Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

A tomato plant with a ripe tomato

Prisoner Burnham's fries and egg

A prisoner meal including sliced tomato

The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) was a plant native to Earth, a member of the nightshade family that was widely cultivated for food. Similar plants were also known from other planets. While tomatoes were technically classified as fruit, for culinary purposes they were considered vegetables.

Tomatoes could be processed into juice, which was very popular. Tomato juice was one of several beverages available on the drink dispensers on the Enterprise. (ENT: "Terra Prime")

In an alternate timeline of the mirror universe in 2255 created by the Guardian of Forever in 3189, Michael Burnham was provided french fries, sliced tomato and egg while in the ISS Discovery brig. (DIS: "Terra Firma, Part 2")

A holographic simulation of the Café des Artistes of 2342 had menus that listed a croissant available with cheese sauce and fresh tomatoes. (TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris")

Stewed tomatoes and dehydrated eggs were a component of a Starfleet ration pack, "ration pack 5". (VOY: "Phage")

This ration pack was described, not by name, but by its contents, in Pocket TOS: "To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh", a non-canon novel.

The acronym "BLT" stood for Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato. It was also B'Elanna Torres' nickname (as well as her initials) while she was at Starfleet Academy. (VOY: "Equinox")

William T. Riker and Deanna Troi grew tomatoes in their garden on Nepenthe. In 2399, Troi invited Soji Asha to taste one of those tomatoes, while Riker used them as toppings on a pizza. (PIC: "Nepenthe")

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