himself. (VOY: "Tuvix")

The Cerritos incident[]

A similar incident that occurred in 2381 involved the beaming of Lieutenant Commander Andy Billups, Doctor T'Ana, and a petal from a symbiogenetic alien orchid from Voyager to the USS Cerritos. (LD: "Twovix")

"Symbiogenesis" was also the draft title for the episode "Tuvix". Some television listings still use this title.

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