Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.
Trill planetary data

Listed among active agencies, 3189

The Trill Science Ministry was an educational institute and one of the premiere institutes of science in the Federation, on par with the Vulcan Science Academy. Located on the Trill homeworld, the Ministry was a leader in the field of spatial and subspace anomalies in the 2370s, in particular the study of wormholes.

Notable scientists at the Ministry included Lenara Kahn, Hanor Pren, and Bejal Otner, all of whom visited Deep Space 9 in 2372 to conduct experiments in the creation of artificial wormholes. (DS9: "Rejoined")

The Ministry later found a way to collapse the Alpha Quadrant terminus of the Bajoran wormhole, without harming the Prophets. This attempt was sabotaged by a Changeling, posing as Julian Bashir. (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow")

Travelling to Trill in 3189, the USS Discovery's planetary catalog referenced the Trill Science Ministry among other active agencies on the planet. (DIS: "Forget Me Not")

Additional unused text prepared for Jinaal Bix's personnel file in DIS: "Jinaal" referenced his ten years in the special projects division at the Trill Science Ministry. [1]

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